
The nurse opened the file and got her pen ready. She asked every question she needed about Anya and I provided the answers, including her address and the names of her guardians. As her family and guardian, I listed Jasamina as her older sister.

"What's the name of the patient?" The nurse asked at last.

"Anya." I answered immediately.

She wrote it down and paused, "Her full name, please."

Her full name?

"Her full name is Anya...." My lips shut instantly when I drew a blank. It actually dawned on me then that I don't know Anya's full name.

My eyes found Mark and he shrugged helplessly, the gesture showing that he's as clueless as I am.

I stared right back at the nurse who still looked at me expectantly.

"What's the full name of the patient please?" She asked as we reached the .

I was about to open my mouth again and give the nurse some other explanations when the sound of Anya's weak voice stopped me.