"While me? I who still have complete parents even continue to hurt my parents. I'm trash and a loser. I'm ashamed of Shine when I look in the mirror of my face,"

"Mommy and daddy are old. Of course, they expect happiness in their old age. Where does that happiness come from if not from the two of us, Bro? And when Alice returns to bring Sunny to this house. I saw mommy and daddy crying happily. They want us to be happy after having a family."

"I who always go against their words and actions as I want, as if slapped to make them happy by granting them what they wanted from me for a long time. Wedding. Yes, I will marry according to their choice. Just that!"

Troy answered Sean's curt question with a heartfelt answer.

"I think what you're saying is true, Troy. It's about time we made Mommy and daddy happy and gave them what they wanted!" said Sean after taking the words Troy said earnestly.

"Bro Arsen has calmed down leaving Mommy, Daddy, and Shine for us to take care of. What else do we want to achieve? Our age goes on. Luckily I already have Alice and Sunny, now it's your turn to give Mommy and Daddy what they want!" Sean continued speaking.

"But, why do I seem normal when I look at that woman? What was her name earlier?" said Troy, who had forgotten the name of the young woman who became his future soul mate, "Ah, yes. Her name is Mona. I look normal when I look at Mona. Even though Mona is beautiful and looks polite. But she looks normal in my eyes!" he continued honestly.

"Don't because you want to make Mommy and Daddy happy that you neglect your happiness. Live with your desires and your best choices. Love by force can't go well," Sean advised the silent Troy.

"Then, what should I do if Mommy and Daddy like Mona? I can refuse if I don't like her, but I don't want their smiles to fade because they are disappointed in me, Bro. Maybe it's because this is the first time meeting, so I haven't felt anything at the time. Just see. I'll try again," Troy replied calmly.

"I support your decision, Troy. Make Mommy and Daddy happy while you can. Love comes from getting used to it. And I've had it too!" Alice came and immediately embraced Troy while providing support.

Sean raised an eyebrow at Alice who instead supported Troy accepting Mona as an option.

"But, if you don't have any feelings for her, and the discomfort tends to choke your neck, just leave it! Go for the best. You still have a long way to go!" continued Alice who now turned to hug Sean.

"Like I was strangled by your older brother! Even though I've rejected him many times in any way, he's still tied me up. It's so annoying!" said Alice sarcastically at her husband with laughing mockingly.

"But look at the results. I have the world with you. In the end, I'm the one who wins you over everything!" Sean answered while kissing Alice's forehead and that too in front of Troy.

"Gosh… why are you even showing off your love in front of me, huh? Go to your rooms! Ah, no. I'll just go. What a show-off couple!" grumbled Troy along with his stride.

Alice and Sean laughed amusedly at Troy. Until Troy's body was no longer visible, their smiles were replaced with serious faces.

"Troy wants to find the best woman. And what if that woman was his choice? Besides, I didn't feel anything strange about Princess Arnold just now. Only her father was weird!" said Alice seriously.

"You're right. I also feel that Mona is just an ordinary young woman who was born into a rich family. I don't feel any suspicion from her," Sean replied in response.

"But we mustn't be careless. We have to keep investigating the Sanjaya family because all of this is related to our family," Alice gave a glance.

"Alright. We'll discuss this with Thunder and Samuel. Now, let's go inside and rest. You're too tired today!" Sean said inviting Alice inside.

Meanwhile, a flowery mood filled the car that Arnold and his daughter were riding in.

Arnold saw Mona's attitude which continued to smile to herself after they met with the Garendra family.

"Do you like the man, Mona?" Arnold asked his daughter.

Mona turned to look at her father's face with her blushing face shyly smiling.

"Without hearing your answer, I know you just like the guy. Do your best, honey! Get his heart and tie him to you. I'll help if you need my help!" Arnold said in support.

"No, Dad. Don't do anything! Let me work this relationship out on my own. Like you told me earlier, I'm not your business exchange, am I? So please don't get involved in this new relationship I've started, Dad! Let me try it myself," beg Mona to her father.

Arnold rubbed the top of Mona's head with a smile.

"It turns out that my daughter is an adult so she doesn't even want to involve her daddy anymore. If your mommy is still with us, maybe she will be more fussy about your love affairs, dear!" said Arnold sadly.

"Are you sad again?" asked Mona.

"No, honey. I just feel like time flies so fast. I spend more time outside and leave you alone at home. I don't feel worthy to be your father, Mona," Arnold replied with a small smile.

"Mommy died and you made a living for us. It was fate. Let it all pass and we can live happily. I also told you to find a good woman and get married, didn't I? I know you are lonely. And the habit of changing women is not good for an old man like you, Dad!" Mona calms her daddy down with a half nag.

"Yes, I know! But, there is no woman as good as your mommy, Mona. And if there is, then only a thousand and one in the world," replied Arnold calmly.

'Your mommy was born a mobster, Mona. There is no woman like her in my eyes. And if there is, then that woman is only her!' Arnold thought until his smile broke when he thought of a woman who looked like his wife. Yes, she is Alice aka Rose.


The day has passed but the sun still doesn't want to reveal its light. And Sean, still in the warm embrace of his beloved wife when his cell phone rang and disturbed his peaceful sleep.

"Sean, help me one more time!" said a man on the other end of the line.

Sean who still closed his eyes when the phone was right in his ear, opened his eyes wide.

"That woman left you, didn't she? What a hassle!" mumbled Sean annoyed. He also changed his sleeping position to sit down slowly so as not to disturb Alice's sleep, who was exhausted from their sex all night long.

"What do you want me to do? Looking for your wife? All right. I'll look for her and after that, I'll lock her up so you can never see her again!" Sean continued his tirade.

"No. That's not the kind of help I want from you. Please take care of Qiara for a while. I'll find out where Helena is!" Ken answered weakly.

"What are you thinking? I already told you that that woman is only causing trouble in your life. And from what you just said, I can tell that you still expect her to come back. Your smart and stupid are only slightly different, Ken!"

"Get lost! You're disturbing my sleep. I'll send someone over to your house and pick up your child! And you can go find the woman you love!" Sean grumbled annoyed but he agreed to Ken's request to him.

"No! I'll be the one who will take my daughter to your house. Let me talk to your wife before I leave Qiara," answered Ken reluctantly because he wanted to meet Alice in person.

"Yeah, come over to my house. Alice and I will go back there after Alice wakes up. We're at my parents' house right now. See you later!" Sean said to Ken before shutting them off.

'Starting tomorrow, you will live well, dear! I'll go find your mother first. Be a good girl with good people like them!' said Ken in his heart while stroking the hair on Qiara's sleeping face.


"Are you awake, Miss?" Arnold asked Helena who seemed to start moving her eyelids along with the movement of her hand raised to touch her head.

"Ah!" A scream of pain was heard from Helena who seemed to want to immediately force herself to lift her head.

"Don't be in a hurry to get up. Just relax because you are not in a hospital or a police station. You're in a safe place," said Arnold casually.

Helena began to move her head to the side even though the pain in her head was still palpable.

Helena turned to Arnold and a young woman. Yes, she saw Mona and immediately remembered the situation before she fell unconscious yesterday. Helena is sure that Mona is the woman who helped after hitting her.

"W-where am I? Who are you?" asked Helena in a hoarse voice.