"No, my dear. I'm not and I'll never." She replied softly.

"I really don't like seeing mama cry." He confided to the older woman and I couldn't help smiling away while wiping my tears.

"Just like every good son. You're a good boy, little Jay. Your mama has done a really good job raising you."

"He talks a lot though...." I chirped in.

Tann's mother chuckled. "He's a bright boy."

Her eyes was taking in Jaimie so carefully, she smiled and her face lit like a Christmas tree. "Tann didn't lie. You really do remind me of Danny, may his soul rest on."

"Is he dead?" His little blue eyes widened.

Tann's mother nodded sadly. "Yes. But he's in a better place now, praying for us, protecting us and looking down on us."

Jaimie's head cocked to the side in thought and he nodded, as if that makes perfect sense to him. Then, his eyes took on a new light. "Ma'am?"

"My dear?" She ruffled his hair.