Chapter Sixteen

Nicholas's POV:

I knew very well that Zack was just coming up with all the talks because he has never been one to support human trafficking.

Even though he had done some terrible thing, I would still testify that his heart was pure. He never hunts unless he was being hunted. 'Kill those that step on your foot,' was his motto.

Zack has never gone against anyone who didn't deserve it. It was so annoying of him to think that I was going against Talia without her deserving it. She has more than wronged me.

I was just a man more intimidating than Lucifer himself. So, I got whatever I wanted, even if it was impossible. I had men who could make it possible. 'Talia, I am not just going to buy you,

I will make sure it is done in the most degrading and painful way.' I thought in my head. This is what happens when you mess with a mentally unstable man.

"Do you have a plan in mind?" Zack asked.

Of course, I do. I always have a plan. "I can see she has a grandmother. I don't want anyone complaining to the police or looking for her. Pay the woman off."

"What makes you think that a grandmother will sell her only grandchild?"

"I know greed when I see one. Just do what I asked you to. Make sure there are no loose ends. No questions and definitely no contact. Just use the name, Robert. Don't give out too many details but make sure that your offer is irresistible."

"And if the old woman decides to see who is buying her grandchild?"

"Make sure that doesn't happen. Use whatever means necessary. Don't leave a mess that would need a cleanup." I warned.

"Never, boss. When do you want it done?"

"Now. That means you have to be on your way. Keep it as quiet as possible. I trust you can take care of that."

"Of course, boss." Standing, "what made you to chose her?"

My face reddened, swollen with blood and anger. "No questions, Zack! Just do what you are told." I barked out further orders.

He gave a small curt nod and left.

I got angry because his question was one I didn't have an answer to. Why was I doing this? Was it out of revenge or mere childishness? I had no idea. But, I just wanted to do it so badly. Teach her a lesson that she would never forget in a hurry.


"Do you know what this means, Robert?"

I turned my head toward the window, looking at the cloudless sky, and then fixed Sean with a stare.

"You have to take care of the Lopez family before the spread. They preparing to go to war with you."

I stood up, and my men slowly followed suit, taking their places behind me. The meeting had been helpful enough, but it was getting annoyingly too long. I shook hands with Sean.

"You have proven to be so useful. I will take care of the situation." I knew exactly what I was going to do. I didn't need the chirping and constant reminders. It will only set me off. I lifted my hand, all fingers outstretched, "your payment has been made. Keep me posted."

"Yes, boss." Sean started smiling uncontrollably as soon as heard about his money. "Until next time, boss."

Oh, there will be no next time. Eliminating the snitch, and his information, was my method. If he could go against his clansmen, how much more me? It would only take him seconds to feed whatever information he can lift off my circle to my enemies.

I took my jacket off and undid another button of my black shirt. I was sitting in the back seat of the car, enjoying the silence and the coolness of the natural air.

"Home," I growled at the driver, scrolling through the contact on my mobile. When I got to Zack, I punched in a text and sent it. 'Cancel the extraction. We have a major problem to deal with.'

I had ordered them to bring back Talia with them today no matter what. But, handling Lopez was a more critical issue and priority. I couldn't forgo such a threatening situation all because of my childish interest. And, I couldn't have a nuisance like Talia on the loose while I was occupied.

The best thing, for now, was to let her be until I was fully able to play with my toy.

I sat back comfortably, observing the world outside the window as it whizzed by. I closed my eyes, anticipating what was to come.