Chapter 3- Invitation


As I knocked on the door before Mr Harold's office, a calm voice replied, "Come in". Nina followed me.

I peeked through the door to see Mr Harold doing some paperwork at his table. He pulled his head up and instantly smiled, looking at me. "Mira... How have you been? Do I have to call you for work now for you to visit me and Jennifer?"

I took a seat in front of him and kept the folder on the table. The question was obvious. I almost didn't visit them for weeks because of work pressure. "I apologize, Andrew. I will visit you and Jennifer soon." I replied with a smile.

I handed him the folder he asked for and he began to look through the papers. "Well... I see that you've already done your research and work, so I don't have anything to worry about." He smiled and closed the report, keeping it on the table.

It was about the exchange students that are coming to our university. The counselling team have to take PIs with each of the 3 students before they were admitted to NYU. It was our duty to understand what their needs were and what more we could provide. Everything has been done. There have been collecting reports from their previous colleges, and the questions for the interview have also been set.

There were 3 different profiles. 1 will be studying MBA, 1 will be studying BioChem, and 1 will be studying for an MD degree. The profile I liked the most. As I read through his profile, I was amazed to see an outstanding academic record that has rarely been seen in students.

"I like to do my homework Andrew" I replied.

"Well, that is why I have always liked you." He said with a cheeky smile.

I looked at Nina who was standing just beside me and said, "Well, I wanted to ask. I would appreciate some help with this work. As I will be busy looking for other things, I think I need someone who would take the PI and segregate them accordingly" There would be no one better than Nina for this job. Plus, our bond was good. We could coordinate easily, with no problems.

"Yes, that is why I called you here today"

Asking permission from him about Nina wasn't really difficult, I thought. Just as I was about to ask him about Nina, a knock on the door distracted us.

We looked back as Andrew called out, "Come in". I frowned as soon as I saw Kelly walk in with a smirk on her face. She was the last person I wanted to see ruin my morning again. As I looked at Andrew with skepticism, I couldn't understand why she was here at this hour between our conversations.

He looked a bit frustrated and nervous at the same time as he said, "Sit down, Kelly." His eyes moved to me who was still looking at him with confusion. "Well, for this project Kelly will be your helping hand. Make sure you both get along."

Which was impossible. There is no way in hell I am working with that bratty ass. When Kelly was announced as my helping buddy, I was both confused and shocked at the same time. There is no way it could be true. He knew that I didn't like Kelly at all, then how could he?

I can feel the heat in my ears and cheeks from anger and shock. I was trying hard not to burst out like a popping ball at this time. This was too much. I could feel Kelly smirking from my side. The effect of having a rich dad. I hate her even more now. I feel bad for Nina who looked as sad as me. I wanted her to get the recognition she deserves.

I guess Andrew understands how mad I am right now. He said, "Kelly, you can go out now. Mira will guide you further."

I waited till she disappeared from behind the door.

"Why would you do that to me?" I asked. I cannot accept the fact that Andrew would do this with me.

I looked at his face and noticed a hint of guilt. " I am sorry Mira, but the board of directors decided that she needed to be in this project"

"You mean Nicarno wanted her daughter to be in this project?" I spat angrily. I knew that bastard would do anything to put his daughter somewhere where she didn't even deserve it.

He looked down and replied " I am really sorry Mira, but for you, I would want to add Nina too for this project. I know she's a hard worker and she deserves to be a part of this project. Just know that in some parts I am also bounded with work and management. I hope you understand that." He looked up at Nina, who was standing quietly. I can imagine how bad she must have felt getting knocked off my Kelly.

I didn't want to blurt out anything right now, because I knew whatever I would say would come out bad. I know Andrew didn't have much to do, other than listen to one of the board of directors. Even though he's the president, he still needs the votes from the boards for each project. He was bound by work too. This project would help us get along with other universities and gain trust and funds.

After hard work for two years, we would finally agree on a few terms with other great universities for the exchange student programs on the majority of our courses. Although it would not only secure the future of the students, it would eventually attract more investors to our university.

But I was not in the mind to understand that. As quietly as possible, I departed. But I guess he could see smoke coming out of my ears right now.

The main reason I don't want her on my team is that she is one cocky girl. It was always about her. She was never interested in any of the work assigned to her; rather, she would roam with a bossy attitude, to showcase her popularity, which I hated the most.

Having her on this project meant that only we would be working, while she would just roam around with a sassy rich girl attitude. This project means so much to me. The next promotion was dependent on this one, and I didn't want to ruin my chance.

Angry and frustrated, I stomped inside my cabin.

I was not at all ready for this. I jerked the folder down at my table when Nina walked in too. She knew I was so mad at this time.

"Calm down Mira."

"How? Do you have any idea what she would do to this project? She might ruin everything I have built so far. By coming this close, I am not ready to accept that." I replied, with all of my frustration. I didn't want to impose it on her, but unfortunately, she became the victim.

I need to control it. I closed my eyes as I put one hand on my waist and the other on the bridge of my nose. Thinking.

How can I possibly keep her away? This promotion was very much needed for my career. To be honest, I didn't want this promotion just for the money. NYU really pays me well. But I have a definite career goal out of it. This could lead me to core management. For all that I have worked hard these years.

"We can do this," she said in a calm tone. I knew she was trying to calm me down.

"Hope so".

The rest of the day remained quiet. I didn't see Kelly all day. Probably she was out somewhere bragging about being part of this project that I have really worked hard on.


The next day was a holiday. Saturdays were mostly "me time." I would spend the day taking time to treat myself. Sometimes, Nina would accompany me.

DING.................. DONG...................

The doorbell rang as I lazily pulled myself up from my comfy sofa where I was lying with my face mask on.

"Wow you look like an ogre!"- A sharp, witty voice filled my ears, which I hated most.

"What are you doing here Kelly? And how exactly did you find my address?" I asked with clear annoyance.

She shrugged her shoulders and pushed me a little to come inside; I was still standing at the door in shock.

"Hmmm... I see the company is paying you off really well... Otherwise, the 42nd floor would have been on the streets for you by now. Thanks to Mr Harold". She commented while glaring around my room.

"Okay, before I throw you out of my house, mind telling me why and how you are here?" I asked.

"Here," He headed me over a small invitation card and said, "I am throwing a party in Gold club tomorrow, please make an appearance, if you can" She totally said the last part with a cocky tone. I wanted to punch her in the face, but I just decided to control myself today.

"Why would you want to invite me?" I asked skeptically.

"Well, who wouldn't invite her manager to the success party? Of course, you have to come." She tells with a witty grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes. "Look, I-"

"Well, if you can, please dress appropriately since that's a club, not your Indian freaky rituals." So... If you can... Oh sorry, I forgot, you probably wouldn't have such dresses, as you are not that popular... Hmm... alright, you can come in any dress you want. I won't mind. After all, we are very open-minded and welcoming". She was having a sly smirk on her face.

Welcoming my ass. If I could, I would cut off her filthy tongue so that the world could get spare her venomous speeches.

Before I could reply to her, she left my apartment, leaving me hanging on with a confused look on my face.

This girl could get a punch right on her so-called pristine face from me someday.

I peeled off my face mask with anger and tossed it into the nearby bin. I don't understand how she got my address. Only a few people knew my address, but then I realized she was the daughter of Nicarno the great. He could do anything.

Despite of the fact that Kelly was younger than me in age and experience, she always intended to portray it as if she had more experience than she actually did.

I called Nina and she said she also received an invitation since she is also on the project. I highly doubt that she wants to invite us to introduce her as her colleague. There must be some catch. Normally, she is eager for attention and this party would give all that to her. Maybe all she wants to brag a lie about how hard she worked to get here.

"What do you think?"

"Well, Mira, we have to go. After all, she is the daughter of the famous Nicarno." Nina replied with a sarcastic tone.

"But..." I tried to imply some sort of excuse.

"Is there even a but, Mira?"

"Yes, there is". She trailed off over the call as she continued, "Maybe, it is a good time to bring Valeria out once again" I could feel a smirk on her face, even though I really couldn't see her.

My eyes widen hearing the name Valeria from her mouth after so long.

Valeria, the hidden part of me, was kept hidden for some reason. The darkest part of me belongs to the secret section of my life.


Valeria was someone who was the complete opposite of me. The sexy, bold, and sassy girl. The one who ruled hearts, but was never ruled by anyone. Her appearance made the men and women in the club stare at her with awe and jealousy at the same time. She would walk around with a proud smirk. She was the desire of every man. And jealousy of every woman.

The darkest secret that should never be revealed.

The dominant. The sadist.

A woman who can scream with pleasure and can make anyone scream while giving pleasure.

She was everything that I am not. At least in reality. Yet, she is a part of me that was not brought up for a long time.

My mind flashed with memories, where Valeria would walk into the club, and the men would drool over her. She would find the best man out of a hundred to dominate on. She never bows down. Men... kneel down to her. For both his and her pleasure.

"Hold on to your orgasm for me, okay?" She ordered while stroking the man's manhood with her lips. As she touched his tip, her mouth gripped the tip in a way he had never experienced before.

The man has to obey, but he was already very near. "You have to hold on to it until I hit the orgasm." She said while pulling her mouth off. "Now sit down and give me a head like a good boy, understand?" She ordered like a sly bitch. He obeyed.

She takes control. She could make a man weak for the utmost pleasure. Her mouth can do wonders. Many have witnessed it, and many have heard it. She was still a mystery. She was wild and fun.

"Valeria... this was the most amazing night I have ever spent in all of my life," A man said while looking at her naked body.

She smirks and replies "I know. I have heard that before dear"

But the more they want her to be just a one-night stand, the more she becomes that mystery that they never could solve. Nobody knew where she lives or who she was. She was just like a long passionate night that ended with pleasure.

"Can I have your number?" another man asked.

"I don't do numbers, honey. Maybe someday if you are lucky enough, we can meet again. It's just not this time". She left with that.

The rules were set. She would not see the man once she left the room. It's forbidden. She would never give access to her private life to them. She was a completely different person. Her desires and her thirst were not easy to quench. There was a dark passion and lust in her that no man could ever satisfy.

In search of the one perfect man, she would ever come across, there was still hope in her. For 'one day' the mystery man who comes to her dream often. Her perfect man. Who has the only one able to make her submit?

"Okay that was one crazy idea," I said while getting out of my thoughts.

"No, it is not. Instead, that was one perfect idea. Plus, Valeria was not out for a year. We need her back. You need her back and most importantly, Kelly needs to see her. That would be the best reply to his insult." She replied. "I can see how desperately you need to get laid. Don't think I never noticed how you crave for that dominance to take over you for pleasure. I think this is the time."

Was it worth it? Do I really need to bring her out?

Author's Note: Do you have any dream man/woman of yours? What does it look like? How do you want to describe him/her?