Her daddy's last sentence kept replaying in Helena's mind. Her eyes returned to the tattered paper in her hand.

"I'm almost to Uncle Arnold's place, I can't stay in this place for long. I have to continue my journey without being recognized by the police who keep looking for me!" Helena muttered quietly.

'Daddy, I will avenge our family on Sean Garendra. I promise. And after that, our family will be back to glory as you wish, Dad!'

'And you, Sean! Maybe I was very stupid for continuing to be crazy about you but you never looked at me at all. At least if you don't like it, you can let me go easily. But you brought me and my family down this badly!'

'My grudge won't go away, Sean! My revenge isn't over yet, I haven't even replied to you in the slightest! Wait for me, Sean Garendra! I'll turn things around when I see my uncle!'

Helena stared straight ahead blankly. Her mind and heart were now covered with a growing grudge against Sean.

Helena resumed her footsteps, walking step by step towards the address her daddy gave her.

She walked stealthily, avoiding the suspicion of those who were staring at her.

But why should it be like that?

Of course, because Sean ordered Helena's arrest after she escaped from the mental hospital that time. And the search is not over. Until now, Helena is still wanted by Sean to be put back into the isolation room of the mental hospital.

Helena is currently walking slowly with her face covered in cloth. With her shabby clothes, of course, at a glance, people will know that Helena is a homeless person who often wanders the streets.

Not far in front of her, many ragged-looking people were running in all directions. And when Helena knew the cause of the commotion, she also ran to save herself.

A car of City Government Service officers who used to raid buskers and beggars on the streets, got down to catch their target.

Helena, who was being chased by the officers, continued to run without seeing the situation. She managed to run to an area of the highway that looked deserted and of course, was very far from her goal earlier.

Amid her panic, Helena kept running until she was in the middle of an empty highway. But not empty.

From a distance, a luxury sports sedan drove leisurely as Helena passed almost to the middle of the road. Unlucky for Helena who did not see the car approaching her and hit her.

And in an instant, her vision went black!


"If I met you with your father, would you like it? Then what about your mother who has made you sad? Do you also want to be with her again?" Alice asked softly but full of firmness in every question.

"Auntie, can I hate my mother?" Qiara asked quietly, "I want to love her like I love my father. But, my mother is very scary," continued the little Qiara who was still looking down.

"Hate is not good, honey. If you want to love your mother, love her. But, once you feel your mother can accept your love. Even if you haven't, keep loving her in silence and wait until your mother realizes that she has wasted God's most precious gift like you."

"You must remain a cheerful and happy child. Don't even hold a grudge against other people, especially if it's your mother. Revenge is no good, honey!" Alice hugged Qiara while advising her.

"But, mother hates me, Aunt. I'm afraid mom will get angry and hit me again. That hurts, Auntie!" groaned Qiara who started to sob.

"In this case, I will speak to your father. Come on, come with me for a second. After that, I will guarantee your life will be better!" Alice replied as she let go of Qiara's arms and cupped her hands on Qiara's pretty face with a smile.

"Are you going to take me back to daddy's house, Aunt? Then what about my mother?" asked the innocent little Qiara. There was a look of anxiety on her face when she said the word 'Mother' from her lips.

"I told you earlier, I will talk to your father. And if your father can't listen to your requests and my words, then I will hit your father's head until his head lumps the size of an egg! That would be funny, wouldn't it? Haha!" Alice answered cheerfully so that Qiara would not have to worry about the situation.

'No matter what, Helena can't be a good mother, Ken! I hope you can firmly make your choice!' Alice thought.


"So, I have to choose between Helena or Qiara?" asked Ken who was still looking down.

"Yes, you have to choose. Because I'm sure, my wife won't let Helena go free so easily!" replied Sean responded.

"Can't I choose both right now? Can you choose between the woman you love and your child? Answer me, Sean! After hearing what your answer is, then I will give my answer to you!" said Ken who turned the question to Sean again.

Sean was silent for a moment. Thinking of a question that made him smile.

"If you ask me a question like that, then I'll give you an easy answer. I'll choose both," Sean replied calmly while returning Ken's hopeful look, "You know why?" continued Sean asked.

"Why? Would a choice like this only fall on me and not for you?" Ken asked.

"Maybe yes, maybe not! Depends on who is the choice," said Sean again.

"Please just tell me in simple sentences. I'm not in a position to guess your line!" groaned Ken objected.

"My wife is different from any woman. She was an extraordinary woman that no one could imagine. And let me and the people who know her continue to consider her special. You won't understand and can imagine what kind of woman my Alice is."

"And when compared to Helena, sorry. I don't know which part of Helena is worth comparing to my wife. What is clear, is just leave women like Helena, Ken. She was no good to anyone but herself. I told you long ago, didn't I?" Sean praises his wife's strengths with Helena's comparison to Ken.

"You bastard. You praise your wife so highly and despise Helena so low. How can you compare the two who are both women? Of course in our eyes, it's a different thing. You love your wife and I love Helena!"

"Isn't it natural for you that I burden Helena like I'm crazy about her? Just like you are crazy about your wife! You can't be consulted at all. And in the end, it's still me who is cornered and Helena is still bad in everyone's eyes!" Ken said furiously.

"That's how stupid you are!" said Alice from the door with Qiara beside her.

"Father!" Call Kira.

Ken, who originally wanted to answer Alice's mockery, was immediately distracted by Qiara's call.

Little Qiara immediately ran to hug Ken after seeing Alice's nod of approval.

"My God's grace! Are you all right, dear? Nothing hurts, right? I almost died of fright from losing you for weeks, honey! I only found out when I asked a scavenger who saw you almost hit by a car!"

"Oh my God, thank you that You still let me hug my daughter!" Ken cried profusely after being able to hug Qiara after so many days of searching for her whereabouts without any news.

"Don't cry, Father. I'm fine! Aunt Alice took very good care of me!" said Qiara innocently. The little one wiped the tears on his father's face and gave a smile as bright as the sun.

"Yes, thank you, honey. Thank goodness you're okay. Otherwise, I don't know what my life would be like losing you, dear. Sorry for not being able to take good care of you!" Ken continued to apologize while kissing and hugging his daughter.

"Now, let's go home, honey. Say goodbye to that Aunt!" Ken said to Qiara which suddenly made Qiara's face disappear a smile.

Qiara was silent and just looked at her father's face with a frightened face.

"Why, dear? What happened? Why are you so silent like this?" Ken asked confused.

"Your child is scared, don't you know?" answered Alice who interrupted Ken's question to Qiara, "You lousy old man!" she mumbled softly as she looked away.

"Shhh, Alice… Never mind!" said Sean telling Alice not to be angry with Ken anymore.

"What do you mean by fear Qiara? What is she afraid of?" asked Ken objecting to Alice.

"Just ask your princess, what is she afraid of! Even without you saying it, I already knew that you would defend the thing that frightened your daughter! All decisions are yours. I'm going to leave you two alone. Speak up and make up your mind!" said Alice again.

Alice walked to the front door and then turned around again, turning her gaze sharply at Ken, "But remember. I don't want Qiara to get hurt because of your decision!" said Alice firmly before exiting the infirmary door.