Vrak City

Kasper felt like he was in some dream and if he were to wake up, he will regret it. So, the man who was in his thirties was sleeping on his side looking at the little angel who was sleeping by his side.

Ever since Kasper walked into the study room that day and poured his heart to Elektra which shocked the little girl, the distance in their relationship reduced constantly daily and this was a great improvement.

Three days into the week, Elektra dropped the bomb that she will be visiting Bares City for the weekend and even though he was reluctant to let her go, he knew that he had to do exactly that otherwise, he will be going back against his word.

Kasper was forced to agree and even though he had regretted doing that, he was happy the next day that he agreed. When he returned from work, he didn’t find Elektra anywhere and when he searched his own bedroom even though it was just his own wishful thinking and dream, he found a little girl sleeping on his big bed.

He just couldn’t believe what he was seeing, so a man who had caused tremors made life-changing decisions, changed many people’s lives negatively and positively, pinched himself to make sure that he wasn’t dreaming.

When he felt the pain, he was convinced that this wasn’t a dream. And since it wasn’t a dream, he decided to get a closer look and see the face that had been taunting him in his dreams for a long time now.

And when his eyes landed on that face, he was out of breath and he didn’t know what to do. Elektra was simply too beautiful, her beauty was enough to topple kingdoms and in today’s terms, countries will go down and world wars will surely be on their way.

Elektra had this enchanting, demonic black flame birthmark on her forehead, he never understood why she always covers her forehead and wore headdresses. Now he understood the reason and he was very supportive of that.

That small face was just too enchanting and with those blue eyes, Kasper wanted to drown her in kisses, shower her with so much love and hide her away from the world.

In order not to wake her up, he quietly walked away, cleaned himself, and got himself calm down. He thought that she will hide away from him after that day but who knew that Elektra began to be more daring.

The little girl took over his bedroom and made it her own and this feeling was just superb for him. Luckily Anisha wasn’t there to see him being childish otherwise he would have lost his face in front of his child.

Since Elektra was willing to let him see her face, he was also willing to pamper her truthfully and he did his best to show her daily and prove to her that he was serious about her.

So, on this day Kasper was looking at Elektra who was looking at him back, Elektra was supposed to be leaving in an hour to Bares City and he wasn’t willing to let her go.

He wanted to go with her but he has an important international meeting he had to attend, so he couldn’t accompany her.

“I need to prepare,” she softly told him seeing how the man was ogling her with those eyes that were not willing to let go.

Kasper wanted to act coquettishly and spoiled but this move was definitely not going to work here, “Must you really go?”

Elektra chuckled enjoying how sweet and cute Kasper was, if those people were to hear or see how cute he was right now, won't his reputation fall down the drain?

“I will be back by Monday, it’s not like I will not be returning,” she coyly responded and his heart melted.

By now he knows that Elektra meant every word she says so if she tells him that she won’t leave then she will not do that.

After pulling some strings at each other, Elektra finally climbed down the bed and cleaned up quickly. In thirty minutes, Elektra was done and ready to go. The suitcase was already packed so the only thing left was for her to do to the airport.

Kasper reluctantly sent Elektra to the airport and watching her as she was about to go through that passage, he felt as if his heart was being removed. Elektra could sense that Kasper was sad, so she decided to do something bold and daring in public.

Elektra walked back to Kasper slowly that he even stopped breathing, his mind reeling, and overthinking a lot. He had a slight idea of what the little girl wanted to do but he also wasn’t sure whether she will do that or something else.

Elektra had made her mind up and decided to leave a stamp on Kasper and stop those irritating flowers from going anywhere near her man. Yes, Elektra had labeled Kasper as her man, the very second, she decided to show her face to him.

Elektra approached the older man with a smile hidden in her eyes and when she stopped right in front of him, Kasper’s attention was only at her and so were the other people waiting to see this romantic drama.

She raised her hands and hooked her arms around his neck, she was on her tiptoes since Kasper was taller than her. Kasper lowered his head while his other hand got rid of the other side of the veil and unveiled a partial corner of that smooth face.

Elektra smiled lovingly at Kasper before letting Kasper capture her soft and sweet lips for a kiss. He didn’t dare go deeper as he was afraid that he will lose control and drag her to the nearest hotel for some lovemaking.

This was their first kiss, so Kasper wanted to take his time but Elektra didn’t allow him as she pinched his neck and he finally let go. Her eyes were misty and they carried that luster that made Kasper Adam’s apple bobbed and his body crave for more.

It was going to be a long weekend, he lamented as he thought of what was ahead.