"Mona, give her some water!" Arnold said to Mona who immediately approached Helena and helped her drink.

After Helena seemed to be able to hold her head up in a half-lying position, then she could see the person who was talking to her at this time.

"Do you still remember who you are?" Arnold's calm question made Helena gasp for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"I'm Helena. But who are you, sir? I don't know you and this lady at all," replied Helena who was still weak.

Arnold took Helena's tattered piece of paper and showed it to Helena.

"That's my paper, sir! I have to go to that place now!" asked Helena who forced herself to sit up. However, her body was still too weak.

"Take it easy and rest again for you have arrived at your destination, girl. It turns out that my brother still remembers the address of this house. Even though this house has not been lived in for a long time," Arnold said casually with a smile.

"You know my daddy? My daddy is Brawijaya?" asked Helena confused.

"Yes, because I am also a Brawijaya like you and my brother! But that was before everything changed," explained Arnold again, "I'm Arnold Sanjaya now. I'm your uncle who will take care of you from now on," continued Arnold again.

"But, is it true that you are the Uncle Arnold that daddy meant?" Helena asked again.

"Yes, I am your uncle and the one next to you is my daughter, Mona. Now you are not alone. You can be together and accompany each other!" replied Arnold with a happy smile.

"Oh my… I'm finally here, Dad!" Helena said softly, covering her face with her hands and crying.

"Come on, Helena. Do not cry. Your life will now be calmer. There is me and Daddy who will be with you!" Mona said while strengthening Helena.

Helena didn't answer and continued to cry as if her soul was calm and relieved at this point.

"We will leave you to rest again. If you need anything, just call the maid. They will prepare your needs," said Arnold again before gesturing to Mona to follow him out of Helena's room.

"Dad, why does she look so sad? What life has he been through? Look, Helena was like a bum when I brought her home yesterday," asked Mona surprised.

"Come with me. I have something to tell you, dear!" answered Arnold without turning to look at his daughter.

"About what, Dad?" Mona asked curtly.

"About the life of Helena and the Garendra family," replied Arnold, who was now looking at Mona's confused face after hearing his answer.


"You are an idiot, huh? What a shame, that sweet Qiara has such a lousy father!" Alice said spicy to Ken while watching Qiara who was playing in the flower garden of Sean's magnificent mansion yard.

Kendrick just smirked and didn't answer Alice's disparaging remark.

"Alice, calm down… Don't be angry so early!" Sean tried to calm Alice who was always cold and rude to Ken.

"Not. Your wife is right. I'm a lousy man who can't do anything for the children and women I love. I'm a loser!" Ken cursed to himself.

"Yes, you're right. And even after you know you're a loser, you still choose the wrong path! Gosh, I don't think I can bear to see a stupid guy like you linger in front of me!" Alice grumbled in front of Ken directly.

"Not for long. I'll be gone in a bit. Let me see Qiara's smile before I leave her," Ken answered without getting angry.

"Don't make me a bad woman in this! Your weak and unrefuted words are like a desperate man who is about to die!" said Alice spontaneously.

"If my destiny has to die, what can I do?" Ken replied with a small smile.

Alice and Sean looked at Ken's face that looked desperate. When Sean saw Alice's furious reaction and seemed to be approaching Ken angrily, Sean quickly blocked Alice.

"Hold on, Alice! Take care of your emotions now!" Sean comforted his wife, "And you, Ken. Don't act like you're the happiest man in the world! Don't just because of a woman like Helena, you become a fool like this! Be aware!" Sean turned to Ken.

"Let go of me, Sean! I will make him realize his stupidity!" Alice snapped at Ken.

"What can I do? I am a useless man. I'm just a driver's son who is lucky to be cared for by Mr. Brawijaya and sent to school to become a useful human being. But that was all before I lost Helena."

"Even though I've been brought up with everything, I still don't know myself and the loving daughter of my master. I'm a useless pet!" Ken cursed to himself.


Ken's body fell to the side after Alice threw a hard smack in Ken's face.

Ken struggled to get up and after he managed to sit down again, his face was bruised with blood coming out of his nose and slightly injured upper lip.

"You lousy man! Stupid human! You are an ignorant pet! Yes, you are right and that's you! But that was then. Now you can't think like that anymore! You have a responsibility that prevents you from giving up. Remember, there is Qiara who always expects you to smile and make her happy!"

"The world and life won't run out if you don't have that demonic woman. Wake up and contemplate your folly! You bastard!" cursed Alice who couldn't hold back her anger anymore looking at Ken who was desperate and weak without caring about his daughter.

"Alice, never mind! You don't have to hit him like that!" Sean advised Alice.

"I'm furious, Sean! Why is there a man like him in front of me? He's like that just because he's infatuated with that woman!" Alice answered straight away.

"It's love, Alice. I know how it feels. Maybe to you, I sound defending him but that's how I felt when I lost you!" replied Sean interceding.

"And I hit you that time too! Love is in everyone but don't let that madness make a man like you forget other things. You both have children that you both have to build their future and happiness with!" Alice grumbled to Sean before leaving and entering their house.

Ken smiled as if nothing unpleasant had happened to him earlier.

"Your wife's punch was very strong. Even when you hit me earlier your punches weren't this strong. Is your wife a bodyguard? Or a female boxer?" Ken asked like it was a joke.

"You don't need to know who she is. If only you knew that you could die in her bare hands so easily when her anger couldn't be contained! Keep your talk in front of her. Alice doesn't like weak men who are desperate and waste their lives!" Sean advises Ken to keep his attitude as a man.

"Okay, I really won't see her again when I go later," Ken said resignedly, "Sean, can I leave Qiara with you? Can you give my daughter happiness when I'm not by her side?" Ken continued asking.

"Are you that desperate that you want to leave your daughter? If you're like this, you might end up dying at my hands or Alice's! You've gone mad, Ken. You are crazy!" Sean cursed Ken while smiling sadly at him.

"No, it's not like that. I'm still very sane to leave my daughter alone. It's just, for some reason I feel that something bad will happen to me when I look for Helena later," Ken answered seriously.

"I'll send someone to go with you looking for her," Sean replied.

"And once I find Helena, your men will catch her for you? How ridiculous!" Ken smiled sadly after saying that made Sean raise an eyebrow, "I'm joking. I knew you wouldn't do that. Just let me go alone. I've been giving you a lot of trouble because of Helena. Let me try to find her myself later!" continued Ken.

"It's up to you then. Go on and hurry back. Your princess needs you!" replied Sean took a smile.

"Yes, I will say goodbye to Qiara first, and after that, I will talk to your wife. Hopefully, she doesn't hit me again this time!" he joked to Sean before approaching his daughter in the flower garden.


"Dad, what do you mean about the relationship between Helena's life and the Garendra family?" Mona asked her daddy curiously.

"Before that, I want to know how you feel for Troy because everything I'm about to tell you is very important to you in the future, Mona," answered Arnold with a question to his daughter.

"Is the matter so complicated between the Garendra family and us? And yesterday, what do you mean by introducing me to that family if your past relationship is so complicated? Wait, Dad. Why do I feel like I was being used as bait?" Mona asked because she felt a lot of strangeness in everything that happened.

"Then answer my question first, dear. Your answer will influence my decision because from the very beginning I decided to bring you in the plan to approach the Garendra family. And that is a big and serious gamble. What more after including you in this plan. I have to ensure my victory without hurting your heart, honey," Arnold said calmly to Mona.