Helena still looks daydreaming alone in her room. Precisely in front of the bedroom window that was open when Damian entered her room.

"Get ready, we are leaving in a moment!" said Damian directly.

Helena who was initially surprised by Damian's sudden arrival became surprised that Damian asked her to go.

"Where are we going, sir? And why? Is it because you killed Ken? then we have to remove the clue?" Helena kept asking repeatedly.

"Yes, partly because of the man's death. And the reason I'm asking you to go is that we're about to start working on our plan. I will change your identity!" Damian replied with a submerged calm.

'Perhaps I should not ask this Master so much. His evil aura was so strong. And he even killed Ken. Then now he wants to take me to clear our tracks and Sean's suspicions. Looks like he wants to help me!' Helena thought, who was considering Damian's offer.

Helena had decided to remain silent, but she also couldn't wait for an answer to her inner struggle.

"Then, what about Uncle Arnold? Will he agree if you take me? How about my daughter? My daughter is still with Sean, isn't she? Is it okay if I leave her with them?" Helena asked again.

"Your daughter will return to you once your grudge is resolved. And Arnold's problem, take it easy. He told me to take you away from here!"

"Ah, I remember that you still don't know, about Arnold trying to take your family company again. And Sean Garendra still hasn't given his approval as the country's deliberative council. Tonight, Arnold invites the endorsements to dinner, and Sean's on the dinner invite too!"

"He didn't want Sean to notice you were here and told me to take you for a while. Do you still have any questions?" Damian finished explaining the lie to Helena.

Even though the dinner took place because the house was about to be visited by the Garendra family as an approach for Mona and Troy.

Helena didn't ask much anymore after all of Damian's explanations made a lot of sense for her to accept.

After saying goodbye to Arnold, Helena went with Damian to leave the country. Go where? We won't know.


A new morning has dawned and has given everyone new hope.

Alice was still asleep hugging Qiara who was sleeping next to her when Sean received the call and confirmed that his wife was awake.

"Your sister-in-law hasn't woken up yet! What you want to tell her just tell me!" said Sean half annoyed at his little brother who called into Alice's cell phone.

The reason, Sean who was still asleep in his room immediately woke up was because Alice's cell phone rang. And when that happened, it must have been important news that Alice had to receive immediately.

Sean immediately got up and ran to bring Alice's cell phone to Qiara's room. And when he saw his wife still sleeping while hugging Qiara, Sean rubbed his lazy eyes and saw the name of the caller he had never seen before.

"Not. Later then. I'll be over at your house at lunchtime. And of course when you're not home!" Troy answered mockingly.

"Yes, come this afternoon and I will kill you before entering my house. What an asshole little brother!" Sean cursed his brother as he turned out of Qiara's room so that Alice and Qiara's sleep wouldn't be disturbed.

Instead of being afraid, Troy laughed heartily at his brother's annoyance.

"Do it. And if I die in your hands then Mommy and Daddy will be sad. And because of their sorrow, not only Alice will beat you but Sunny too! Hahaha!" replied Troy who was still laughing.

"You damn it! Hurry up, just say what you want to talk to Alice! I don't want to wake her up after Alice has been exhausted all day!" Sean scolded his brother.

Troy began to stifle his laughter until his breathing was now steady and ready to speak.

"I wasn't the one who wanted to talk to Alice at first, but Mommy!" said Troy who began to explain.

"Mommy? Why is Mommy afraid?" Sean asked back.

"Of course Mommy is scared. If Mommy is lucky, Mommy will talk to Alice herself, but if things are like this, you're the one who picks up the phone instead. Of course, Mommy didn't dare! You're such a scary kid that even your mommy is afraid to talk to you, hahaha!" Troy explained but laughed again.

"I'm going to tug on your tongue if you're still joking, Troy! Hurry up and talk!" Sean gave Troy a calm warning.

However, Troy knew that the breath that sounded in his ears indicated that his brother was indeed annoyed with him.

"Okay, okay… Mommy wants to invite you to have dinner together at Mr. Arnold Sanjaya's family house. But, Mommy and Daddy and I know that you don't like Mr. Arnold. So Mommy tried to talk to Alice instead. However, Mommy is still very afraid of the possibility that you will pick up Alice's cell phone, and it turns out to be true!" Troy explained in detail why he called Alice.

"Do you want to get married? Why is the reply to them so fast? Doesn't this mean that you agree to this matchmaking?" Sean began to speak quietly.

"I don't know, Bro. I don't want to get married very shortly like this. But, I told you that too, didn't I? Mommy and Daddy want my wedding and they like Mona Sanjaya. So I just agreed to join Mommy and Daddy's plans tonight!" Troy answered resignedly.

"Hey, are you giving up or stupid? Why to let Mommy and Daddy make the decisions?" asked Sean half mockingly, "But, never mind. This is also with your consent. I hope that woman is the best match for you!" Sean continued.

"Then, do you agree and will come tonight? You don't like Mr. Arnold, do you?" asked Troy a little confused.

"Can I fight Alice's words that want to see Mommy and Daddy smile? Do you know? I always get scolded when I complain about our parents!" Sean complained about his wife.

"Alice is indeed the best Sister-in-law! Well, that's that then. I'll call Mommy if you're willing to come with us!" Troy answered before hanging upon them.

When Sean had just left Qiara's room, along with it Alice's communication clock rang in her hand. Alice awoke with a somewhat limp expression and sat down immediately.

Seeing the caller's name on the watch, Alice got up from Qiara's bed and left the room.

"What's the matter, Sam? What do you know?" Alice asked Samuel who was currently in one of Lion's laboratories.

"I don't have much to report to you, Boss. But I have one interesting thing that you might be a little confused about!" replied Samuel who started reporting his findings.

"What's that? Try to say!" Alice asked immediately out of curiosity.

"I have been researching the bullet lodged in this man's body. The weapon used to shoot this man is a Glock 90 type firearm, Boss!"

"Isn't that the kind of firearm Death Rose has been selling exclusively to American soldiers? Am I right, Boss?" asked Samuel after confirming his assumption.

"Damn it! It turned out that there was indeed an intervention by the leader of Eagle Murphy in this country! Why did I get cheated like this?" Alice grumbled while cursing and it was still heard by Samuel.

"Sam, bury that man properly and hurry back here! I need to resolve the matter of the whereabouts of the Eagle Murphy leader lurking around us right now!"

"I've also called my men to come here. There are many oddities about Ken's death. We don't even know the reason for him being killed until now!"

"I will hang up now. Be careful, Sam!" Alice said to Samuel before turning off their connection.

'Why did Eagle Murphy's leader kill a commoner like Ken? How suspicious!' Alice muttered to herself.

Although Alice was still confused about the involvement of Eagle Murphy's leader in Kendrick's assassination, Alice didn't lose the alertness to realize someone was approaching her from behind.

Alice threw a powerful back kick without turning around.

Luckily the person behind her was quick to avoid the deadly kick. Otherwise, just imagine what would happen!

"Honey, it's me! Why are you so alert to me? I just want to hug my wife!" groaned Sean who was shocked and almost hit by his wife's death kick.

"Sorry, honey. I got carried away!" Alice replied feeling guilty and hugged Sean tightly, "Samuel just reported to me about Kendrick's mysterious death," she continued.

"How was the result of the examination? Did Samuel find anything odd?" asked Sean who was also getting curious.

"Technically, Kendrick did die immediately after being shot by that unknown person. But, do you remember when we picked up Lion at the Bar that time?" Alice asked after answering a bit.