"Hmm, yes. I still remember. Does it have something to do with mafia interference as we thought?" Sean asked back.

"That's true. And I suspect the mafia involved is the same person, namely the leader of Eagle Murphy who is still chasing the Black Dragon all over the world. And unfortunately, he is all around us right now!" Alice replied in annoyance that her knuckles turned white after clenching them tightly.

"But, what's the problem with that guy with Ken? How do you know Ken's death is related to your fugitives?" Sean also finds something odd about Ken's death, who was killed by the mafia.

"The firearm used to kill Kendrick was a Glock 90 that we produced for the American army. The same weapon the mafia used that captured Lion at that time. I had no idea how complicated this whole thing was!" Alice explained.

"But Ken has no connection with the mafia. Why would they kill Ken who only people don't have anything? This is weird, Alice!" squeaked Sean annoyed.

"You're right. And this matter cannot be tolerated. I suspect someone else asked them to kill Kendrick, Sean! And who is behind all that? Then Helena, where is she we don't even know!" Alice spoke confusedly.

Sean hugged Alice again affectionately and gave a sense of comfort so that Alice was calmer.

"Mark and Ben will come tomorrow, won't they? We'll discuss this with Thunder and Samuel too. Don't think too much about it alone. You have us here to help solve this complicated problem of ours," Sean said softly.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm not alone now. There are you guys who are always by my side and support me. Thank you, Sean. I love you!" Alice answered with a small but very sweet smile.

"Okay. While waiting for tomorrow, I received news from Troy that tonight Mommy and Daddy invited us to attend dinner at Arnold Sanjaya's house. Troy told me earlier through your cellphone," said Sean.

"Why so soon? It hasn't even been a week. Don't you feel weird?" asked Alice in surprise.

"When it comes to hasty matchmaking, I don't find it strange at all. My parents are like that, and Troy stupidly succumbs to them. Never mind, let's just watch in silence. Even though I don't like Arnold Sanjaya at all, ' said Sean in a serious tone.

"Then what about Troy and your parents if our suspicions about Arnold are true? They seem to be on good terms!" Alice asked.

"I told you before, didn't I? Let's watch in silence. Don't be too visible if we're suspecting Arnold. Let's just follow what Arnold wants, so we'll know what Arnold is!" replied Sean.

"Okay, if that's the plan. Only one more problem," said Alice which surprised Sean.

"What is it, honey?" Sean asked.

"Qiara. How are we going to tell your parents about Qiara? Mommy and Daddy hate Helena and the Brawijaya family. How will they accept Qiara's presence when the child only has us after Ken died?" Alice asked seriously. It feels like all the problems keep happening until her head feels dizzy.

"Let me explain to them what has happened recently without them knowing that another mafia is stalking us all," Sean replied as he hugged Alice and tried to calm his wife down.

"Okay, I think I can calm down and think about something else. All this stuff is making my head hurt, Sean. And it feels like every time I open my eyes my head feels like it's spinning and heavy like it is now," Alice complained in her husband's arms.

"You're sick, honey. You're too tired. No matter how great Black Rose is, you're still a woman, Alice. Please take care of your health. Don't keep pushing yourself and your mind on everything. It's me and the others. Everyone will help you," Sean advised Alice gently.

"You're over-dramatizing my situation, Sean. I'll be fine with enough rest. But, I can't seem to because we have a lot of work to do. I'll ask Samuel for vitamins when he comes back!" said Alice who didn't mind her body condition.


The day before evening. Alice and Sean were ready to leave.

The pair of handsome men and beautiful women look harmonious with matching clothes colors. Yes, of course, black. Because Black is a fun color, at least that's what Sean thinks, hahaha!

"Mom, Dad! Why don't you invite us? I want to go there too. I want to see Grandpa and Grandma again!" Sunny whined at Alice and Sean.

Sean half bent down to hold his beloved son.

"This is an important meeting that only adults can attend, my son. Little kids can't come," said Sean softly.

"Sean, get used to speaking Indonesian to Sunny. At least so that Sunny can speak fluently in the language of this country. It will also be for his good when Sunny starts hanging out with children his age!" Alice interrupted Sean's attitude which seemed to spoil Sunny.

"Alice?" Sean called Alice as if disagreeing with Alice's words, "Let my Sunny do what he wants. I know very well, that Sunny can speak as much as we want without us being forced!" Sean continued his refusal.

"Daddy's right!" Sunny answered mediating his parents' argument with a happy smile.

"Look! He can pronounce the lines well! We don't have to force anything on him because my Sunny is a genius and smart kid!" responded Sean who defended Sunny while laughing at his son.

Alice knitted her forehead after not knowing how to respond to the two strong and different age interlocutors in front of her right now.

Sunny was seen getting down from his daddy's arms and hugging Alice's legs until Mommy carried him.


Sunny gave a soft kiss to his mommy.

"I love Mommy more than anything. Without you asking, I can also speak like you, Mom. It's just that I don't feel comfortable saying this kind of language," Sunny said in a sentence that was a bit difficult for him to pronounce.

The little genius was trying to show what he could do all this time. However, because he didn't want to use Alice's language, Sunny was reluctant to mention it.

"Don't be mad at me, Mom. I'm afraid Mommy is angry," said little Sunny again while holding his ears.

"You smart boy. You always amaze me, son! What will I blame if you are not comfortable doing it yourself?" Alice replied with a smile.

"Don't tug at your ear like this, Sunny. It hurts. I don't want my son to be in pain. I'm sorry for making you push things you don't want to do! I'm guilty to you!" Alice apologized and took turns pulling one ear in front of Sunny.

Little Sunny hugged Alice affectionately. He was happy that his mommy was no longer forcing him and had understood, not everything Sunny was reluctant to do because Sunny couldn't, even though he was just lazy to do it.

"You didn't do anything wrong to me, Mom, why are you apologizing like this?" Sunny replied with a sweet smile.

"Oh my God, my son is so sweet. I'm happy to have you, son. I love you, Sunny!" said Alice who continued to kiss Sunny's face furiously until Sunny himself laughed in amusement.

Apparently, in the corner of the room leading to the living room where Alice and Sean and Sunny and Thunder were, there was little Qiara who saw the harmonious atmosphere.

Alice unintentionally glanced at Qiara and smiled.

"Come here, Qiara! Come closer here!" Alice called to Qiara after lowering Sunny from her arms.

Qiara hesitated to approach, but she couldn't refuse the call from her Aunt Alice.

Alice stroked Qiara's head after Qiara approached. Then Alice knelt so that she was level with Sunny and Qiara.

"One thing I want to ask of you, Sunny. Play and get to know Qiara like she is your sister, will you, son?" Alice asked Sunny who looked thoughtful.

A moment of silence and boredom, Sunny answered reluctantly.

"I'll consider her my sister if she doesn't keep crying for her dad, Mom!" Sunny answered using a language that Qiara didn't understand.

Everyone is stunned. Not only Alice, Sean, and Thunder also widen their eyes.

"Sunny, why do you say that, honey? You shouldn't say things like that to Qiara. Do you know, Qiara's father already…" Alice didn't continue her sentence because Sunny was the one who continued.

"Her father died, didn't he? I know, Mom, that her father is dead. And I don't like seeing or hearing this child cry for her father all the time!" replied the little Sunny which made everyone even more stunned except for Qiara who didn't understand what they were talking about in front of her.

Alice hadn't had time to ask when Sunny started talking again.

"She's not the only one who lost her father. I was also abandoned by Daddy Lion. But I don't cry all the time. I know she didn't know her father was dead, but why was she crying? Her crying made me want to cry too. I want to cry because I miss Daddy," Sunny said, looking down.