Chapter 13- Freaky Fun


It's been a week now since we sneaked out to meet each other. No matter how hard I try to stay away from him, it always ends otherwise. I wonder how our libido was so high that we could barely be able to keep our hands off each other.

That night was memorable of how he fucked me so hard that I couldn't walk properly till the next day. Luckily, he brought me dinner from one of my favourite diners that night since the curfew had ended. I was somewhat ashamed of how he mocked me for not having enough groceries for him to cook. I know he is a skilled chef though. With a gorgeous body. And a pretty dick too.

Although, the rest of that week passed by at work, and we tried hard not to get our hands on each other on the school premises. So, we agreed on the terms to meet at the weekends.

It was Saturday afternoon as I lay on Alex's chest listening to his calm heartbeat. Suddenly everything around started feeling so peaceful. I never knew a heartbeat could do that. Or perhaps, a person can make me feel like that. It was incredibly magical to know there was a safe place in someone's arms. But I don't want to make all this so obvious, so I tried to keep my calm.

He was everything a girl could ask for. Before he claimed me, I wanted him. No matter how much I deny the fact that he was just a nightstand, he could never be enough for me for having in just one night. I know I sound like a pervert now. I hate him for that. He made me do things; I'd never expected I'd do again. The feeling I had back then was confusing for me too. He was forbidden, but my desire for him was undeniable. No matter how hard I tried to stay away from him, everything fell apart and I found myself with him.

Are this what destiny means?

As I lay on his chest, a sheet of peace filled me and I want to drown in that so bad. I don't know what to call this feeling, but it was definitely something that I liked.

"Mira?" Alex called me while wrapping his arms around my naked body. We were currently flushed together against each other. And I was loving his touch on my skin. It was soothing and peaceful.

"What?" I asked in a low tone. No wonder we were drained by now. As soon as he came by, he wasted no time claiming my lips and body and fucking me like there was no tomorrow.

"Did I force you?" He asked, capturing all my attention. I raised my head from his chest to look at his face. I frowned when I saw there was a pang of guilt in his eyes.

I frowned as I asked, "Why would you say that?".

"Because, it was always me who ended up wanting you, and I feel like I was forcing you into this, which I don't really want to." Finally, he looked at me while tearing his gaze from the ceiling.

Lie. I wanted him first. It was me from the very beginning. The moment I laid eyes on him, I desired him. As a result of my obsession, I knew I didn't just want him just for a night, but for life... STOP! No, I can't want that. I can't want him. A lifetime is too long and promises are meant to be broken. I don't want to break his heart. Or mine. Again. I don't.

Whatever this feeling was, it was too heavy for me. But at the same time, I was so consumed by lust that I didn't want him to leave. Maybe I was confused right now, but a part of me wanted to explore it. It was new for me too.

"No, that's a lie. I want you too. And I do still now." I say honestly. I need to let my heart out.

He looked at me with his deep oceanic eloquent sedative eyes and asked "But you always run away from me"

Despite the fact that I cannot answer this question, I must. There is so much I wanna do right now. It is all confusing too. I want to have him as mine, but I want to run away from him too. I want him to taste every last bit of me, but I don't know how much is left. I want him to paint me in his colours, even though I know all I was left is grey. I was too broken for him to understand my situation. Nevertheless, at the same time, a part of me desires that he's the one to complete my puzzle self.

Crazy right?

"I have my reasons Alex" I finally pushed him to get up from his grip. There is a flash of my past hurt that forcing to come surface, but I pushed it down again saying grinning, "maybe because I enjoy you chasing me"

He stayed quiet for some time and so did I.

His deep tone, shooting into my ear, said, "I mean what I said, I want you." All of a sudden, I started feeling butterflies like a teenage girl. And what surprised me was that I wasn't drunk at this time. Goddammit, where are these butterflies coming from?

"I am hungry," I said gulping, avoiding his words. I know a minute more with him like this I'd end up being back to my broken self, which apparently, I am not ready for, yet.

He finally sighed heavily and said "yes, right. I will cook something for you. You can take shower if you want."

"No, I am good for now" I replied.

As he walked out, all I could do was stare. He is like a drug to me now. My dark twisted kind of drug. It was the sin that I wanted, and I was prepared for redemption if it was needed. Cuz' he's all that I can see right now.

Fucking hell, what have I gotten myself into? Not that I am complaining though. I mean his assets are too good to complain about.


I took a chair opposite the kitchen where I could see my favourite view. Him shirtless and cooking for me. Man, how can a person be so effortlessly attractive? My heart pumps like crazy when I see his broad shoulders showing his defined muscles every time he flexes. I love the way his gorgeous butt moves every time he moves. What a snack. I wanna grab and smack them one day. Just like how he does to mine.

Geez, I sound so horny right now. Not my fault though, who wouldn't be aroused by a man with a physique like that?

Okay fuck, get that out now, it's time for some serious questions.

He finally turned around to serve the food to the table. He placed a whole meal in front of me.

"Geez, I didn't know I had all those groceries."

"Well, thanks to you that you did, otherwise we would have been hungry for the whole day." We laughed together as he served both of us. Thank God, I made a wise choice to bring the groceries yesterday.

He served rice, curry, grilled chicken, boiled potatoes and beans with spinach soup.

"Fuck, did you just cook all of these by yourself?" I was kind of shocked right now. Even I can't cook all that so quickly. Maybe I let him do that.

My question kind of amused him as he took his seat and replied cockily, "Yeah, looks like I made them all since you can't cook"


"Hey, I can cook." I had a pregnant pause before completing "It's just I left the practice."

As he stuffed the rice into his mouth, he grinned. Despite the fact that he is right about this, I have little to say. Partially. The things that I know about cooking, but it depends on my mood. So, the mood for cooking never happens as I mostly stay busy at work. Thus, left of practice.

"So... I wanna ask... how old are you?" I asked taking a bite of the potatoes and beans. Right now, I am tasting one of the most delicious foods. Also, just so I forgot to mention that all I did, was eat like a hungry beggar.

The sex made us hungry.

"24," he said casually while chewing on his chicken.

"You are four years younger than me," I frowned looking up at him to see his reaction.

"Yeah, so what? Does this even matter? Maybe you saw just four Christmas more than me... What does it change though?"

"So, nothing but still. Shouldn't you be searching for younger girls maybe? I don't know... Like young and beautiful."

"You are young and beautiful," he said taking another bite of the chicken.

"No, I mean like younger girls from you? You know I am just getting old."

"And how does that matter? Old is gold, haven't you heard?"

Okay, that was really sweet. I felt like I had just melted right there like butter in the oven. But somehow, I controlled my blush. Wait... did he just...?

"Did you just say that I am old?" I asked squinting my eyes at him.

He gave that over-smart grin that made me want to kill him... I throw a few beans at him, but he ducks them off and laughs.

"Woah, calm down Miss. I never said you were old. I told you that you were young and beautiful. You, just said you are old."

Yeah, that's true but...

"Still, you agreed with me in the last. How can you do that?" I made a fist at him but he raised his hands up and said-

"Geez, you women are so complicated. You just said yourself old and just because for the first time I agree with what you said is now offensive, whereas you are pushing me all this time to agree with you."

Fuck, he's right again.

"Still, you can't just call me old" I pouted. It didn't make me feel good.

"That you are," he said while running away in fear. He's dead meat now.

I stood up from my chair and ran after him. And just like that, we were chasing after each other. I was running after him in an effort to get hold of him so that I might beat him to his knowledge. But he was extremely fast.

During our romp, I jumped on the couch, chairs, bed, and so much more until at last, he caught me in his arms. Both of us are panting and looking at each other but never breaking eye contact.

"I got you." He whispered with a warm smile making shivers run down my spine. My cheeks begin to blush as I smile at his words. "You are so cute," he said while pecking my nose, eyes, cheeks, eyes, forehead and lips.

"I can never get enough of you. No matter what girl comes in front of me, no one can match the beauty of Mira and the boldness of Valeria out here."

All I can feel is that somehow this house has become my home now as our giggles filled around. However, I couldn't figure out if this was because of the fun I'd been having or if it was just him.

"I need to take a shower," I said cutting off the thought.

"How about you and I take a shower together?"

" Okay," I whispered giggling back at him as he nuzzled his face in my neck.


As the cool water flows down from our bodies pressed against each other, my mind reacted to the two different feelings right now. The cold water and the heat of his body. I liked the balance. Just like the Ying-Yang of my darkest desire. The cold tiles touched my back making me shiver a little and he stood before me with one of his hands on the wall, beside my head. Partially caging me.

My eyes fell on his perfectly toned body as my hands reached up to his abs, flying through them. And I could feel the spark between us.

"Like what you see?"

My fingers feathered at his abs as I teased, "I kinda love them.".

I looked up at him and saw him closing his eyes as he felt my touch on him. I smirked, knowing he is as much affected by me as I was by him. I continued my action. Not wanting to stop for even a moment. My fingers feathered his abs towards his lower abdomen. As soon as it reached his length, I gasp, feeling his semi-erected cock. They were still sexy as before. And it definitely not helping me to not drench in my own arousal. I looked up at him before taking him in my hands. I want to watch his every action. He closed his eyes and moaned as he threw his head back in pleasure.

"You like that?" I asked while working for my hands up and down on his length.

"I do. I like every fucking thing about you." He rasps breathlessly. Veins popped out from his neck, showing how much he is controlling right now.

"Don't try to control, let it all go, Alex"

I gripped his length higher in my hands as I began to pump it a little. As I move my palm, the skin in his length moves accordingly and I can see the pink tip of his cock. Delicious. My hands paced a little faster as I heard his breath getting heavy. His hands reached up to grip the shower rim, not wanting to hurt me right now. He knows the beast he is. He stood there feeling me all over him once again.

I dropped myself to my knees while looking at his face. He bit his lower lips as he looked at me. More like begging me to take him in my mouth.

I opened my mouth wide as I sucked him in, earning a pleasurable moan from him. I ran my tongue over the tips of his length before running my lips the whole down at him, then popping it right before he could feel any further. I kept teasing him as I heard him growl a little in frustration.

"Yeah, that's what you get for teasing me kiddo," I said while popping my mouth off.

But oh boy it was too late; I had awakened the beast. He gripped my head and forced himself into my mouth. I chuckled at his frustration but gripped his length with my lips. Upon forcing his way into my mouth, he began to give me a deep throat. In and out, round and round and all I heard were his moans and shaky breaths mixed with my gags.

"Ahh... Fuck Mira... Yes, like this"

He began to thrust into my mouth holding my head tightly in his grip. There is no control over me right now; all I did was what he wanted. A sharp and pacifying thrust filled the back of my throat as I gagged at some point in time. He was too big for me.

"Get up I want you now" he ordered while taking his length off my mouth. I listened to him and stood up. But he was rough. He quickly turned me around and pushed me to the wall. My heated face touched the cold tiles and I hissed immediately. His hands reached my thighs, lifting up my right leg. He positioned himself behind me as my anticipation grew.

I couldn't get much time when he pushed himself into me swiftly. I gasped for air as I clutched the cold tiles even though I couldn't grasp them. He let me adjust to his length as he started giving me a slow thrust.

"Ahhh... Alex...."

"Ahh... Fucking hell, you are so tight, baby."

He gripped my face in his giant palms and squeezed it before pulling me towards him. His hot breaths were fanning my face as he thrust inside me. Rough and hard. No mercy. His hands glided down my breast as he cupped them and started massaging them with his prominent thrust.

Fuck, he feels so good.

He then moved down to my sex and started massaging my clit. A form of uncontrollable pleasure-filled across my body. I let him take me the way he wants. I was in oblivion as he continued to push himself inside of me with more and more pleasure every second.

"Fuck, Alex I am gonna come"

His thrust began to slow and sloppy when I realized he was coming too.

He said with a shaky breath, "Yes Mira, come for me. Come on my cock, fill it up with all your juice".

And just like that, while having the best freaky shower sex of our lives as we both came on each other finally with relief.

As he dropped my legs down, we both sighed and I turned around to face him. Due to the tight grip, my face was all red. But hell, I liked it so much. The water flows down our bodies but can't emit the heat that we were feeling right now.

He smiled while touching his forehead with mine, and I smiled back at him.

"You feel so amazing, Mira" he whispered with a grin.

"You do too" I whispered back as he kissed me softly on my lips.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Can he be any sweeter and hotter at the same time as this? Gosh, I'm in love with Alex over here. I want someone who would take care of me like this TT. Shower sex is undeniably sexy.