Chapter 18- Breaking A Rule


Finally, we settled down after Kelly left from there with her embarrassed face. Nina sat in the opposite chair facing me.

"So, who is he?" She asked all excited.

"Who's who?"

"Come on don't try to fool me, I am not Kelly. Who's the guy that you are seeing that sent you these beautiful flowers? I bet he is romantic AF. Is that why you are blushing these days?" She kept throwing questions towards me while I sat there with a confused face. I don't know when did she notice that I was blushing these days? Jeez, that is embarrassing. I hope no one else had noticed that.

I don't know how to answer her. I have never lied to her before. She's the only one who knows everything about me. She's the only family I have here. Despite my dark past, she accepted me as her sister and family. But at the same time, I cannot tell her the truth. It would be too much right now.

I was walking down the path of sin, and I couldn't ask Nina to come with me. This could be too risky. I know she will never turn against me, but I don't want to take any risk on Alex's future as well. Even though she and I do almost everything together, still this is something I want to keep to myself. I was not sure what to even call this, that I was having with Alex. So, I need time for myself until I am ready to tell her everything.

"Uhm... They are from someone I know," I tried dodging her skeptical eye.

"Yeah... That I know... but who?"


"Who? What's this mystery guy's name that has been keeping you busy and finally found to bend the titanium?"

"What do you mean Nina?" I asked glaring at the choice of words that she used on me.

"You know exactly what I mean, Mira. You have been potentially keeping all your rules like a straight scale for everyone, and suddenly someone walks in and bend all of your straight rules. I really want to know this guy... I am excited to know... Come on, being your only best friend, I have this right, right?" She asked in a demanding tone that made me nervous at one point.

I don't know for how long I can keep dodging her stares. It makes me nervous at some point.

"Um... Okay... so first of all, I just want to say that take this out of your mind, that he's someone special who broke the rules, it's nothing like that. I am just experimenting and plus, I will ask him, if he wants to reveal himself right away or not. I hope you understand that what I do is twisted. It's not normal like everyone else. I don't do those sweet boyfriend and girlfriend things. What I do, is a temporary thing and the rules, you know, I do have to get his permission too, in this."

Right now, this was the only way to stop her from taking Alex's name from my mouth. Well, this mouth has certainly taken out a lot from Alex and I am sure that me screaming his name is the most exciting thing he ever has heard, but nonetheless, I cannot take his name right now. So, I have to lie.

"Uhm... okay, I guess. Wow, you got someone from the club?" She frowned a little. But the next second her face lit up, asking "But tell me more about him. Like what is he like and what not? I would like to hear the spiced-up things." She giggled with her beautiful smile and for a minute I regret lying to her. I mean she is my best friend. She deserves to know.

But at the same time, I can't risk Alex's career. I know she won't tell a word, but better be safe than be sorry. I know how hyper she is with everything. One wrong move can bring down both of us.

"Oh, and tell me one thing, does he like to share or all protective?"

What the hell? I know for sure; Alex doesn't like sharing. He is the protective guy, whereas I have shared before. I don't mind until I am getting pleasure out of it. That reminds me, I haven't told Alex everything yet about me. I guess I am not planning to, but still for the first time, somehow, I feel bad about it.

"Oh, and tell me which club have you found him in? As far as I remember, you were at the Gold Club the day you found him, and then I guess the second time you met him... um... the day you went out after the new year. Where did you go?" She frowned. "You never told me"


I forgot, that we usually share information like this. For the safety of course. Like where I am leaving, and with whom. But I can't tell her that, on that day I didn't go to the BDSM club, nor did I find any man from there. It was Alex. The one who is running free on our campus.

Okay, breathe. Breathe. You can handle this.

"Nina, you do realize that we are in the office right now, don't you?" I asked her skeptically. I tried brushing off the fact that I was hella nervous and trying to avoid her questions right now.

She rolled her eyes and replied, "Stop avoiding it... I really wanna know all the details."

" Fine. I am not avoiding it. I am just reminding you that it is still office hours."

"I know that from now on. every weekend is going to get very busy for you, so I won't take any time out of your kinky schedule. I hope this man can alter your molten lava heart with an original one. I will be waiting for that day. But before that happens, I need to know every detail that happened till now." She giggled while adjusting herself in the chair comfortably as if I was going to tell her stories. No matter how much I try to dodge her questions, she knew I would not be able to avoid her forever.

And that panics me more.


Her phone vibrates as she quickly looks at it.

"Oh, it's David. He's here." She stood up all excited.

"Oh... someone is all excited for action now." I cocked my brows with a half-smirk.

"No... We like to take things slow... He is so perfect that I don't want to rush anything. I am glad that he chooses to stay after knowing what Kink I was into, and honestly Mira, I don't think I want to lose him over that. He may be my last of all the dates and probably the first, to put a ring on my finger someday." She squealed in joy.

Her face really looked bright and happy. For a second I envy her life. It was so perfect. But at the same time, I was happy for her too. "I thought to try things differently this time, so from now, I won't be able to go to those clubs with you anymore." She said with a pause. "Sorry I wanted to tell you early."

"That's alright... I am happy for you Nina" I gave a smile.

"Thanks, I know you'd understand. Nothing is secret between us, right?" She gave me a weird look and that honestly confused me that, if she was mocking me for not telling what was going on in my life now. I really feel bad. "Anyways, he is waiting outside, so I would be leaving now. He's just here to give me a Valentine's Day gift. I have something for him too." Joy was all over her face today and I couldn't suppress my smile looking at her cute smile.

"That's... Nice"

"It is, I know right." She gave joyful smile, again. "So did you buy anything for him?" She asked suddenly.

"For who?"

"Ugh... You are so annoying sometimes... For the guy who sent you these flowers, you should give something too right? At least he is not like other guys. He is being thoughtful and you should be a little considerate too."

Wow, she really could be mean sometime.

"Ugh... Right... I had no idea honestly". I confessed to having no idea about these Valentine's Day gift exchange rituals. I think they take it too seriously.

Nina rolled her eyes as she walked away finally meeting David. While on her way she said, "Don't forget to buy something for him too. Don't be such a harsh lady."

"Yeah, unlike you I have no ideas about gifts okay..."

Her voice could be heard faintly from the corridor, "Try something exquisite maybe." My eyes widened with the temper of her voice. I wonder how many people heard that.


The day was hectic with lots of files and project corrections. We need to send internship applications to students by the end of this winter. I need to get their resumes ready by then. It's a whole lot of work, but I gotta do it eventually.

Typing, pages, files and frustrations took up half of my day. It was nearly lunchtime when I looked at the clock and realized I was hungry too. Miss Lucy is on her way with the salad I ordered for lunch.

I heard a knock at the door, and it was probably Miss Lucy with my lunch from the canteen. Thanks to her who always delivered my food to my cabin as she knew how busy I get around this time.

"Yes, come in."

The door opened and closed in a few seconds.

"You can keep that on my table and leave. Thanks once again for bringing me these" I said without looking up and more into my computer typing the documents.

"Wow, so I just get thanks for bringing you the 101st rose for my girlfriend?"

My head snapped open at the smooth voice, which happened to be Alex's.

"Alex?" I gasped. "What are you doing here?"

As he walked toward me, he shrugged and replied, "What? Did you not get my notes? Well, I brought you the rose as I promised."

He sat on his knees while delivering the rose to me like one of those fairy tales. I have never thought I'd never cringe at this, ever. But I guess he is proving my every theory wrong these days. I could feel something invading my stomach. And it was nothing, but the flapping of the wings of thousand butterflies that I don't know when got into my stomach. Fuck. I was blushing again.

"That's for my lady. Fresh and directly from my garden."

"You have a garden?" I didn't know that.

"Well, you can say I have a nursery in my hometown. Got these babies delivered this morning, especially for you."

My eyes widened a little as I saw what he was doing. Kneeling down like the prince charming from those books and trying to sway my heart away. I checked the door, which was still slightly open, to make sure no one was around. Jesus, this kid is so reckless.

I quickly got up from my chair and closed the door. Finally sighed in relief, seeing that no one was around.

He looked at me with a confused face as I walked past him.

"You are likely to get us in trouble Mr.," I said while turning back at him. He was already standing close to me. I could almost feel his breath on my face. His lips were so close that with one wrong move, it would end up on me. I clutched my fist on the fabric of my clothes around my thigh, controlling the pool of liquid swirling down to my core.

"And you are trouble for me." He smiled while looking at my lips.

"Stop. We are on campus. Did you forget our contract?"

He knitted his brows and replied, "So giving a rose to my girlfriend on Valentine's Day has to be an offensive act? And here I thought you would like it" He mumbled at the last part. But it was enough for me to hear.

I laughed at his childish act and finally brought his face closer with my palms to kiss his luscious lips that are staying in my mind rent-free day and night.

As soon as his lips touched mine, everything else got disconnected as we both lost in each other's touch. At first, he was a little shocked but soon he responded to me with the same passion, biting and nibbling the skin. His hands were wrapped around my waist as he lifted me from the ground, swirling around, in his strong arms and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

I closed my eyes immediately feeling all of him. I felt a familiar taste in my mouth. Something that I love to taste every day. Mint and relish.

His lips hungrily kissed mine, as I gave the same fire to him. We both fought for dominance at this point in time and this time, I don't wanna lose. I never lose. I bite his lips as he gasped in my mouth and it was enough for me to enter his mouth. Our tongues collided and it was a whole other world war that was going on.

After a few minutes we pulled off due to the lack of air and we both rested our heads together, with each other's, unsteady breathing and flushed face. He was still carrying me in his arms. When I opened my eyes, he was looking at me with amusement and desire in his ocean eyes.

The desire which can burn my soul. The desire sounds so sinful, yet I want them all.

He put me down slowly as we still were lost in our own world.

"And I thought we had rules"

"We have, but since it's Valentine's Day and my boyfriend brought me such sweet flowers, I can just break one for him"

Yes, I really said that. Maybe just for once. If that makes him happy. I am happy. I pushed my all-other thoughts focusing on only Alex. I don't want to ruin a single thing here.

"Now, can you?" he asked amusedly, raising his eyebrows. I nodded and smiled. This was all new to me too. However, I was enjoying the feeling. Butterflies were my new best friend nowadays. They come very often, whenever Alex is around. Therefore, breaking a rule is not such a bad idea. I guess. He nuzzled my face in my neck while giving me a few open-mouth kisses and I giggled at his touch.

"I love the sound of your giggles." He confessed.

"I love your eyes" I confessed.

We were lost in ourselves when we heard a knock at the door. I immediately pushed him and stood there having a perfect gap between us. Miss Lucy peeked through the door while standing there with my lunch.

"Miss Mira, are you perhaps busy? I bought your lunch."

"Oh no...I... Ugh... I just need some details from the new student. Thanks for bringing me lunch. Please keep it on my table and you can leave," I replied awkwardly, trying to hide my flushed face.

"Yes sure. Have a great day"

"You too"

She left and I sighed in relief.

"That was a close call," I said sighing in relief and Alex nodded in agreement while pursing his lips together. He still had that boyish grin on his face. He handed me the rose he came here to give.

"Thanks. These are lovely."

"Where's my gift?" He asked and almost got me off-guard.

"I, um..."

"Don't tell me you didn't bring me anything?" He gasped dramatically, and I laughed at his action. He is really a kid.

"Well, I can't say I didn't, but then again, I was thinking about how well that will be in use for you?"

"What is it?" he asked amusingly. "Why do I am getting a feeling that this is referring to our holy actions later?"

I handed him a box. He took it with skeptical eyes and began to unbox it. I watched him with an amused face as I was waiting for his reaction. I really want to see what would be his reaction to seeing this gift. This was my first time giving any gift anyways.

"A Salvatore Ferragamo Necktie?" He said with a half-smirk on his face while cocking his neck. "That's expensive for a tie, isn't it?" He asked in confusion.

"I think it will look pretty on you...." I stepped a little towards him and said in a seductive whisper "or maybe on me too." I winked.

His lips twitched in amusement as his eyes showed a glimpse of desire to take me right here.

In the flame of our desire, both of us were burning, but we both had to keep control. Though I would admit it was very challenging to keep my hands off him.


His phone buzzed, cutting our attention.

"Um, I really have to leave now. My friends are looking for me. See you this weekend?"

I nodded and watched him disappear behind the doors.

I could not get the kiss off my mind that we had a few minutes ago. I think I was addicted to his lips or maybe... him? I had lunch and was back to work shortly, but my mind was preoccupied with the thought of him using the tie on us.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Alex is literally raising my expectations and standards for the guys. Okay, tell me how many of you have received Valentine's Day gifts from your significant other? I got one back in my college days. Not exactly on Valentine's Day but after a few days. He kinda surprised me with a rose bouquet.