"Alice, why ask about that woman at this time?" Sean asked.

"Because Helena is a cruel mother who easily abuses her little daughter!" Alice replied coldly looking back at Ken's guilty eyes.

"Good grief! It turns out that Helena is with you? Did you release Helena from the hospital? You're crazy!" Sean cursed at Ken who was still silent, "I was shocked to learn that you are the father of the little boy Alice brought here. And if Alice doesn't mention Helena, then I won't know Helena is with you!" continued Sean.

"That doesn't matter, Sean. Right now it feels like I want to slap this coward in the face as well as that vicious woman! Damn! Why when I just got home, I have to deal with that woman again?" Alice cursed at Ken.

"Yeah, just hit me. I'm useless. I can't take good care of Helena and keep her from hurting my daughter. Just hit it! Ah no, just kill me now. I deserve to die because my life is useless!" Ken replied guiltily.

"Unfortunately I don't want to kill the lousy man his daughter loves so much! Karma exists, and I don't want my son to suffer my stupid mistakes after killing you!" Alice continues to scold Ken for being very angry with Ken's weakness in Helena.

"Yeah, I'm useless. I suck. I always lose to Helena. Even now I don't know what to expect from her. All I can think about is Qiara's happiness by bringing Helena back to our house. However, the reality is that things are getting worse. I am sorry!" Ken said sorry.

"Your regret ends when you throw away that demonic woman you defended! Don't you know what kind of woman Helena is? Not only can she hurt her daughter, but she doesn't hesitate to hurt other people's children! My son almost died from it, and I will never forgive her ever! Being in a mental asylum to death was the lightest sentence she had to serve! And stupidly enough, you took her out of there!" Alice responded to Ken's remorse with harsh words.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Forgive my stupidity, I will not repeat my stupidity. I will fix everything!" Ken answered again.

"Give Helena back to us and don't call or see her again. Helena is no good to anyone, even though she is already a mother. Her vices haven't changed and you have to understand that!" Sean joined in as he calmed Alice's anger at Ken.

"Sean, I'm going out for a bit. I will talk to her daughter!" Alice said to Sean. Alice left because she was lazy to linger seeing Ken's stupidity for Helena. Alice prefers to meet little Qiara in another room.

After Alice left with Sean's permission, things calmed down again.

"You've seen what it's like for my wife to hold a grudge against Helena, haven't you? And you wouldn't imagine what it would be like if my wife vented her uncontrollable anger."

"I already reminded you! Let Helena receive her punishment. But you just ruined everything. The woman you love is mean, Ken! Even though she's your best friend and the closest person to you, you don't understand what's inside her at all. She's not a good woman, Ken! Leave Helena to me again, and live happily with your child!" Sean said at length, explaining how Helena was so unkind to be around them.

Ken, who had been looking down feeling guilty, couldn't say anything at this time. After Helena's horrific truth in life, as well as Ken's unpredictable nature, he can only weigh his decisions after this.

Although he doesn't know exactly what Helena did in the past that caused Alice to hate Helena so much, Ken tries to remember how Helena was with her bad attitude.

After the truth of the identity of their daughter who is indeed Ken's flesh and blood, Helena is angry and destroys everything. She didn't even hesitate to hurt her baby daughter.

And after returning, Helena could not overcome her bad temper and hurt Qiara who was expecting her mother's presence.

Remembering that made Ken worried. It was hard to choose Helena or leave her to Sean again.

Ken loves Helena and still hopes that one day, Helena will turn out to be good and be able to accept his love, so that they will be happy with their daughter.

However, the reality is the opposite and far from what Ken expected.

On the one hand, it is very hard to give up Helena again. And on the other hand, Sean, who had helped him a lot. Now his wife even cursed Ken for letting Helena out of punishment. And again, Helena even hurt the daughter Ken loved so much. Ken's heart was in the middle of doubt.

"So, I have to choose between Helena or Qiara?" asked Ken who was still looking down.


Qiara, the little one who is a cheerful child, is seen scribbling a pencil on a medium-sized canvas in front of her.

According to Alice's request, the hospital provided Qiara's needs well. Because Qiara is more interested in drawing, the hospital provides drawing equipment for her.

In quiet steps, Alice watched Qiara's activities from the front door of the infirmary which had been transformed like a private room for the child.

Alice's eyes were fixed on Qiara's scribble which showed a still unclear image.

A man with white wings behind him, laughing with the little girl in his arms. The little girl also had the same white wings as the adult man beside her.

In the painting, the little white-winged child is also holding an adult woman who has wings too. But not white, but black wings with a pair of red horns on its head.

'Even her daughter thought of her as a demonic woman. I really can't imagine that Helena has a child this cute and she still doesn't turn out to be a good mother to her daughter! What a devil woman! You're not wrong, Qiara, your mother is indeed a devil!' Alice said in her heart.

Alice interprets Qiara's painting as Ken and Helena holding Qiara in their midst. The clear difference in nature makes Qiara describe what he thinks about his mother and father with a different color of wings. At least that's what Alice thought.

'Even such a small child can already see which is a demon, and which is an angel. But the man was really stupid and infatuated with a woman like him. Bad!' Alice cursed again in her mind before trying to suppress her anger in front of Qiara.

"Hey, Kira! How are you darling?" said Alice cheerfully to the beautiful Qiara.

"Aunt? Have you come?" replied Qiara who was surprised and happy to welcome Alice after almost a few weeks of not seeing her.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone in this place for too long. I have a lot of things to do in a faraway place. But I didn't forget you, honey!" Alice replied apologetically, "Is everything okay? Did something happen that scared you again?" Alice asked afterward.

"Hmm, nothing, Auntie. But...,"

"But you miss your father, don't you?" said Alice who continued to say Qiara who hung in doubt.

Qiara nodded with her head lowered.

Alice smiled and touched Qiara's chin so that Qiara's head lifted to look at her.

"If I met you with your father, would you like it? Then what about your mother who has made you sad? Do you also want to be with her again?" Alice asked softly but full of firmness in every question.


On a park bench on the outskirts of town. There sat a woman in shabby clothes whose face was covered with a cloth so that she could disguise herself and not be recognized by people.

Helena looks dreamy thinking about her really unfortunate fate. In her hand was a piece of paper that he had written based on what her father had said in prison.

Helena has just visited the cell where Brawijaya is being held. In their emotional meeting, there was a conversation about a grudge that Helena had to resolve.

'Honey, only you can avenge our family. I won't leave this place unless my life is gone. That damned Sean Garendra made the judge sentence me to life in prison. Even Mommy's face can only be seen for a moment before the coffin is closed for burial,'

'Thank God you managed to get out of your cage because of that ignorant child! As much as possible, stay hidden without being caught by Sean Garendra again, honey! Complete the grudge I couldn't do to them!'

'Make them suffer, just like us today, honey! Because of them, we lose everything. And your mommy left us because she couldn't stand the misery. Please, honey. Destroy them until they taste destruction like we do now!'

Even to just answer her daddy's words, Helena couldn't do it. Only tears and pain she felt when she met Mr. Brawijaya in a state of concern.

'I heard my brother just arrived from London and took over again our company that Sean Garendra destroyed. But, no one knows my relationship with Arnold, because Arnold is just your snicker's adopted son who was raised far from me. Go and meet him. Just tell me that I told you to come to him. Arnold will know what he has to do for us!'