Chapter One hundred and Fourteen

Talia's POV:

Sitting there in Nicholas's embrace, I felt the familiar mix of excitement tangled with trepidation. After my lashing out earlier, when I had an outburst of emotions, I felt better. 

Raising my left hand, I gently traced the outline of his lips with my index finger. He has got the most incredible mouth I have ever seen—a mouth made for sin. 

At my touch, his beautiful lips parted, and he caught the tip of my finger with his sharp white teeth, biting down on it lightly, then sucking my finger into his mouth.

A tremor of arousal ran through me as his warm, wet tongue licked my finger. My inner muscles clenched, and I could feel my underwear getting damp. God, I was so easy when it came to him. One look, one-touch, and I wanted him. My sex felt swollen and slightly sore after the way he fucked me earlier, but my body ached for him to take me again.