Tears flowed uncontrollably down Alice's face. She hugged her son softly.

"I am sorry, dear. I did you wrong again, son. Sorry, please don't be sad, Sunny. Mommy can't stand to see you cry like this, son!" Alice continued to cry while hugging Sunny while apologizing very regretfully.

"I forget your sadness when I see someone else's child. I am a bad mother to you, Sunny. I'm sorry," Alice continued to apologize.

Sean approached Sunny and Alice and hugged them both.

"Why are you two crying? It makes me sad too," Sean said softly to both of them.

"Sunny, you can miss Daddy Lion no matter how much. But keep in your mind, I love you so much more than my own life, son. Remember, apart from your Daddy Lion, Mommy and I don't want any sadness on your face either, honey. Stay happy and smile. We won't force anything on you, Sunny, because we know, our Sunny already know what to do," Sean continued, softly kissing Sunny's forehead.

"Thunder, take the children into his room. And for Qiara, call the nanny to accompany her to sleep," Sean said to Thunder.

It wasn't Thunder who answered but Sunny who spoke again.

"Just let me accompany this child, Dad. I'm fine now! I'm not sad anymore," Sunny said wisely after wiping his tears as well as Alice's.

Little Sunny quickly understood what his parents were saying. Alice's crying and Sean's sadness made him realize that he couldn't generalize other people's feelings to her own.

"Hey, little one! Come with me to Bro Shine's room. There, I'll teach you how to stop crying again! Your voice doesn't sound good at all!" asked Sunny with a style that sounded arrogant.

"Is there such a thing, huh?" asked Qiara confused, "You also just cried," Qiara chirped continued?

"But my voice is beautiful and you don't even cover your ears. But you, you've only been here for two days but my ears hurt after hearing your crying. Aren't you bored and tired?" Sunny turned things around without wanting to be blamed.

Alice who was initially sad now chuckled with Sean and Thunder as they watched the two little kids have a dialogue.

"You don't want to be sad anymore, do you? So now come with me or you'll go with the nanny who will put you to bed even though it's not too late yet!" Sunny continued to order Qiara until Qiara looked confused to answer.

"Come with Sunny. What he said is true. Inside there is Shine who will make you laugh and forget your sorrows!" said Thunder calmly to Qiara.

Qiara was still hesitant to join and seemed to turn her gaze to Alice as if asking for an opinion.

"Come with Sunny, Qiara. Play with Bro Shine in his room. Uncle Sean and I have business outside. Maybe we'll be back at midnight, honey!" said Alice softly while reassuring Qiara.

"Don't be afraid, Qiara. Sunny and Shine are sweet and smart kids. You'll love playing with them. Plus Sunny, he knows a lot of things you might want to know. Go, and come with Sunny now," Sean added.

After all the adults had convinced Qiara, cleared her doubts about Sunny for a moment, only then did she agree to go with Sunny,

"Thunder, we are leaving! Take good care of the children. Maybe Samuel will arrive soon," Sean said goodbye to Thunder.

"You guys should be careful, many prying eyes outside. I've made sure some of my men are following you!" Thunder turned to remind Sean and Alice.

"Yes, we will be careful. I also brought my people around us because the current situation is very unfavorable. We don't know where the enemy is stalking us," Alice replied confirming Thunder's words.

After making sure their departure was safe, Alice and Sean rushed out of their mansion and headed for the Garendra family's mansion which would then go together to Arnold Sanjaya's house.

With full attention, the car Sean was driving arrived at the Garendra family's big house. They pick up Sean's parents along with Troy, the man who will be arranged for an arranged marriage.

They set off in a bigger luxury car, which could accommodate five adults like them.

Alice was beside her mother-in-law, while Sean was next to Troy who was driving.

From the Garendra family's big house to the Sanjaya family's modest home address, their journey was accompanied by two other cars from the front and back.

Of course, that's not unusual or excessive. The reason is that the car being escorted contains important people, such as the former main director of Garendra Corporation and his wife, there is also Troy who has served as the main Director of Garendra Corporation now.

And a couple of other important people, Sean Garendra who is now a high-ranking state official, and his wife who must get strict supervision from state security officers who are ordered to guard them.

Not just two cars, but other cars followed their journey without everyone knowing, they were Alice and Thunder's subordinates in various positions without being conspicuous.

The convoy of cars was like the presidential vehicle passing by.

The journey continues until the destination address.

The car stopped in the yard of a house that was simple but looked elegant and antique and different from other houses.

In front of the courtyard, Arnold Sanjaya and his daughter, Mona Sanjaya welcomed their important guest tonight.

The guards descended quickly to open each of their master's doors.

One by one the Garendra family members got out of the car with a friendly smile at Arnold that immediately appeared in their eyes.

It was Alice's turn to go downstairs with Sean's helping hand to help her out of the car.

'Ah, you are so beautiful tonight, Rose. How can I not be infatuated like this with you? But the reality isn't quite what I expected,' Arnold thought as he looked at Alice and then at Troy and then at his daughter, Mona.

'I could have fought a little hard to get you from Sean Garendra, but what I did would break my daughter's heart,' continued Arnold thought to himself.

"Cough!" Mr. Bambang cleared his throat and smiled at the dreamy Arnold, "Good evening, Mr. Arnold. How are you?" continued Mr. Bambang greeting Arnold who was now fully conscious.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Mr. Bambang, I was a little daydreaming because I was amazed by the accompaniment of your car that I had never seen before. You are indeed an unusual and special family. I am touched that you are willing to come to fulfill the invitation for a dinner at our house! " replied Arnold kindly to all of them.

Without making their guests wait any longer, Arnold and Mona invited the elder couple of the Garendra family and Troy to enter their house.

Then, where are Alice and Sean now? Why don't you come into the Sanjaya family's house?

Sean and Alice were still at the side of their car.

Sean was seen calling someone, while Alice herself was seen sitting in the front seat of the car facing out of the car.

Arnold looked like he wanted to approach Sean and Alice but Troy quickly blocked Arnold politely.

"Mr. Arnold, let's just go inside. My brother and sister-in-law are like that. They always look busy. Please understand and we should just go in!" said Troy diverting Arnold's goal who wanted to approach Alice and Sean.

Arnold agrees with Troy's suggestion not to go along with asking Alice and Sean what they're doing.

At the same time, Sean was calling Samuel and asking exactly when he arrived at the mansion.

Sean was a little worried to see Alice's behavior which continued to hide her pain. But Sean always knew, in the smirk on Alice's face that he occasionally watched, Alice wasn't feeling well.

"Three more hours? That's too long, Sam! But fine. I will take Alice home and rest at home!" Sean said to Samuel on their phone.

"I'm fine, Sean! You're overly anxious and overthinking. I'm not sick, I'm just tired. I've been eating less lately and maybe that's why I'm weak and have frequent headaches. Don't overdo it like this!" Alice scolded her husband who was too panicked to see her a little pale.

"Okay, you say? I'll take you home and rest!" Sean answered firmly after he decided.

"If you take me home now and we go back home, what will your parents and Troy and Arnold Sanjaya say?" asked Alice, presenting an assumption.

"I don't care about anything else. I just want to make my wife comfortable!" replied Sean who seemed indifferent.

"Sean, listen to me!" Alice called to Sean who didn't care about anything else, "Tonight is an important moment for Troy. We are his brothers, how does it feel when we don't take part in important things in his life?" Alice continued asking and managed to get Sean to look at her.

"You told me that Troy succumbed to your parents' happiness, didn't you? How will you leave him when he needs support for his forced life choices? You don't want your brother to be happy?" Alice continued again.