"She's sick, honey. And her father isn't here because she has important things far away. So, Mommy and I are Qiara," Sean explained slowly about Qiara's condition to Sunny.

Sunny brought his face close to his father's ear.

"Dad, I don't like her being around us," Sunny whispered honestly to him.

Sean was silent then smiled looking at Sunny's innocent face who didn't understand the urgent matter at this time.

"I'll talk about this later, okay? Now come to your room with your brother, son," Sean said softly and kissed his son again.

Shine complied and took his smart brother from there before Sunny knew anything that seemed complicated to Shine.

"Everything went wrong! Helena disappeared, and now Kendrick died at the hands of unknown people. I've investigated who killed him, but all the evidence doesn't show that a culprit is an ordinary person. There is no accurate data. Ken's death is suspicious!" said Thunder.

Alice fell silent with a serious face.

"There's another mob around us. No wonder we've been feeling weird these days. What do you think, Sam?" said Alice confidently and made everyone even tenser.

"I can't give any explanation at this time, Boss. I have to examine the body first and see the cause of death!" answered Samuel firmly.

"Then go and hurry back here. Thunder and I will be on guard!" Alice said confidently and immediately ordered Samuel to go to where Ken's body was.

"All right, Boss. I'm leaving!" Samuel answered swiftly and immediately left Sean's house.

After Samuel went to see how the condition of Kendrick's body was currently, Alice, Sean, and Thunder were discussing their suspicions about Ken's suspicious death.

"Did the mafia that targeted Ken for a long time come back again? Didn't you say you finished everything back then, Thunder?" Sean asked Thunder.

Sean thinks that Ken's death is the intervention of the previous mafia who continue to target Ken on the orders of Jaya Brawijaya.

"I believe I have finished the mafia assigned to kill Kendrick at that time. Kendrick's death is currently suspicious. The perpetrators of murder are very difficult to track down, and a system like this is very similar to the high-end mafia who are good at hiding things!" Thunder voiced his thoughts.

"I need Lion," Alice said suddenly glumly, "Lion never misses a mistake like this," she continued.

Sean came closer and put his arm around Alice gently.

"Can't I be proud of you? Remember, we have promised to continue to do whatever together. Don't think about things you'll do yourself!" Sean reminded his wife.

"I know, Sean. Sorry for making you uncomfortable. But it's true if there was a Lion we would certainly be able to see the light of the discomfort we all feel," answered Alice honestly.

"There is already Samuel with us. The hidden circumstances will be revealed, Rose!" Thunder added.

"Yes, I hope that Samuel will help a lot in solving this hidden thing around us!" Alice answered hopefully, "I'll call Bro Sky and Bro Lily now because yesterday Bro Sky called me and told me that Eagle Murphy's leader is in Southeast Asia. Did they come here after realizing my presence, Thunder? Does Eagle Murphy have something to do with Kendrick's death? ?" Alice continued asking.

"I don't know either, Rose. My members haven't told me anything about Eagle Murphy like when William and Jesselyn secretly came to this country!" answered Thunder firmly.

"Okay I'll call them now!" said Alice confidently as she pressed their communication device.

Alice pressed the connection to Sky, Lily, Mark, and Ben.

"What's the matter, Rose? Is the Eagle Murphy approaching? Be careful there, Rose!" Sky asked anxiously.

"I and the others are fine, Bro. It's just, strange things keep happening when I just got here!" Alice answered.

"And you know what? Murders were just happening all around us. And we didn't even find any lurking figures!" Alice continued to complain to her brother.

"That bad, Rose? Why are you so late in telling us the news? They might even know you were there!" said Lily nagging his sister.

"This murder just happened, Bro. At first, I thought that the small problem that happened with the Garendra family can still be handled without involving the mafia status, but the atmosphere seems to be getting out of control and even chaotic, but I can't see where the behind-the-scenes players are hiding!" Alice explained again.

"Thunder, did you find anything suspicious before Rose entered the country?" Sky asked Thunder to confirm.

"Sean and I are investigating a businessman who bought the dead assets of the Brawijaya Group. However, we didn't find anything strange. We investigated the man separately but each report showed the same results. There was nothing strange about him. But, somehow we are still suspicious!" Thunder admitted his suspicions.

"Again, Helena disappeared without a trace. I don't know where that woman went. My mind is a mess, Bro!" Alice added.

Knock Knock Knock

Their conversation in Sean's study stopped and turned toward the door that was located.

"Mom, Dad, that little kid wakes up and cries. I swear I didn't wake her up and make her cry. Look, my hands are clean!" Sunny said with only his head visible from the side of the half-opened door. While showing his right and left palms alternately.

"Okay, Sunny. No one is accusing you of making her cry, honey! Go back and see Qiara. Accompany her in a bit, I will be there in a minute," Alice replied with a smile.

After Sunny disappeared from there, Alice spoke again and this time for her two subordinates who had been listening to their bosses for a while.

"Mark, Ben! Can you guys come here? I need someone to protect this family. And you guys are pretty close to all the Garendra family members. I'm waiting for you to come as soon as possible!" Alice ordered Mark and Ben to follow here.

"Bro Lily, Bro Sky. Can I leave my base temporarily with you while Mark and Ben are with me here? Also, take care Daddy doesn't get too tired from work!" continued Alice ordered again.

"You calm down. Leave Death Rose and daddy to us. Be careful, Rose! Maybe shortly, we'll let daddy know the news there once we're sure he's feeling a little better!" Sky answered while reminding Alice to be careful.

What you want to discuss and convey has been completed. Calls between different mafia places end.

"I'll see the kids first!" said Thunder before leaving Alice and Sean in Sean's study.

Sean approached Alice and hugged her gently as if transferring comfort to his wife whose mind was in turmoil.

"Sean, how do I explain to Qiara that her father is dead?" Alice asked sadly in Sean's arms.

"Wait a little longer when Qiara's health is better. If we tell her now that Kendrick has died, can such a small child survive the grief? She has no one but her father, honey. The only thing she has left her," Sean said calmly as he continued to stroke Alice's hair.

"Yeah, I think you're right," Alice replied as she looked up at Sean, "Everything's going to be okay, right?" she continued asking.

"I'm with you, honey. I won't let anything bad happen to us again, today or in the days to come," Sean said softly and then kissed Alice on the lips affectionately, "Come on, let's see Qiara now!" he continued.


"Master Damian, the Garendra family will be visiting this house the day after tomorrow. I'm confused about your whereabouts. What if Rose and the two mobsters who always look after their children sense you're here?" Arnold asked Damian who was leisurely watching the news on the television.

"You don't have to worry about me. Just think about how you hid your nephew when that family came here," Damian replied casually.

"Yes, you're right. I have to get Helena out of this house first!" said Arnold worriedly.

"Could you take her for a while from here? At least, to avenge you, let Mona make a definite choice on Troy Garendra," continued Arnold asking Damian for help.

"Can I play with Helena too?" Damian asked with a sly smile.

Arnold glanced at Damian while massaging his forehead. Arnold is confused by the complicated relationship of their grudge as well as his daughter's relationship with the Garendra family.

Arnold didn't know, what was the meaning of 'Play' that Damian spoke to him. Also, Arnold hasn't realized Helena and Damian's collaboration that has killed one person.

Unbeknownst to Arnold, Damian and Helena are behind the scenes to take revenge on Alice and the Garendra family.

"Master, I hope you don't make things worse. I still don't know how to help you and my brother take revenge now!" responded Arnold while reminding Damian.

"Do what you want to do, Arnold. You and I agreed, didn't we? You'll help me get my revenge once Mona's business is over. And about Helena, she's an adult who can make her own decisions!"

"Don't you imagine how she would feel if she found out you set your daughter up with the son of the Garendra family? Remember, Arnold, Helena has a fresh grudge against them!" Damian reminded Arnold in a calm tone while smiling slyly.

Damian left the living room of the Sanjaya family's house, leaving Arnold still thinking complicated things.