Chapter Eight-Two

Talia's POV:

An overwhelming moan escaped me, as his mouth closed around my right nipple and sucked on it strongly, applying just the right amount of pressure. His hand slipped under the blanket, between my thighs, and my moaning grew as he began to stroke my folds, his finger drawing teasing circles around my clit.

"Come for me, Talia," he ordered softly, pressing down on my clit, and I shattered into a thousand pieces, my body tensing and peaking, as though on his command.

"Good girl," he whispered, continuing to play with my pussy, drawing out my orgasm. "Such a good, obedient girl . . ."

When my shivering was over, he stepped back and began undressing. I watched him hungrily, unable to tear my eyes away from the sight. He was perfectly created and I wanted him so badly.

His shirt came off first, exposing his broad shoulders and properly trained stomach, and I could no longer contain myself.