Chapter 20- Recklessly Possessive


What does he think he is doing with her hugging all the way like that?

My veins were rushing and raging with anger as I returned to my cabin and turned on the air conditioner. It seems it isn't working for me today. The air in there feels hot and burns my skin.

"Aghh" I screamed taking all off my frustration on the poor cabin. Maybe I was looking like a robbed woman right now. All tensed and angry.

This is all because of him.

I huffed in anger as I tried to calm down but I couldn't. I failed to take him off my mind. What is wrong with me? But it isn't my fault. He is the one who dares to break his promises. I didn't. What the hell is he up to?

I tried to relax in my chair, closing my eyes, trying not to think about anything. Definitely not him. But I failed miserably. This asshole is still living rent-free in my head. And a part of me hates that.

Ugh, I want to kill that girl! She is the one who must've intrigued him. But that doesn't mean he is not at fault. I mean, he is the one who forced me to call him my... boyfriend. And I guess I agreed just because he wanted it. And now...

I clenched my fist and banged on the desk out of frustration. He broke a rule. No doubt in that. While we are together, he said, we cannot be intimate with anyone else. He broke that. He hugged her! That's a part of intimation.


I mean when they hug each other, they are practically all over each other and their hands and their body touching.... Shut up Mira, this is not going on the right track.

As I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear him coming inside, running. "Mi--Mira... Listen to me..."

I deadpan at him while still holding my anger. How dare he just come in front of me by breaking the contract rules? The nerve he is having...

"Miss Malhotra" I corrected him holding my pride and ego high. No man is dictating my life again. No matter how much my heart aches for him. No one.

He was still panting due to all the running I guess, but that's what you get when you get caught Mr. What did he think? He could go away with this? Behind my back?

"Mira I..." he began to explain his shit, which I was not interested in.

"Miss Malhotra," I said. "I hope you are not forgetting that we are still on campus," I replied while sitting in my chair resting my arms on the armrest, trying to look calm as possible. "I don't like people who forget their promises," I tell, almost gritting my teeth.

I saw him gulp at my action. He must. I am the she-devil, this campus knows. He must be scared of me too. He must know what he is dealing with. I tried not to stare hard at him, but I guess I can't control it today. I saw his face pale with each passing second.

"Listen to me, this was just a misunderstanding. Whatever you saw, is completely a misunderstanding I don't even..." He tried to explain himself. But I was so overwhelmed with anger that I couldn't stand him for now. I couldn't even remember what he said.

Betrayal overwhelmed me. Tears started building inside my ears and it was fucking difficult for me to hold on. I was feeling an unknown fear and hurt all over my heart. It was not normal. I never felt that way before. This all is very different.

But I have to hold onto myself. I can't let anyone see that I was hurt. It will hurt my ego.

"If you will excuse me, I have works to attend to. In the meantime, if you have questions about the course or this campus, please contact Miss Nina as I will be busy today," I said getting back to my work. Trying hard to pretend to be working. I know I was miserably failing, but I gotta fake it until I make it.

But he didn't leave.

"Actually, I had some work with you, Miss Malhotra," he said as he came inside without even my permission. I watched him from the corner of my eye, as he still had his famous smirk when he sat himself down on the opposite chair from me.

I hate it when he looks so delicious. Especially when I am trying to be mad at him. It takes every ounce of my willpower not to stare at him right now.

"I don't have much time. Please continue. We need to end this as early as possible." I replied still holding on to my attitude as I folded my hands on my chest. Although this was not only about this meeting

"So, I heard that you had a fight with Bellamy in class?" He asked with his signature smirk.

What is he trying to do now? Taking that girl's name only fuels my anger against him.

"Umm... Correction... We didn't have a fight; we had an argument on a subject. That is related to her academics. And as her carrier guidance, I told her the weak points she needs to work on. Moreover, I think she is adult enough to come and talk to me regarding this directly, whereas I don't see any point that her sending you here, on behalf of her. I don't think you are her guardian."

"Well, correction she didn't send me here. I came myself."

"So, you came to take her side now?" I snarl not believing his tone right now. Who the hell does he think he is? How dare he take her side in front of me? When he should be asking forgiveness from me, he is taking that girl's side. I don't even know what I was thinking at this point. This is too much. He is too much.

"No... I am not. I am not taking her side. In fact, I took yours. During that time, when she told me about all this, I took your side. She thought the same thing and that is why she ran off crying from there." His face softens at this point. "You see, Mira, she is my friend. That is it. I can't see hurt either you or her. I care for both of you."

He was right at this point. Maybe I have overreacted. Whatever it is, that girl seemed to drive me off the edge every time she meets with me or Alex. But my ego refused me to bow down. "I don't understand what point you want to make over here?" I asked holding my voice. I was still angry with the fact that their bodies were so close to each other.

Am I jealous? I don't know. This is just not like me. No matter what I say, I know Alex and I were just two people, tempted by each other, who could barely take their hands off each other. That is it. That has to be.

But I feel completely the opposite of that right now. I was becoming like those cringed possessive girlfriends. I don't want that. This is not me.

"Look, Mira, I really have no idea why she hugged me all of a sudden. It's just that she's, my friend and she was upset. She was suffering through a rough time. Her parents just got divorced and she's just confused. Maybe that is why she reacted that way. Come on she is just a little girl."

What do you think? Isn't it obvious that she likes you more than just a friend? How can you be so naïve? Even a blind man can see clearly that she is having a soft spot for you. And that is only because you gave her the comfort she was looking for? What do you think I am not struggling through a hard time just thinking about you here.

I am a mess. I have never been like that. And a part of me and actually shocked to see that this is all because of one girl, Bellamy. And her constant relationship with Alex.

"This is school. And I believe she is old enough to keep her personal life out of here. And as for you, I do not wish to talk about Bellamy's family affair now. If she need help all I can do is send a few contacts of Psychiatrists. They will be much more advisable for her." I said harshly. Enough for him to sigh and get up from his seat. I know this might be too much. But I am selfish. In this world, we have to be selfish in order to protect our belongings.

And I think, I just tried protecting what's mine.

He looked at me with an upset face before he walked out. He was hurt. I know what I did was brutal. But that is who I am. He needs to know that. I could see the regret he was holding for his doings. But that wasn't enough for me to forget everything. He broke my heart.

Or did he?

Why do I feel hurt to see him with anyone anyway? This was not something that we planned right? This is all frustrating for me.

I sighed throwing my head back in frustration. I couldn't understand if was I rather frustrated because of Bellamy or if I couldn't get Alex out of my head.


It was past 3 in the afternoon when I returned to work. There were a few files I needed to submit to Andrew this weekend. Nina and Kelly were also working on it. Surprisingly, she had stopped bitching since that day. I wonder what happened with her and Matt. Though I was never the gossip girl type, I was a little curious.

"Mira, you have a meeting with Mr. Han-So Il this afternoon." Nina reminded me. "I hope you are ready. He will be here any minute now."

"Ah yes. I totally forgot, get the meeting room ready, okay? Kelly, complete these files by tomorrow. First, send me the reports of the last 2 session format of our placements."

I was too busy arranging all the files, we have spent this week getting ready. This was a great opportunity for NYU. I need to make sure everything is just fine. Andrew trusted me on this.

As I was just walking by Kelly said, "Oh, remember Mira, please don't just barge in front of him for promotion, okay? He is a respected man. Also, I heard he's young and handsome. So just try to keep your hands to yourself." She rolled her eyes. "It's a shame that Andrew didn't choose me for this meeting. I could have been a suitable candidate for this. I would have got the deal for us, in just a second." She said while adjusting her fake boobs. "All you need is just some experience."

Yeah, I was going for a business meeting, not for a porn shoot.

Ugh... I was so wrong a minute ago. The Nagina is never expected to become a civilized one.

Since she was not worth my time, I decided to ignore her. I bit down my tongue, calming myself down before getting out from there. And Andrew expected that we'd get along. Never in a million years.

Mr. Han came all the way from Korea to invest in our university. He was an influential client. His merger would attract many other investors to our university. Though it isn't a need, for the betterment of our students, it is much of a necessity. It was exactly 3 pm on the clock when I was waiting outside the meeting room with Nina. I hear he was a punctual man. Soon after I saw a few guards coming over, guarding a person. I assume that is Mr. Han.

And I was right. He really was the infamous Han so Il.

A tall, fair man with the right proportional muscles was walking towards us. I could say he was extremely fit. I assume he makes it to the gym every day. The black tux couldn't really give us the out structure of his physic. But anyone can imagine. He might be almost six feet tall. Sleek black hair pairs well with the three-piece suit he wore today. In addition to looking hot, he was also very gentlemanly. Everything about him looks way too handsome right now. However, if I had to compare, Alex was much more handsome than he was. But he was not bad himself.

Jesus, focus Mira. We are here for a cause.

Everything about him speaks of power and money. I just hope that he doesn't turn out to be an asshole like others. I'd be disappointed honestly. Not every man who looks like a gentleman is a gentleman.

He stopped before me with his hand in his pocket as he took some time to look at the campus and me. I could feel Nina panicking behind me. Of course, she is. She is new to all these meetings. But I want her to grow as well. Mr. Han extended his hand to me for a shake. I smiled and responded to him professionally. I hope this all goes well.

"You must be Miss Malhotra?" he asked in his deep sensational voice. Charming voice as well.

"That is me" I replied politely with a smile, "It is nice to meet you finally, Mr. Han"

"Hi, I am Nina, one of the career counsellors. It is such an honour to meet you." She laughed nervously. Damn, she really is nervous.

Mr. Han shook her hand with a little nod.

"And I am Kelly Anderson, Daughter of Nicarno Anderson, one of the trustees of this university." She tells while gawking at this man. I just hope she doesn't do anything stupid now. "Dad had told a lot about you, and I am especially here, on his behalf so that I can take care of you," she tells while touching the line of the collar of the blazer.

"Uh... Thank you, but..." He slowly removed her hands from him. "I think I am here to hear Miss Malhotra's proposition" He stared at me for some time before he finally gave me a small smile. His stare is intimidating. "I have gone through the proposal and I really like the idea she pitched. It was not like me, that I'd fly miles for a meeting, but I guess, there's a first time for everything."

Wow, this is really huge. I could practically see Kelly's face drop when he mentioned me.

"And I was not wrong, you look more than those writings. I would definitely want to know more"

"Sorry?" I was a little confused about what he was looking for.

He chuckled lowly before saying "I mean I want to know more about this proposition."

"Ah... right" I laughed an awkward chuckle. This was indeed awkward. "It's an honour for me." I smiled professionally.

"It's a pleasure to meet a beautiful lady like you too." He took my hand and kissed the back of my palms.

Okay... that was cliché, but it was also... a little awkward.


The meeting was over really quickly as he liked our proposals and was ready to invest in our university. In reality, I found him to be a real gentleman. As we talked through the meeting, he made sure I didn't feel uncomfortable at all.

As a bonus point, I got to know he is a single father and is one of the biggest investors in Korea and Japan. He was trying to make a deal to expand his business in New York, and the first step would be with us. I am so glad that he is willing to invest in our university. This could mean we would be ahead one more step toward being the best.

I walked him out as we talked a little more about this deal before he left and when he reached his car, he turned around to say goodbye. He smiled. I couldn't get used to how these charming men are making my life harder with just their smiles now.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Mira. I will be looking forward to this contract. Hope we will do well together."

And by that, I hope he is referring to this deal.

"I will. Thank you for having faith in us."

"To be honest, it was you"

I am not sure what more to reply. So, I smiled as he climbed into his car and drove off.

Anyways I was excited to share the news with Andrew and others as I walked toward my cabin. Nina and Kelly already went off to the office already. But I need to tell Andrew myself. The corridor was empty as the students were mostly in class or in their dorms since it was afternoon.

As I walked, I was thinking about how to share the good news when suddenly someone grabbed me inside a room. The person made sure that my mouth was closed so that I could not shout. As soon as I entered the room, the person turned me around and I met with a familiar pair of oceanic eyes.

"Alex?" I gasped seeing him in front of me. Thank goodness we were in the far east corner of the storage room where nobody usually comes.

"What are you doing? What if someone sees us?"

"You know very well that nobody comes here."

He was deliberately right.

"But we just can't take risks like this, okay?" I whisper, yelling at him.

He stared at me intensely for a while, his eyes showing emotions of guilt and insecurity.

"I am sorry Mira. Trust me, I didn't even touch her. It was all her who jumped at me all the way. Trust me, we are nothing."

I sighed. I know he is true. All this time I was angry at Bellamy not him. Surprisingly I trust him, no matter what. But at that time I was completely out of my control.

"I know. It's okay... We will let this be. I am sorry too; I overreacted that time. I was overwhelmed by anger that time."

"Tell me you are not going to leave me?" His eyes begged and honestly scared for a minute. Tell me you are not going to leave me; began to ring in my head.

For some reason, my heart started beating loudly as I stared at his deep oceanic eyes. He was asking for something I maybe never be able to give him. At some point in time, I have to leave him.

But for now, I want to stay. I really do.

"I'm not," I whispered in confirmation.

His hardened face moulded into a sweet smile at me and I grinned back at him. It didn't take him long to embrace me. Fuck butterflies are back again, flapping their wings. I smiled again like an idiot as soon as his strong scent filled my nose. It felt like home.

We stayed like that for some time as he rocked me back and forth and I wrapped my hand around his torso snuggling in his chest. I like being around him. Thank God, we thought not to fight anymore. I needed him.

"Was he more handsome than me?" he asked out of the blue making me scrunch my brows in confusion.

I looked up at him and asked "Who?"

"Han So Il?

"How do you know about that?" I asked, all confused. This was supposed to be a secret meeting, how the hell a student got to know about this?

"I have my ways. Tell me was he more handsome than me?"

And that is when I understand he might be jealous. Mr. Han was indeed handsome, but I'd prefer Alex over him, for some reason. I was surprised too.

"Why are you jealous?" I asked, cocking my brows, teasing him.

He looked down at my eyes and for a second I could see the pool of emotions that I was unsure of as he then agreed, "I am. I am jealous of him. I know he is handsome and rich whereas I am nothing, yet, but I cannot share you with anyone. I am sorry." He confession. I gulped looking into his eyes. They were possessive and slowly tying me up in something that my unconscious keeps telling me, I could never go away from. This is...

"However, it is also in the contract. Unless you want to breach that..." he said with a little pout. And now he looks like a 5 year old kid asking for his favourite doll. Well, that I am.

"Uh... well didn't you breach the contract first by hugging all of her?" I asked raising my brows.

"I didn't and I would never..." He said in a deep whisper. I could feel his warmth all over my face. The proximity of us was thinner than the air almost. "Do you know why?" he asked, leaning down on my ears and sending shivers down my spine. I am still in doubt about how he does that with his voice to me.

He was looking extremely hot with those beads of sweat around his forehead, which goes unnoticed by me. I could feel his hands tighten around my waist as he pulled me a bit closer. Fuck, our lips brushed over my ears and I could feel my panty getting wet. The combined feeling of his eyes sticking to mine and his lips touching my ears, with his breaths falling on my skin made it extremely difficult for me to even breathe.

"Why?" I dare to ask wanting to know the answer. Why would I matter to him the most? Something in me tells me I need to hear that, and the other part tells me to run away. This was sweet as a sin but tempted as fuck too.

"Because you have the most beautiful eyes," he said as he kissed my eyes. "Because you are the most beautiful person in my eyes," he replied while kissing my both cheeks. "And because I got addicted to these lips"

Finally, his eyes fall on my lips as I bite my lower lips in anticipation. I want his lips on mine. As much as I know this is extremely dangerous, I still want to ride all the way. It's been days that I haven't been touched by him.

I gulped as he kept staring at my lips. His fingers brushed my lips, making me want more. Fuck, he is teasing me again while I could practically feel the pool of my arousal dripping almost through my thighs.

"Kiss me," I asked as I couldn't resist his temptation anymore. I need his lips right now.

His lips devoured mine as we kissed each other like this is the last day and we need to feel each other urgently. This world seemed empty since all I could see was only him and me. And right now, I want nothing but him. All of him.

His hands travelled all over my curves as we began to kiss each other. I held his shoulder to support myself as I was on the tip of my toe to kiss him. This is crazy as fuck.

His hands reached my breasts and he lightly squeezed them, earning a moan from me. We pulled off due to the lack of air, but his lips didn't dare to leave my skin. He kissed me down from my jaw to my neck and then to my cleavage. Nibbling and biting the skin. Torturing them with his sweet teeth and skin.

I kept moaning in a whisper. We were still on campus. I have to keep it low. Soon he pulled off and began to unbutton my shirt a little and though I was scared of this sinful act, I still couldn't leave. I wanted him. Right now.

Luckily, I was wearing a formal shirt and skirt today. He didn't have to do a lot of work. Although I don't think he'd mind. Soon the shirt ended up on the ground and his hands already unhooked my bra. I stood half-naked in front of him right now.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered as he took some time to admire my body before he took one of my breasts in his mouth and began to suck it, hard. My fingers ran through his hair, gripping them as I pulled him deeper into me. This was crazy. Crazy like us. But I want it all now.

His hand found its way down to my thighs already as he approached womanhood. He smirked looking a moment at me when he saw how wet I was. But I wasn't ashamed. I need him now. He teased me while rubbing his index finger on my clit staring directly at me. I held on to his hair closing my eyes.

Soon his finger reached my entrance, he pushed his index finger inside me and I gasp all of a sudden with the pleasure of his beautiful hands inside me.

"Ahhhh..." I couldn't control my moans anymore.

"Keep it low if you don't want them to find out, okay?" He said whispering seductively.

I closed my eyes as he began to run his fingers up and down my entrance. However, he kept sucking and nibbling the skin off my boobs. Making sure I go insane from every bit of my mind.

"Fuck..." he mutters as he pushed his fingers deep as much as he can until I could feel his knuckles hitting me from a point.

My mind tries to resist, but my desires prevail. So, I gave myself to him. The sinful act continued until I reached another best cum in my life. And all he did use was just his fingers. I wonder what that cock can do to me now.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Does anyone need to bathe in holy water? Well, I need it for sure. Also, have you ever made out inside school?