Chapter 21- Trust Me!


The days became increasingly busy after that as now we are approaching a few deadlines for the submission of winter internship bio data to the companies for the students as well as the new contract gave us a view of the vast opportunities in the market. Thanks to Mr. Han, who helped us build a few establishments with big MNCs for the students. The scope of their future is better now. Andrew was happy and so were the other board members. However, Nicarno didn't look that happy with my accomplishment. He was always been the cock blocker in my life since the day I joined here.

He'd ogle his eye while staring at me weirdly sometimes. Honestly, I do want to kill him for eying me like that.

Even though the weekdays were busy for both of us; Mine with work and him with his practicals, somehow, we always find our way to each other on the weekends. It was our time. It is truly amazing to me, that I am considering my weekend peaceful sleep with his laughter. I guess we are just two people, high on our libidos, that need to get a good fuck in order to take out the weekly frustration.

We were currently at his apartment. It's Saturday night. Meaning our movie date night. "The Notebook" was my choice as we began to watch the film. I have always loved the movie, especially with Rayan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. They are stunning, with tier looks and acting. Also, the movie is epic.

Currently, we were in our favourite position right now. As we watched the movie, he lay on his back and I lay on his chest, snuggling down his scent to calm my nerve. I love how he caresses my head in between and we kiss every time a kissing scene appears. Not to mention that sometimes we get too high on that and end up having the best sex of our lives.

Movie/sex date night.

But I love how he becomes bipolar in seconds. One moment he is sweet as sugar, and the next he becomes the devil that I scream the name of.

"Hm... I am amused to find your passion for forbidden romance. Is that why you are dating me?" he asked keeping his eye on the screen and a half smile.

"Whatever you say kiddo. And I am not dating you. It's a part-time thing... okay?" I rolled my eyes with a half-smile, matching one with his.

"Oh, there is no part-time dating thing Mira, it's either in or out. And with you, I am all in. Take whatever time you need to adjust that in your head." He tells munching the popcorn. Again, that loud. Jeez, sometimes I want to just beat his ass off for being that arrogant. But that is what happens when you know you are handsome. And he knows that. Bitch. "Also call me a kiddo or whatever, I do love this forbidden romance." He smiled kissing my forehead. And I know by that, he means us.

A small smile creeps on my lips, and once again I found myself blushing like an idiot. God, I don't know how many I have already blushed at his words. At this rate, I guess I will reach the Guinness book record.

"I can see that; I wonder how many other forbidden loves you are into already? We can't be the only one, right?" I teased. I know one thing he absolutely hates, is bringing others in between us while cuddling. And I do love to tease him by that sometime. It's fun to watch his face getting annoyed and red all of a sudden.

He gave me a 'done look' on his face and I couldn't control myself from laughing at him. He looks too cute with that little ponytail I made him this evening. I laughed giving him a little kiss, but he is still pissed off. But soon he started tickling me as once again our giggling sounds filled the room. This is favorite my part. When I tease him and he punishes me with his touching therapy. I love that. I love it all.

"So did you like the gift that I gave you on Valentine's Day?" I asked, slowly while looking at the screen.

"I did. But what got me thinking was how would it look?"

I looked up at him with a confused face and asked, "on what? Oh, I know it would look good on you, Alex. Trust me I know what looks best on a handsome man."

He chuckled. "Oh, I mean 'You'" he said with a smirk on his face.

Mmm tempting. I did know he had that tie kink, but I wasn't sure if he actually liked that or not since he used it only the first day. Maybe he was busy fucking me with twenty other positions we already had so far.

"Oh, uh... Sorry I was more thinking about how it would look on you." I spoke.

"I'd love to wear it, but only after I see it on you." He began to argue as if he was bargaining for something.

"I'd only agree to try it after seeing it on you". I teased. Well, I meant something else, and I don't know if he'd agree with that. I never saw any man agreeing to that actually. But it was something I always wanted to try out.

"You mean I have to wear a three-piece formal suit for you to agree that I can fuck you by tying you up with the same tie? Come on, I know you love it when I fuck you while tying you all up." He whispered in my ear.

"Ahhh... I do like that idea too... But I have some other ideas for you. I bet you'd look as good as in a suit there too." I grin wider looking at him, picturing things that I want to do with him, rather than seeing him in a suit. I won't lie I do like men in suits though.

He frowned and looked at me blankly. I know it is not possible for him to know. It's a BDSM thing. Not many people practice this. Men being the sub. But I want to show him what Valeria could do with that tie.

Luckily, he agreed to listen to my proposition for the time and I didn't waste a second before jumping off into the wardrobe as I took out the tie. I walked towards the bed with a sneaky smile on my face and a tie wrapped around my hand. This is gonna be fun. He laid back casually and watched me come by. He was still confused as hell. But I am all excited. It had been a long time since Valeria isn't out.

"Can you please sit up?" I asked sitting beside him.

He looked at me skeptically but sat up straight on the bed, still with a confused face though. I know he wanted to bombard me with questions. But no words can give him something that I planned so far.

"You have to trust me, okay?" I said kissing his lips. Fortunately, he kissed back.

"Trust you with what?" His eyes were looking for any hint of answers that his mind is running on.

I smiled before I took the tie and wrapped it around his wrist slowly, not breaking our eye contact. I wanted to watch his every reaction. I cannot force him if he is not comfortable. That is the first rule. We can push.

Seeing himself tied up by the tie, he got more confused. And by this time, I think I need to give him the answer he is looking for.

I completed the knot in his hand before saying it out slowly, "since we agreed on trying every position, and every limit" I looked up and confessed, "I wanna try this one with you."

His face morphed into something that I haven't seen before. I wasn't sure if I should go ahead with this or not. But if I do, I want to make sure he is comfortable. Which certainly didn't feel like it. I understand, not every man can match my desire. I guess he is not, too. But it's worth a try, right?

"I assume you are joking right now?" He asked not being 100% sure., but he made sure his voice is still calm. I wonder how a guy can be so in control when it comes to himself. I mean I know it is a big thing to ask a man, to let their guard down and submit. Especially for the people who aren't aware of BDSM culture.

I don't blame him. But he was awful calm about all this, and as awkward as this, I am getting turned on by his behaviour. I could feel the warmth pooling down to my core.

You can do this. At least try.

I smiled and kissed him once again. During the kiss, I showed all of my passion for him. I wanted to show how much he mean to me. Whether or not he agrees to do this. He still matters the most. And surprisingly, it made me happy when he finally responded with the same passion.

"All you have to do is trust me, okay? I won't hurt you, Alex. This is more to please you." I said almost whispering, lost in his ocean eyes, that are staring right at mine.

He nodded and replied, "I do trust you, Mira... it's just... I am not used to..."

"I know... I know... And it's okay. I won't push you, but if you agree to do this, I guarantee you will love this. I know it takes a lot for a man to submit before a woman, but I want to show... make you feel how good this can be. You just have to trust me on this." I looked at him, almost begging him to give me a chance.

All these weeks, he was the one who made me feel like a woman, I never thought I was. But now, I want to show him the woman, I become only with him.

I was sure, that he won't agree. Nobody has, before. But at least I tried.

"You know this line was supposed to be mine," he said after a pregnant pause, making me look at him in shock. He was willing to try?

I laughed. rolling my eyes and replied, "oh, stop being such a hypocrite."

We laughed but soon all we could see was the passion for each other in our eyes. I am glad he chose to trust me on this. Despite his words, he still looked a bit flexed with the knot in his hand. I watched him closely as I finally secured his hand to the headboard. He watched me with the same intensity in his eyes.

But I am glad, I got an opportunity to show who Valeria really is.

It's my time to smirk as I said, "you are not allowed to touch me until I say so okay?"

"Okay," he said as he watched me closely. His orbs dilated, breaths ragged, as I watch his chest going up and down heavily. This is called anticipation. The first feeling of something desirable, that we want, but can't get. That was the idea.

I didn't have to do much work on his clothes, as he was in his boxers. And damn he looked like a snack.

As soon as I finished securing him up above the bed set, my lips landed on his. I nibbled his lips with mine and I could hear his whimpers within the kiss. But he wasn't restrained, I know he would rip my clothes to fuck me hard. But today was all about him. To make him special. I bit his lips pulling it off a bit with my teeth. I could hear the low growl rumbling in his chest. But fun fact, he is all mine tonight. We pulled off after some time as our lips swelled from the kiss.

"Lay down," I ordered. He did what I asked. He tried to relax in the bed, lying down. But I could see him struggling there. All I could do is smile in pride. He is the prey tonight.

I was still sitting on his lap and as he lay down, I was still on him. I didn't move much, but only to the right spot. I could feel his semi erected cock getting harder with every passing second, but I showed no mercy, I ground him a little as he hissed at my action.

"Does this make you feel good?" I asked.

His eyes were shut closed, hands fisted the bed sheet, trying hard to calm the beast inside of him. I was happy to see the very first men, who choose to respect my desires, before him.

"Mira... Ah, fuck!" A low growl left his throat, as I grind more in his semi-erect cock.

Baby, this is only the start.

I let my hands trail down his abs smoothly, expressing how grateful I was for them. They were tempting. I licked up a few bars with my tongue and I watched him with shaky breaths. They are not only tempting but delicious too.

He groaned at the sudden release of skin contact as I stood up from him. Enough with the tease, now starts the foreplay.

"Watch me" I demanded.

As his eyes locked with mine, I put both hands on my tee across each other. I slowly pulled it up to show him my skin inch by inch. I wasn't in hurry, and he wasn't a patient man. That builds the fun.

After pulling off the tee until it was completely detached from me, I throw it off to some corner of the room. I felt the cool air touching my skin. But the heat he was radiating, was enough to make me lose my mind at this time. I rolled down my shorts too as I made him watch me stripping. Slowly and patiently.

I made sure my butt stuck out a little when I bent down low when I run down my shorts. This way, he could see the prominent amount of my ass that I was trying to show off deliberately. I know she loves them.

I saw his eyes get hardened as soon as he scanned my naked body with his eyes, which were standing before him. But he was helpless. All tied up. And that makes me feel superior. He is under my control now. I could feel his eyes passing on from every curve of my body. I was standing there wearing a two-piece bikini.

"Fuck I wanna touch you" he grumbled in a shaky hoarse voice.

My mouth curved a wicked smile before I replied, "oh, the best part is, that you can't. Not until I want you to."

His hands fisted up the bed sheet as he controlled his urges. Poor bed sheet. He is going to rip it off soon. I know that.

Oh, can you see what it's like to tease me now? I feel exactly the same each time he thought to tease me slowly. This was indeed fun.

I walked to the bed and once again I was on top of him. His eyes were prominently fixed on mine. Or I would say dangerously staring at mine. Wanting the release. I smirked knowing that there is no way he can have that until I show mercy. He is at my mercy and everything about this fact makes me wet like I am having an ocean right there.

Tonight, I am dominating.

I leaned in further showing enough of my cleavage and I saw him gulp. I leaned closer to his ears and whispered seductively, "I must say, I love seeing you like this. Vulnerable and sexy. I think we should do this more often."

His nostril flares with the heat inside of him. "This is only until I keep my promise, Kitty. I bet you don't want to be a naughty one, that would lead you to punishment."

"Oh, I think I love the punishment more. So, I do want to get all the bad I can for tonight. I hope you show no mercy." I smirked. I was confident in my skills.

But right now. in his ocean eyes, I could see that the storm might rage at any moment. But I was wondering about his patience at the same time. He was young and inexperienced, but I am still shocked to see the patience he had in him. It was as tempting as him fucking me to oblivion.

I have never seen someone with this amount of patience, even with the experienced dominant male. They were hungry and rough. While the subs were muse and soft. But he... is a mixture of something extremely dangerous, that could make any woman fall at their feet. Honestly, tonight, I did too.

It is quite an obnoxious environment for him to get all tied up like this with those hungry eyes, looking at something he desires the most, but couldn't reach as he decides to give himself a chance of slow pleasure night. I have not seen many men accept the submissive, but I must say he is different. Maybe that is the reason he made me feel the way he is making me feel right now.

"Now, I think I can do everything I want with you."

His jaw flexed for some time but soon it was replaced by a smirk as he stated, "Just until I get off, doll"

"Until then I have you all mine" I replied, looking straight in his eyes. I could practically see his struggles to not tear up the tie and fuck me the way he likes. He kept his word like a gentleman. He will let me finish first before he brings out his beast.

But he said something unexpected.

"I have been all yours from the very beginning, doll. The moment your eyes met mine, you had me. Every fucking bit of me." This time he sounded genuine. Away from every lust, his voice holds a few seconds backs. They were soft as feathers, yet fired me all up. Forget butterflies, it's a fucking bird flock now. The voice that could melt my heart if I had any. But somehow it still affected the way he said it. We kept staring at each other for some time before I lost control and I landed my lips on his.

The fire we have right now could burn us both down the road, but as dark as it is, it tastes like a sweet sin. The sin I would like to commit every day, again and again.


I woke up the next morning with a groan and pain, naked beside him. Shit, I got my freaking period this morning. I didn't want to wake him up so I walked to the washroom and took a warm shower. I changed into his boxers and a tee and came back lying with him in his bed. Somehow, he had the ability to calm my nerve right away.

Every time I get my period the pain is on another level for the first few hours. As I lay there in pain, I cooed a little, scooping more towards his warmth. He was still naked and his body warmth was giving me a little ease from the pain. It is surprising for me too. Every other painful period I had, I dealt with it alone. I never thought someone just with their presence can make me feel better at this time.

I don't know when I woke him up with my muffled noises. But it was until I heard him in his morning voice. "Good morning baby"

I couldn't give a reply as I lay facing opposite sides with a pillow on my belly.

"Baby? Are you okay?" He asked, all concerned.

I looked up at him and saw his eyes looking at me with concern. Concerns made me wanna cry right now. That nobody had shown me before. He was giving me everything that I wished for but never expected. Damn hormones.

"Yeah... I am fine... Just go back to sleep. I just got my period... that's why. I am sorry... to wake you up." I apologized. I was genuinely feeling bad to wake him that early. It was still 5 in the morning. And I know how late we went to sleep last night after the hearted session. I turned towards him, snuggling down my pillow.

"Hey, hey, hey... That's fine, baby you didn't wake me up at all." He caressed my back "And you are more important than my sleep. Tell me are you having cramps?" he asked looking deeply into my eyes.

I nodded acknowledging him. It was really painful. But soon I could feel him leaning down and kissing my temple as he took the pillow from his head giving me more fluffy things to me, to make sure I was feeling better. As I turned facing again the other side, he hugged me from the back being the big spoon as always and lay beside me.

This was much more comfortable with his hands caressing my belly slowly and gently. He made sure to give me a few kisses on my ears and cheeks. Even though the pain was still there, I could feel my cheeks getting flushed with all the adores and attention.

Soon, with his slow strokes on my hair, and his intoxicating scent calm me down to get into another sleep land. The warm touch of his body made me feel oddly calm. He asked, "Is this, okay?"

I could only nod while closing my eyes. This was perfectly okay. Just what I need right now. As he caressed my belly and kissed my neck, my body relaxed with his touch and sleep took over me, taking me to dreamland or whatever.


Upon waking up again, I saw it was already 11 am. now and I was still in his bed. Shit, Period. cramp. Alex. Sleep. I looked for him but he wasn't there. His side of the bed is cold, which means he wakes up early. I was a little upset, not to find him beside me. I somehow expected he would still be there. But I guess he went to his gym or something. Not like I was expecting things from him now, but I guess the hormones made it worst today. I groaned and pulled myself up from the soft bed. I smiled looking at one thing; how he made sure I was still comfortable when he isn't there. He made all the pillows around me, making them the softest barrier around me. Sweet as always.

I was still having a few cramps but the worst was over. I am glad about that. And now I am unbearably hungry. I need food. Something sweet maybe. As I walked outside, the breakfast is already on the table. As always, he made sure to cook before he leaves.

He was a health freak. So, he made sure I don't get that outside food again. He mostly makes healthy breakfast and no doubt it was as tasty as his tender kiss. But today as I went through the breakfast, we have Oreo shakes, waffles and lots of chocolate.

I was a little shocked to see how he knew I was craving sweets.

At the same time, I was surprised with a gentle back hug and a kiss. It was Alex! He didn't leave. He was there, making me breakfast, with a bare chest.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked with a smile.

"All good as I saw the food. But how are you not at the gym today? As far as I remember, this time you mingle with those machines."

"Mingle with machines?" he laughed. "Well, I thought to take a day off as..."


"As I wanted to stay a little more with you." He completed with a smile.

"And you made these?" I asked referring to all the food he made for our breakfast today, which is also apparently to his thought are junk foods.

"Yes," He thinned his lips. "And before you say anything else, I want to say there is a first time for everything. And for you, I can eat those for one day. Although I have to work some extra time tomorrow at the gym" he mumbled the last part scratching his head.

We laughed and walked to the breakfast table. To my surprise, he didn't let me eat with my own hands today. He made me eat with his hands. And sometimes with his lips too.

"Are you feeling better now?" he asked while stuffing another chunk of pancake in my mouth.

"Yes," I said with a nod. Munching down the food in my mouth. I must say he is an all-rounder. Good food. Good looks. Good dick. Hmm an all-arounder. "What are we doing today?" I asked while sipping the Oreo shake.

"Cuddling?" He asked with a smile.

This guy can switch from being fucking hot to being utterly sweet in less than a minute.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: TT This is so romantic and sweet at the same time. Tell me how many of you guys got this sweet treatment before? Also, do you like Alex being all hot and sexy or cute and sweet? Happy reading :)