Chapter Thirty-Seven

Nicholas's POV:

"What about Jake?" She asked with so much love and care in her eyes.

I lost it. It was not my intention to harm her, but if she wouldn't learn to obey, she was to blame for whatever that happened to her. I gave her just one instruction. Don't mention his name, and it was still difficult for her to remember that. Maybe she needed to be manhandled, that way she will remember instructions.

After I calmed down and could see clearly, I saw her on the floor, unconscious and bleeding from the corner of her forehead.

"Louis, call the fucking doctor!" I screamed, swooping her into my arms.

I rushed to the boathouse and drove her with one of the boats to the hospital unit. Yes, I had a well-equipped hospital built in just in case of emergencies like this. As soon as I got there, I carried her with blood still gushing from her nose and forehead. She was having a convulsion too.

"What happened?" Eric, my trusted and long-time doctor asked.