Chapter Fifteen

Nichola's POV:

"Good morning, Boss! The report of what you asked us to look into is out. Here it is." Zack informed me, dropping a brown envelope on the table and settling down on the seat opposite mine.

Overall, Zack was a man that I could trust. My second in command. Very smart and one who got whatever I wanted to be done, done. Zack has been with me since even before I became the Don. Not even for once has he given me a reason to doubt his loyalty.

He was a tall and slender guy. He had long, dark hair that flowed freely over his shoulders, delicate facial features, and very fine lips. People always mistook him for a supermodel. He had a deceptive face and personality.

Beneath all that gorgeousness was a deadly assassin, a badass sniper, and the second-highest in my mafia organization. Zack was twenty-six and his interest was in men. It made working with him easier. I could bet on my life that he was focused. One of the more reasons why I couldn't trade him for anything.

"Boss, what do you want me to do with Sylvester?"

"Eliminate him," I said without remorse.

Betray me once, and you would never enjoy the privilege of life. Sylvester did not only betray me, he stole from me and double-crossed me.

The only people who got the affectionate part of me were my parents, and no one else. My father appreciated me so much because I made the family proud. I made sure to maintain the integrity of Robert's family. My mother didn't give a fuck about what we were up to.

All she knew was for her child and husband to be available for her. The way she was in love with my dad, warmed my heart, despite knowing about his past. My dad met mum when they were just young and free. On one occasion, my mum snuck out of the house, being a rebellious child, she got into trouble with a gang that wanted to take advantage of her.

Not knowing who my father was, the gang tried to fight him, but, in one swift moment, my father with his hidden security dealt mercilessly with the gang. Indebted to my father, my mum became inseparable from him. One thing led to the other, they got married, had me, and have been lovebirds since then.

If the story of my parents could be mine, maybe that would have helped put their minds at ease. I wasn't interested in women. I always saw them as less and a toy thing. You could blame the mafia princess who broke my heart years back. From that rejection, my hatred for women and innocent people pulled up.

You know that they are only pretending to be innocent. At the end of the whole day, they are wolves in sheep's clothing.

I took the folder and began reading through it. My company had scouted and found a remote area that will be good for business. The idea was to buy the entire place and build a park, shopping mall, and laundry house, something that would take the eyes of authorities from my main business.

While those legal businesses are running, I would create a unit for selling arms and training my soldiers there. Maybe I would also include a unit for building a standard hospital with doctors where my injured men could get ample treatment.

"There is a lot of low-class living in the area. Let us move them to our relief apartment," he suggested.

"I don't run a charity organization," I snapped. "If I buy that property, it is every man to himself. I don't give a shit if they have to move to the moon. All I want is for my space to be empty so that construction will start. Fail to do so, I tear your house down with you in it." I said through gritted teeth, my focus still on the pages I was reading. "There might be exceptions," I said, rethinking my earlier decision. "Unless they have ass-worthy stuff that I need, let us say, manpower or another relevant contribution, then maybe, I will consider such people. Providing them with accommodation while they work for me. But if that is not the case, they can kiss my ass. I don't care."

"Yes, boss."

I kept scanning through the details of everyone who lived in the slum. A necessary protocol that I always follow in case I needed to single-handedly pinpoint a potential threat. It was easier to deal with such at this initial stage than when it ate deep.

I had to make sure that we wouldn't stumble into any problems during the construction and after the construction. Nobody will bring the attention of the media or police. Those two were the last set of people that we needed to be involved in that matter.

As if I have been touched by poison and could no longer breathe, I froze in place when my eyes landed on the blonde's picture. Taking out her file, I closed the rest of the folders. "Deal with the remaining," I ordered Zack, tossing it in front of him.

Carefully, I began studying her details. Talia Jacobs. Seventeen to turn eighteenth. Finishing college in less than a week. The only relative she had, was her grandmother. Nothing else.

Hmm, no one would even look for her if I decided to terminate her. That fact should be a nightmare to her, making her reconsider whenever she wants to cross people's paths. Yet, she was just a foolish girl who doesn't know any better. What was I going to do with her? Sale her to one of my allies? Turn her into a maid who would work overtime? Or, …ideas upon ideas flooded my head, but I didn't like any of them.

Suddenly, it came. The most brilliant idea that even made me giggle within. Buy her.

"Zack, I want you to buy this one." I showed him Talia's picture.

"Uhmm, boss, that would be a challenge. We need to be careful at a time like this. If words get out on the street that-"

"That one common, insignificant, slut is missing, what would happen?" I finished for him.

"Nothing, boss," he mumbled.

"Good. Nothing. Let us keep it at nothing," I growled.