Chapter 25- Success Party


I was standing in the hall with an emerald green ball gown dress and pearl necklace. This is what Andrew gifted me for today. My hair was kept loose in curls, and I did a little makeup for today. After all, it's our success party. The media is also gonna be there to get the picture of Mr Han signing the deal with NYU.

He is the chief guest of our party and most people are coming to see him. This has to be successful.

It was still 10 minutes to 7 in the evening, but Nina and I were already present over here. Nina was wearing a maroon gown, complimenting her red hair that was falling back.

"Are you nervous?" She asked while chewing her nails in anticipation.

I smiled looking at her and replied-" Seems like you are"

"I am, Indeed. How can I be not? It is the first time when I was asked to be the host of this kind of party. It was always you. And I know how good you are managing all this. I am just..." She replied in one breath being all nervous.

I sighed as I walked toward her and kept my hand on her shoulder to calm her down as I replied-" Nina, You are gonna be just fine. Okay. Just take deep breaths. Stay calm and focused okay? Plus I am here with you. If anything happens I am here to save your ass" We both smiled at my words.

I know how nervous this could be. I still remember when I was at her place 4 years back at my first hosting party. Andrew trusted me and I didn't let him down.

I did everything to make the party successful. I am of course thankful to Jennifer who helped me a lot.

"So, how is Mr Han? You saw him right? How good-looking is he?" Nina asked being all excited.

"Uhm... He is very handsome" I said nodding my head a little and pursing my lips.

Indeed he is very handsome, but recently I couldn't find any man more attractive than Alex. He's all I could think of.

I wonder what is he doing right now. He didn't even call me. I guess he would be just busy with something else. Or perhaps he is thinking about me the same way I am thinking about him. Possibilities are vast and I think I should keep my mind open for tonight. I just cannot afford to be lost in all of him tonight. We have a party to host.


The party started and it was going smoothly till now. Everything was settled. People were enjoying themselves. The slow jazz music filled the hall and I see a few people dancing on the floor to the rhythm of the music.

No wonder Music can do wonders.

"Hi my dear how are you doing?" A female voice grabbed my attention from behind. I turned around to a familiar face. Mrs Jennifer Hamilton.

"Jennifer" I gasped in delight. "It was a delight you meet you after so many days"

"Likewise Mira" She smiled as she gave me a soft hug.

"Why have you not been in touch? I am so upset right now" She makes a pout face.

I agree, I haven't been there in a long time. Alex mostly got all of my time.

We had a word for some time as by then Andrew joined us. He praised how well I did the job of getting the deal with Mr Han. But the fact is that he always has praised me.

Suddenly within all the conversations, I heard the media go a little buzzed towards the door. And by that, I assume Mr Han is already here.

Likewise, the eyes were all set towards the door as they all waited for him to make an appearance.

The door opened revealing a dashing and handsome man who walked inside in his black suit. His jet black hair was set as usual and he look very neat. He wears the same aura of authority and power as he walked inside with his every step.

I heard some people gasp at his sight whereas some of them started to murmur something. My eyes unintentionally were fixed on him. Not that I was obsessed about him or something, rather it was about the aura that makes me look at him twice with awe.

"Oh my gosh, he is really handsome" Nina gasped from beside looking at him with her wide amused and pleased eyes.

As he walked inside everyone started to gain his attention. Andrew and Nicarno went over to meet with him with the others as we waited in our place. The media started clicking pictures of them together.

Finally, after some time he signed the contract and now he was an official partner of NYU.

They kept talking about something that we couldn't hear from this far. His face was calm and still for some reason as he stood there holding a glass of wine in one hand and another one in his pocket he looked effortlessly handsome which is unignorable. Throughout the party, everyone tried to gain his attention but to my surprise, his eyes somehow find mine. He gave me a soft smile when he recognised it was me and started walking toward me.

"Gosh, he is coming this way" Nina gasped keeping her hands on her mouth. Gosh, I just pray that she doesn't make us look like a fool now.

He stopped before me as he smiled once again and said-" We met again Miss Mira"

I nodded as I smiled backed at him.

"We did."

He forwarded his hands for a shake and I gladly gave him my hand. But to my surprise, rather than having a handshake, he kissed the back of my palm softly with a curtsy.

I could feel all the eyes were on us and I could almost hear Kelly's annoying screeching sound complaining about something to her dad maybe.

And though Mr Han was extremely handsome and polite in nature, I still felt a little uncomfortable with his touch. He was indeed heart whelming and gentlemanly in nature, but still, there is something my body didn't react to the way that it should.

"Care to join me for a dance?" he asked politely.

I could only nod at this time as I was a little stunned by his questions.

As he guided me to the dance floor his hand on my waist felt a little comfortable. It was nothing like what I felt with Alex. As his eyes met with mine, indeed they were beautiful but they were not beautiful as Alex's. When he gave me a smile before starting the dance, it was indeed not warm as Alex's.

My mind kept me reminding of him again and again. And no matter how hard I try, I was always occupied with his thought for some reason.

I was confused about what is happening to me right now.



I sat on the barstool of a club in Charlotte as I gulped down the alcohol. I let it take all over me tonight. It was too much for me to handle right now.

I was more than disturbed by what is happening in my life right now. The man I hate the most in my life is trying to get back in my life.

I remember what happened earlier and how my grandpa took his side. Maybe he might forgive her son, maybe my mom could have forgiven her husband, but I cannot forgive him.

Right now there is just one person, with whom I feel close and it was no other than Derek. He is a tall tanned handsome man. Maybe in his early forties or so. He is the helping hand of my dad and my best friend for some reason.

All these years, somehow he managed to keep in touch with that man and us. He cared for me like a father. No matter what illegal business my father does, Derek is a quiet intelligent one who keeps everything in white. The best part is that not only does he manage my father's account, but he also manages our business.

"Do you think all of this is my fault?" I asked Derek being completely drunk.

"Alex, I think you need to come home with me now. Mr Colman will not be happy to see you like this" He tried to make me understand and take me home.

"That old man does not need me anymore. He got his son back"

He sighed as he saw how extravagantly drunken I was.

"He still needs you, Alex. He still does."

I sadly chuckle when I realise Mira is no different from them. One day she might not need me anymore. And I don't know what I will be doing by then.

"Mira doesn't need me too, Derek. Just... leave me alone... everyone."

He frowned when he heard a girl's name from my mouth. I think he got all excited to know how pathetic my life could be. I don't know what even I am thinking right now. And by now, everything started spinning around me unless Derek's strong arms caught me.



The party was indeed a success. Mr Han was quite impressed with my work too, which makes Andrew and Jennifer proud of me. I met Jennifer after a long time and we had a chat about our life.

Mr Han had left a few minutes back and followed by him, the other guest left too. He invited me to come to Korea next month starting the week, to look over the project. I'd say I was pretty nervous, but it's again about my work. And I certainly cannot consider my work with anything right now.

"The party was a great success isn't it?" Nina asked with a smiling happy face.

"Indeed it is" I replied gulping down my wine.

I was really proud. The board member was really happy with my work apart from just two people. Kelly and Nicarno Anderson. The daughter-father duo hated seeing me on the top. But guess what? I dint give a fuck about that.

I was super tired after the party as I went back to my house after the party.

I kept checking my phone the whole day hoping he would text me. But he didn't. I nodded understanding his point of view and tried to calm myself down. It is just one day now, I have to spend 4 more days without him.

Yet there were so many things I wanna share him with... I want to see him. His smile, once again. I was badly missing his presence.


Hello, Lovelies.

Characters are building up and now we can see a little more of Alex's family. Many more are yet to come. Keep your eyes on the next update.

I really love K dramas and that is where Mr Han's idea popped off. Haha. Rich, handsome CEO. But I guess Alex had already caught Mira's attention before him. I feel sad for him. (I am still here for him if needed Hehe)

I really love how they started missing each other now. Such a cutie.

Keep voting and loving this book. I really need your support. See ya in the next update.