Chapter 26- The Answer


It was Monday morning once again and once again I was lost in my thoughts.

It was out of the blue when he suddenly decided to leave the town for a week. It's been three days and I can't stop thinking about him. Neither did I nor he tried connecting with each other. But still, I can feel the magnetic pull that was pulling us together. Each minute was passed by his thoughts and each hour my mind reminded me of him. Each day I started missing him more.

This was all new for me. I was unsure of what I was feeling right now. I do regret telling him the words I said that night. I was all occupied by him. My mind only reminded me how magnificently he is occupied in all of me. This was all fascinating.

I smiled like an idiot in my cabin doing nothing just chewing the end of the pencil in my mouth. It was like I was present there, but my mind was searching for him. His smooth voice, his comforting touch, his luscious lips and all of him.

I was amazed that how in just a few weeks he had become an utterly important person in my life.

Geez no. I can't just think like that.

This was all in my head. I am pretty sure we are just... something more than a Fling and less than... "Love". I am sure of it. Though I am not sure what I am thinking just now. This doesn't make any sense but I am pretty sure this could be it.

I cannot describe what we are just now. Though I can very well write a whole paragraph of an essay about how he feels to me. His touch was an ignition of my desire. The magnetic pull that never allows us to stay away, feels like a heavenly sin that we cause. Everything about him is just tempted.

And I was shocked to feel that I was wanting all of that.

"Okay, you seem like lost in love hopeless puppy, what's up with you?" Nina's voice brought me back from the semi-conscious Alex's state of my mind.

"What?" Her question caught me off guard.

"Did you guys break up or something?"

"What?" Her question quirked up my confused face.

"Then why do you look pathetic like a girl who's lost in thought of her beloved?"

I inhaled a chunk of air, being irritated by her stupid question and finally decided to reply back-" Okay I think you are watching too much of dramas. Nothing is like that. I was just simply thinking"

"Yes, that's my point. You just never simply think. Either it has to be a serious issue or something bugging you up. Cuz' other than that you don't simply sit and think miss overthinker"

"Okay fine, a part of you is right, but nothing that should concern you Nina" I tried to shrug off her doubts.

"Oh, it does, when my best friend is just thought to blow me off from her life with secrets that do concern me, especially when it's bugging her"

"Nothing is bugging me, Nina. I think your Monday morning is just spiced up a bit."

"Oh, a part of it is. Did you hear the news of the murder in town last weekend?"

Her question really got my attention now. I haven't heard the news in days now. All I was occupied with was Alex's thoughts.

"What murder?'

"What? Haven't you heard the news?"

"No... I was occupied..." I said with a little hesitation. "What is it?"

"A man was murdered in a cold blood on Friday night. His body was badly cut and tortured. His dead body was found in a club the next morning. Nobody knows who was it. The man is known to be a multi-millionaire. Cops are suspecting that might be his partners did this to acquire his business."

"Wow, that's unlikely in Manhattan. The crime rate is going up slowly. I think the last month also a suspected murder occurred with the same theme. I think the NYPD should be more attentive now. This is the third case in two months."

"I know. I think they are on it"

I nodded to Nina thinking about how we can take action to keep the campus safe. The crime rate is increasing and we must keep the university and the students safe.

"Is that another gift?" Nina asked while leaning off my desk septically looking at the box given by Alex which I carried with me everywhere now. Maybe despite his acknowledgement of taking a leave for 5 days, I expected I would see him here.

"Uhmmmm" Before I could stop her she had already taken the box and opened it. She gasped as she saw the Audemars Piguet's Haute Joaillerie Sapphire Orbe.

"Audemars Piguet's Haute Joaillerie Sapphire Orbe? Is he a billionaire?"

I don't know what to answer. I had no idea. "I... It..."

"You don't have to answer it's obvious he is. Now I am even more curious to know him."


"What? he sounds rich"

"Whatever. You already know I have nothing to awe or gawk on other's money. I have enough of my own."

"Still... Hello... he is a Billionaire... aren't you excited?"

I deadpan. "I am not. Now if you just come back to the work, we need to talk to the road of the president to do something to keep the campus safe. To what the rate seems of the crime in Manhattan, we cannot just ignore it."

We agreed as she return the gift and we walked towards Mr Hamliton's cabin.


I was tired due to all the work in the office, so I pushed back myself into the soft bed after a warm shower. My body was aching. I could use a massage or cuddle for now. I fell asleep thinking about his warm body being flushed with mine in my head.

I woke up with the light from outside and I was it was 5:30 am in the morning. Oh, what the hell I am doing so early again? Welcome being back to the abnormal sleep routine.

It was him, who made me sleep peacefully in his arms first in all these years. My mind flashed back to him once again. I could no longer stay anymore as I took my phone before dialling his number.

"Hello?" His smooth voice worked like a stress buster to my system. But he was more of a panting. What is he doing early this morning? is he with someone?... I frowned but then thought to myself no he can't... This would be breaching the contract too. But what is he doing?

"Hi" I could barely talk. I was feeling a little awkward to be sure.

"Wow, you called me? that's something new." He chuckled from the other side, panting all the way. Okay, Holly molly now I wanna know where is he and what the hell is he doing now?

"Well, you wanna know something more? I missed you. That's new for me too"

"Wow... like did I break the milestone, Mira?" He teased. I liked to be around his goofy nature once again. "I am at the gym and you really surprised me early this morning"

Okay so he is in the gym I sighed in relief.

"I... and sorry for the other day. It was stupid."

"We can let that go since, you did go all the way around breaching the contract to call me today"

I love how he lightened the mood. But that was not just it. I wanted you to tell me the answer.

"But I want to tell you something," I said slowly, not believing in my intuition.

"Are you in love with me?" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"You wish." I paused. "But... to the answer of your question of ' what we are ' is..." I gulped as I was getting all nervous. I was having my sweaty palms as I rubbed them in my clothes. I put my guts up to reply-" Before you, I think you know what lifestyle I maintained. That was who I am. But you... you caused the change in me. I don't know what we are yet, but yes, I do know that all this week, I kept thinking about you. My feelings are sincere for you Alex. It's just that I couldn't come up with a name yet. I..."

"I like you," he said suddenly cutting me off from every little thought in my head. I was speechless. I kept quiet as I fust my palms and the nails dug in my flesh causing it to sting a little.

"Alex... I..."

"I know. This is my feelings for you, Mira. I don't expect you to feel for me right away. But I do want you to give me a chance"

"I like you" Began to repeat in my head as all the other words seems faint away. What do I do? What is this feeling? Am I getting attached to him? I- I can't. But at the same time, I cannot just stay away from him.

"Mira? Mira? Are you there?" His voice cuts me off from those thoughts.

"Yeah... "

"You okay? Ate you safe?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Alright. I want to ask you something"

"Again?" I asked in a panic. His first question had made me look like a crazy woman by now, and I have no idea what his second question would do to me.

He laughed understanding my nervousness.

"Chill... I was asking you out. On a date. Like officially"

"I think we have been..."

"That doesn't count. I will be back the day after tomorrow. Let's go on a date this weekend?"

All I could do is to blush and smile like a teenage girl while biting my nails. It was the first time he asked me out. I would be lying if I say I was not excited. But a the same time I was nervous. It's all-new for me.

"Okay?" he asked once again.

"Yes," I replied with a shy grin.


One more day passed with his thoughts and loads of work.

But this morning was special. I was waiting for him. Like a teenage girl would wait for his boyfriend. I reached the office a little earlier than the other day and kept looking from the window. My eyes were searching for one specific person.

"Searching for me, doll?" Finally, his voice filled my ears and gave me relief. I immediately turned back with a smile and saw he was standing looking all dashing like the same old days. I ran toward him. He opened his arms to grab me in his strong arms and hugged me with his all might lifting me up in his arms.

"Gosh, I missed your scent," He said while sniffing in my neck.

"And I missed you," I said with a smile.

He put me down as my lips find their way to his. Heaven. It was my little heaven. All mine. And I love all of it. You know how they say make-up sex is the best sex... I think I am going to have it all now.


Ahhhhh abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz..... what the hell? he just asked her out officially. Like aweeeeeeeeeee... I am simping over this guy dude! I am so happy Mira is changing for Alex. I hope they just don't stop being goofy and cute.

They say makeup sex is the best sex.

Also yaii we reached 30.1k views!!!! thank you so much. <3

Comment down if you have been there too or not. Honestly, real-life guys would not go all the way to making it up to us so It is a waste for me... TT I am single lol.

See ya in the next update. Till then Love ya. XOXO.