Chapter 19- Lecture Hall


"The Great Gatsby: The Great Gatsby, the third novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was published in 1925 by Charles Scribner's Sons. Set in Jazz Age New York, the novel tells the tragic story of Jay Gatsby, a self-made millionaire, and his pursuit of Daisy Buchanan, a wealthy young woman whom he loved in his youth.

Story Plot: The moral of The Great Gatsby is that the American Dream is ultimately unattainable. Jay Gatsby had attained substantial wealth and status as a socialite; however, Gatsby's dream was to have a future with his one true love, Daisy, which remained unattended."

As a substitute, I was taking the English creative writing class in replacement of Miss Lin. Due to her sudden unprepared leave regarding some family issues, I was currently filling her in. It was last minute, so we couldn't allot any other teacher right away.

The class is full of students who are attentively listening to me right now as we are currently reading the all-time great novel The Great Gatsby.

Creative writing has always been my favourite for some reason. I can't remember whether I enjoyed the writing or if it was the inner meanings, they tried to convey in the story that really impressed me. I guess both.

I took a few classes during my stay at NYU, in the creative writing section whenever we needed to fill in for some professors who were on unnoticed leave. Hence it was not that awkward. Partially Andrew trusted me because he has seen my writings. Accidentally though. But still, other than anyone, he knew I could do this better. I am glad he thought that.

Although it was an absolute headache to teach these kids, somewhere I enjoyed this too. It is fascinating to see Kelly's face down, whenever they prefer me over here.

"So... tell me what do you understand by this novel The Great Gatsby?" I asked the students, looking up as I closed the book. But nobody made any noise.

I looked at the crowd that remained silent. Some faces looked bored, some look like they don't care, and are here just for the sake of as they had to and very few looked like they were in the class. Different faces, different intentions.

Occasionally, I wonder why they joined the class. It was either to fill in their majors with extra marks or just to take up creative writing to get their asses saved in the finals. There were not many students who actually loved it.

Many wouldn't know.

One of them raised her hands and I saw it was none other than Bellamy. The girl I encountered in my office a few days back was the one Alex teased me with and then after it led to something which brought us here now. But to be honest there was something else that caught my attention about Bellamy.

She was young and beautiful. Her brown hair suited her little face. Moreover, her academics were stellar. She was filling out her major in BioChem and, surprisingly, she took her minor in Creative Writing. I wonder what made her choose awkward subjects. In short, she is an overboard unpredictable kid, who seeks the comfort of others' attention.

"Yes, Miss Mor," I replied while allowing her to speak.

"I think this story depicts the immense love Gatsby had for Daisy. No matter what he did, he showed the best that he could for Daisy. Fitzgerald illustrates beautifully in his writings that love can motivate us to do all sorts of things for our one true love, even though the end is sorrowful. No matter how far we have to travel, we still have to."

Her answers were indeed good, but childish and basic. I was looking for something more. I wonder if Miss Lin could teach them more than what books can offer. I guess I have to find out myself.

"Well, that is what commonly people believe. I want to know how much in-depth you understand about this novel?" I asked again looking at the crowd, looking for someone else, who could really answer me. The one I want to hear.

"Do you think my answer is not valid?" She asked raising her voice a little. Her face scrunched up in anger and confusion. But her inner mask showed disappointment and anger.

The crowd gasps turning towards her. Nobody had spoken to me before like that. And that is what makes her feel superior at this time. That's what she wants. Attention. Silly girl.

"I didn't say that your answer was not valid. But it was rather basic." I replied truthfully. It was right. I have gone through the resume that she has submitted to us for the internship. Her resume was so basic that Nina was meaning to see her so that she can help Bellamy to rectify a few points and add some.

Her face scrunched a bit before she replied "And how did you know that?" She throws a question that kind of startled me. Her voice showed clear anger. Although I admit, she is a little childish, but I have never thought I could see her like this. "I am certainly one of the top students in professor Lin's class, yet you said my answer is basic?" Her answer showed a clear hint of annoyance and anger in it. "I have no idea how they thought you could teach us when you don't know the students of the class." She mocked.

Okay, keep calm, Mira. She is just a student. Keep calm.

For an instance, I really want to expel her for talking to me that way, but it would be too childish of me. But I gulped down my frustration, bringing out a professional smile.

"I am sorry if that is how you wanna see it. But I am not Miss Lin. If I am now taking your class, I will teach you in my way. I don't care if you are the topper of the class, or not, but for me your answer was shallow." I told her clearly, keeping my opinion. "If anyone would want to learn the literature, you must see ahead of just the words. There are always many theories. And you should consider something that doesn't always stick to bookish lectures."

She looked at me unbelievably with her mouth wide open. Her hand fist in anger. But I shrugged it.

"Does anyone else want to answer this question?" I asked looking at the crowd, hoping there would be someone who could give me the answer I was looking for.

There was another girl who raised her hand and I know it was Trina Morgan. Her major was Literature and creative writing. I have seen her paper a few times and I personally like her writing. Not to mention how good her resume is, I am glad to see, she knows what she is looking for. And this time I hoped I could get the answer I am looking for.

"Miss Morgan... I would like to hear your answer." I said while giving her opportunities.

She smiled and I noticed, not only she was intelligent, she was beautiful too. Her golden hair falls back with waves and a little beauty spot under her chin.

"Well, I think that Gatsby's love was futile. He genuinely loved Daisy to the utmost but still, their love was forbidden. If we look closely, when Gatsby met Daisy once again, he already knew that she was married. Even though he attempted to convince Daisy that her husband was cheating on her with some mistress, Daisy still chose to save her marriage with Nick. As Nick explains on the novel's final page, Gatsby spent years hoping for a happy future with Daisy, but this future always receded into the distance. Nick claims that Gatsby's hopes for the future were elusive because they didn't relate to the future at all. Thus, this was Gatsby's downfall"

I smiled knowing how wonderfully she had explained the novel's structure. In literature, it is difficult to understand the lining of a dark romance.

"Well said. This is what I was hoping for as an answer. Please take a seat."

While she took her seat, I noticed Bellamy's face was dejected. She didn't like being unnoticed.

"It is all about the choices in life that we make. Just like this simple answer, Unlike Miss Morgan, Miss Mor depicted the theme with utmost love for one, whereas Miss Morgan chose to depict the dark theory behind this novel."

Even though forbidden love sounds like it would be sweet, it would only lead us to places we never dreamed of. In other words, Gatsby's dream of love symbolizes the death of love itself. His love for Daisy and his affinity and admiration for her seem too idealized, and, therefore, futile, and unreal.

The theme that was set in this novel was how beautiful love can wreck us. The dark reality that we never choose to see. It is just like the poem, "The Road not Taken" by Frost depicted the choices of humans. It has always underlined with deeper meanings than we search for."

"So, you mean love is a dark theory?" Bellamy asked cutting into my lecture.

How silly can she be?

"It depends on how we choose to see it. You need to be mature enough to understand the theme of dark love."

"So, you mean I am immature in understanding literature? And all the greatest love stories that have been written to date are all dark-themed?" She challenged me with my words. She is only making me frustrated with time.

Sometimes I hate teaching. It is because of this reason. It was difficult to make people understand. And these kids are way difficult to handle.

In my view, love is always a dark theme. Weather how good it can make us fall, or wreck us.

Famous writers, such as Shakespeare and Poe, have often written about the path of love that has a dark side to it. In "Macbeth" by Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth became blindly in love with her husband, which eventually led her to commit a crime. In Romeo and Juliet, forbidden love is also evident. Had they not crossed their limits for their blind love, they would not have had to die."

Therefore, it is imperative to hold on to the limit. For us too. Alex and I. Having been set on the path of divine sin, a forbidden road, we don't know what it will lead us to. Thus, setting a limit is imperative. Therefore, held by the contract.

"You see Mis Mor, I don't expect you to understand all of this at this young age, but you should see beyond the beauty of love. Just like how the fragrant rose held the dangerous thorns in the end. Love is not always with a happy ending. It is just the feeling and memories we have with us. No matter what comes by, everything else with fade away a part from those two."

I believe I made her understand and pointed out where she needed to address the subject, but I think she took it offensively. She took her books and left the class with her freaky little attitude. I wonder what her problem is.

I sighed as I began my class again. Now without her.


I was chilling with Shawn and Mike in the cafeteria waiting for Bellamy. She's late. She is never late, but today she is. It is weird because she was very particular about punctuation. One of her traits that have pros and cons at the same time.

"Dude, do you know Alex actually got caught daydreaming about her girl in the class a few days back," Shawn tells Mike bragging all about what happened in the class three days ago when I got caught daydreaming about Mira.


"Woah... who is this freaky girl that got your attention?" Mike asked wiggling his brows.

"Dude... No one... I told you it was just random." I tried to dodge their question. "But there is one girl I would like you guys to meet from my friend's club...Bella. She's drop-dead gorgeous and sexy. If you guys want, I can show her to you this weekend."

"OOOOHHHH" They yelled, all excited. I gulped praying that Mira didn't hear all this stuff somehow.

"Who is?" A girl asks from behind and I swear I had a mini panic attack for a second thinking it would be Mira, but thankfully it was Bellamy. Jeez, I am so stupid, why would she be here? I know I expect these little things from her, but she kept refusing everything. Honestly, that sometimes hurt me, but I was the only one who agreed to her terms. So, I accept everything about her. Even her weird side.

"Uh... you... We were talking about you." Mike said while getting her a seat between us. "You are late."

Shawn and I looked at each other getting the hint that Mike liked her. He always had. We never failed to notice how he look at her. Just like how I look at Mira. Only she could see that. Maybe one day. I will be waiting gladly for that day.

"What's up, baby? Why do you look upset?" Mike asked being all clingy and cheesy towards her. At least he tried.

Shawn and I both cringed the way he was talking with her.

"It's about her. She makes me so angry."

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Mira Malhotra. I don't know what she thinks of her, but she has no right to insult me like that in front of the class."

Oh boy, what has she done now?

"What happened?" I tried to ask keeping my face straight.

"She said that I am immature and my answers to literature are basic. Does she have an idea that I was the top student in Miss Lin's class? What does she think of herself coming down to take guest lectures? She's not even a professor."

She was clearly angry.

"Okay, I think she has her reasons, maybe. I think we should try to sort things with her." I tried to convince her to calm down.

She looked at me unbelievably as she said "Are you taking on her side now, Alex?" Her face morphed into anger and frustration.

I was taken aback. Everyone stared blankly at me. Like I have just said her to walk inside Lion's den. Though, she was not less than that. Still. That was awkward. "Wh--what? Why would I take her side?" An awkward laugh left my throat. Praying and hoping I don't get caught.

Things have just started with Mira, and I want to stay. Maybe forever. Though it was a long to go, still, it is worth a try. Right? Everything is fair in love and war. And this is LOVE.

"'Cuz it looks like it" She retorted.

"No... Bell. All I am saying is that you should talk with her and clear things out so that you..."

"Never in a million years!" she said with a raised voice as she ran away.

Hell, I messed up.

She ran away while crying and honestly, I felt bad to make her cry. She was younger than us and I see her just like my sister. I want to pamper and love her just like my sister. I chased after her and luckily, I caught her in the corridor. She couldn't get far away.

"Bell? Wait up!"

She didn't hear me until I caught her by her arms. Tears smudged her face. This silly girl.

"Listen, Bellamy, I didn't mean it that way. I care for you, okay? I told you to clear things out because if you don't, it will be awkward for you when you will take help from her at the time of your internship. We all gonna be on the same campus for a year now. And the more this will get deep, the more it will affect your future." Her eyes looking at me glistered with tears. "Bell, I do care for you okay? You are my friend."

She suddenly hugged me all of a sudden while burying her face in my chest and began to snob a little. I froze at my place for a moment, not understanding what was happening. Or what should I do? This is definitely awkward but I couldn't bear to see my friend crying so I began to pat her head, trying to calm her down.

"Shhh... It's gonna be okay, Bell. I am here for you. We all are."

"I don't think so... Alex... Nobody understands me. I have a tendency to lose all the people I care about. I feel like I have committed a crime by loving them. Everyone tells me that I behave childishly but in reality, all I want is for them to stay... Loving them is not a crime, right?" She cried in my arms. I rocked her back and forth trying to calm her down.

"No Bell... it's not... Don't blame yourself for them. They are stupid to leave you." I said while caressing her hair.

"Then stay... Don't be another stupid." She said while keeping her head still on my chest.

As I realized what she was saying, I stopped on my path. But that was not possible. I can't. My heart keeps waiting for someone else. Bellamy was not her. She can never be. It was and always will be Mira.

The two of us remained in that awkward position for quite some time before suddenly my eyes were drawn to the figure standing across the corridor. Fuck it was Mira. I have no idea how long she has been standing there. Her eyes locked on me as I could feel the anger in her right now. My heart stopped when I saw her looking at me displeasingly. Fuck.

As soon as my eyes fell on her, I saw her jaws clenched together and she balled her hand into a fist. She left without saying anything. And now I am in trouble.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Happy reading. :)