Chapter 2- MIRA


NYU. One of the most prestigious universities in the world. NYU's campus includes more than 171 buildings spread between Manhattan and Brooklyn. Most of the school's buildings in Manhattan are located across a roughly 230-acre area bounded by Hudson Street to the south, Broadway to the east, 14th Street to the north, and Sixth Avenue to the west. The core of NYU consists of buildings that surround Washington Square Park. In addition to its New York campus, NYU has 49 additional buildings overseas located throughout two 'portal' campuses and 12 Global Academic Centers.

If I talked about how amazing this university was, I would have to write more than just one book about it. Students receive scholarships every year from NYU based on their merits. Other than scholarships, getting into NYU is done through Entrance Exams and PI.

There are approximately thousands of applications I receive each year, from which some individuals do get one step closer to their dreams, and some are rejected. I have seen a lot of defeated looks on the faces of the students as they walked out of the PI room when they get rejected. I feel bad. But I had no hands in it. I am doing my job. And hunting the best talents and giving them an opportunity to grow further is our motto.

Living in New York was always my dream. Coming from a country rich in a culture like India has always made me dream more. I wanted to be a part of this vast world. I wanted to travel and explore beautiful places. New York has always been at the top of my list.

4 years ago, when I left my hometown in India, I never thought that I would actually become a part of New York. I completed my master's in psychology and moved into student counselling. In reality, I do not remember if it was to meet new people or to manipulate them in order to find out the truth about them.

As a counsellor, I usually see visionary images of students' profiles. This is so that I can help them show off their positive sides and choose the right path for their future. A little guidance on the right path can take you towards the first step of success.

I have worked with a few universities in India, but the day I received the offer letter from NYU, I couldn't control myself from crying for joy. I always told my parents as a teenager that one day I would live in the big city of New York. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with the city because it gives me chills of inspiration.

If we look beyond the busy roads, corporates and tall buildings, New York is a place that could help us to find ourselves. I have always believed that growing up needs to be allowed one to grow oneself as well. The opportunities that New York offers are more than what a person could ask for.

I love watching sunsets in New York. From my 42nd-floor apartment, the sunsets looked beautiful. I miss home sometimes too. It would be impossible for the world to match the happiness India gives out in its air.

But it didn't just work that brought me here. I was running. I ran away from the past that devastated me, and I don't think I can ever be fully healed from it.

I walked into my office on the 5th floor of the C wing and put down my handbag and coat. It was long to be summer, but just not yet. Mid-December is quite cold. For me, summer has always been more enjoyable than winter. From my window, I watched students walking across campus. It was 9:30 am, and the students started to come for were preparing for their class.

At the end of this fall, there is a student exchange program at NYU, and I was given responsibility for their support. I need to make a proper report on their current University and compare what more we could offer to them. The PI will be held by the end of next week. This means 3 days from now.


"Hello?" I asked through my telephone.

"Miss Mira, President Andrew Harold wants to see you in his office in 10 minutes," Martha said from the other end of the phone.

"Right. I will be there. Thanks for the information, Martha."

"No worries, Mira. Have a good day."

"You too"

I took a deep breath after the phone was disconnected. Andrew was a kind man and probably relied on me very much. I was the head of the counselling team. Andrew trusted me with this job and I was thankful to him for giving me this opportunity.

On my first day at the office, I was nervous and not sure if I would be able to cope with the vastness of the city and this university. But Andrew helped me a lot. He was an old-aged man with honours. His love and care for me as if I were his own daughter made me respect him tremendously. I would never be thankful enough for him, and how many times he taught me through the simple mistakes that I used to make to the woman I become today.

He was very fond of Indian culture and always wanted to visit India with me someday along with his family. I have been to his home a few times and his wife was such a darling. Jennifer had never made me feel like it was not my home. Sometimes I would visit their house for work and she didn't even let me leave without dinner.

Due to Andrew and Jennifer, I haven't missed my parents too much. They showed too much affection for me to even miss my parents often.

My mom and dad call me every day twice, to make sure I am not forgetting them. Lol, I could never, but I don't blame them since I haven't been home in 4 years.

Speaking of the devil, my mom gave me a video call just as I was running my reports.

"Hey, mom... I am at the office"- I said while still working on my laptop.

"I know... I just called you before I go to sleep"

"Did you have dinner?"

"Yes, I have." She replied. I could guess the hint of sadness in her voice.

"How is dad doing now? Has his blood pressure returned to normal? Please visit the doctor when you feel it is urgent, don't just wait for me to tell you"

"Well... Only if you came to visit us, then you could have been the one who took us to the doctor"

"Ma... You know my work schedule..."

"Come on... Mira, it has been 4 years. Did you really forget about us?" I could feel tears started forming in her eyes as her voice cracked a tad at the end of her sentence. She was an emotional person. I guess her love towards her family made her so.

I know I am a terrible daughter who didn't visit her own parents in years, but it was a lot for me too. Besides what happened years ago, I did not choose to return there. Right now, I don't have the courage to face India. Maybe someday. Someday when I will gain enough courage to face my hurdled past.

"Mom, you know that I love you and dad more than anything right? It's just that..."

"What happened years ago didn't mean you would end your relationship with us too! We want to meet our daughter too"

I was silent. I couldn't reply to anything. I didn't have anything to reply to.

"Since I am stuck with my work pressure, why don't you and dad visit me here? I would love to show you where I stay and what I do...?"

"That sounds like a reasonable excuse... But I will take that. I will talk with your brother if we can fly to New York. It's just you know your dad's condition. Doctors have restricted him from almost everything."

I smiled and so did she. I was excited to think of finally meeting them after 4 years. I have missed them too. We had a bit of talk after that as we giggled and shared some mother-daughter talk. It had been ages since we did that. Partially because of my work schedules and the different time zone we live in.

"This is office timing Mira... I suppose Mr Andrew didn't spoil you by allowing you to gossip here in the office instead of working". The voice echoed behind the door, which I hated most. I disconnected my mom's call, so she couldn't hear all this. I don't want her to make more worry about me.

Kelly. The blonde mean girl. It's obvious from her name and attire. With a mean smirk on her face, she walked into my office without my permission. She was wearing a bright red colour bird lap dress in the office, which was way too revealing for a university worker.

I didn't even remember why I hated her so much. But it was such that from the very beginning she and I didn't get along. Maybe because our attitude clashes a lot. Another thing that made me hate her the most is her showing off her father's money.

"Mind your own business... And knock before you enter my office". I spat angrily.

As she walked, she had a mean face and dropped her dirty ass on my table. I wanted to kick that ass off the campus. But sadly, I can't. Not now.

"Behave yourself, Kelly," I warned.

"Oh, dear Mira, don't just forget that I am the daughter of Nicarno Johnson Anderson, one of the board members of this university. Therefore, be careful when you speak." She replied in her mean taunting voice, hoping that she'd have my salvation just like other who thinks it's pretty important to show their loyalty to the riches.

I rolled my eyes and replied while typing on my laptop, " As if I care. I am here only because of my abilities"

"Actually, you are here only because of Andrew's charity."

I stared at her intensely as she had a cocky devil smirk on her face. I would just throw her into the hell pit if I could. That's where she belongs. She'd be a perfect candidate. I trust my counselling abilities. But I controlled my anger and gulped it down as I began to work on my laptop once again.

"If you don't have enough work, I can give something to you Kelly." I didn't glance up from my laptop as I continued to work. She was junior to me. The only reason she is working at this university is because of her father. He held his upper hand taking advantage of his position, but Andrew kept her under me. Which she hates the most.

She glared at me once more before she left my room. Before leaving he mentioned, "See you soon." I hope never, bitch. I sighed in relief that she had left. I was suffocating being around her stupid show-off Botox face.

I closed my eyes in frustration and his eyes popped into my mind. The mysterious man that had invaded my dream for a long time. I don't know him. I never met him. Nonetheless, he looked like what I expected. And maybe he is the only one who can calm me down.


Talking about my sex life, I have had a few flings and one-night stands. But no one was ever there for more than one night.

Once we get into bed, I leave before they wake up. In that way, I would not be able to know the person in real life, and he would be unable to know me. This will save the emotional touch if any. I would never take a man to my apartment. And I never go out on dates with any of my one-night stands.

Sorted. I like it clean. They will never know the real me.

Talking about the experience, I have never found the perfect man yet. Perfect for me, to have the urge to find him the next day. Some of them had good products, but the quality was bad, some had moderate quality, but with their hands.

Frustrated. I was frustrated not being treated as I was supposed to be. I needed a man just like him. The one who often comes in my dreams. I hope maybe if there is a possibility, I want only him. Even if it means for just one night. I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes hoping to find a way to calm myself.

My imagination has become wild now. Wherever I go, he comes along. I could imagine his veiny hands all around me from behind the chair. My hair fell back when he pulled down the hair tie leaving my curls free from the bondage. I know he had always liked me in my natural self. I could hear his deep breaths on my neck and ear, and I almost moaned a little. He was trying his magical touch on me. Maybe this is how he calms me down. I could feel him smirk from behind when he saw how much I was trying to control. I guess he likes to see me this vulnerable even with this little touch. His cold hands wandered through my body, making me shiver a little under my shirt and I was kind of waiting for him to cup my...

"Mira?" Finally, I heard the voice I had missed so much this morning. Nina. My best friend. My only friend to be exact. It was not that I was not outgoing, but I felt more comfortable around her. Besides, she understands me the most. She often visits my apartment and she is the only one apart from Mr Andrew to know my address.

"Good morning you beautiful". Having awoken from my broad daydream, I replied.

"Daydreaming again?"

I bit my lips as I tried to hide the frustration of the truth and the blush at the same time.

"Let's head over to Andrew's office, shall we?". I said finally while standing up from my chair. Avoiding her question, I took my reports as we proceeded toward Andrew's office.

Authors; Note: I have a dream to work with NYU someday. What is your favourite university apart from Hogwarts?