"But that's not how things are right now, Alice! You're sick and I don't want to see you keep hiding that pain. Got it, honey. I'm so worried for you right now!" Sean again explained softly.

"I make sure my body is fine. Let's go inside and eat. I'm sure after I fill my hungry stomach, my condition and strength will return to normal!" Alice replied confidently, "And maybe tonight I can serve you a few rounds too. How, do you agree?" she continued asking with mischievous eyes.

"Oh my God, what am I looking at right now? My wife is so naughty even though her condition is weak right now!" muttered Sean who didn't even think about Alice's boasting, "Alright, let's go inside and eat a lot so you can recover your strength!" said Sean who finally relented with Alice's sweet words.

The two of them entered Arnold Sanjaya's simple and unique house. After going inside, it turns out that they were amazed by the interior of the house and the knick-knacks in it.

"Welcome. Mr. Sanjaya ordered to take you directly to the dining table because it is now time for dinner!" The polite and friendly welcome from the middle-aged woman dressed as a maid led Alice and Sean straight into the luxurious dining room, which might not be visible at all if you only looked at it from the outside of the house.

"Finally they arrived, hahaha!" said Mr. Bambang with a friendly laugh that everyone followed when they looked at Alice and Sean who were approaching.

"Please have a seat, Mr. and Mrs. Sean. Let's start our dinner," Arnold invited the two of them to sit in the available seats.

Just as Alice and Sean sat down, Mrs. Andini immediately asked Alice who was beside her in a slightly low voice.

"What were you two doing outside, Alice? Why don't you just go inside?" asked Alice's mother-in-law.

"I'm a little dizzy, Mom. But it's not too bad and Sean wants to take me home instead," Alice replied with a smile.

"You must be sick?" asked her mother-in-law, "But it's true. Look, your face is a little pale, Alice! Shouldn't you go to the hospital?" continued Mrs. Andini who was worried about her daughter-in-law's condition.

"No, Mom, I'm fine. Don't worry, after dinner, I'll feel better. So let's not ruin an important meeting tonight, Mom," Alice replied politely and gently.

"Yeah, you're right. But promise me after you get home from here you'll go straight to the hospital, okay!" pleaded her mother-in-law and Alice nodded in agreement.

Alice then turned to look at the empty chair which was supposed to be filled by Mona and made her ask.

"Why can't I see Mr. Arnold's daughter? Emm, yes, Miss Mona. Where is she? I saw her in the front yard with you, sir?" Alice asked kindly as she broke the slightly quiet atmosphere because Sean seemed so quiet.

"Ah, Mona is in the kitchen helping to prepare our dinner. Mona likes to cook, so maybe she's still preparing dessert for us because it looks like there's already a lot of heavy food served, hahaha!" replied Arnold with a friendly laugh.

"Okay then, I'll also help out in the kitchen and see if there's anything I can help with there," Alice said as she stood up from her chair.

"No, please stay in your seat, Mrs. Alice! I will not be able to lift my head and be ashamed if you help with the kitchen in my house. Please let Mona and the other maids prepare. You are my guest tonight," said Arnold disinclined.

"No big deal, sir. I just wanted to take a look around your wonderful house. May I?" Alice answered without hesitation.

"Of course, if you like it. Please if you don't mind! The kitchen is there. Please walk straight there," Arnold replied as he pointed to the kitchen where Alice was headed.

Of course, Alice didn't just make small talk to help out in the kitchen. And again, Sean didn't get in the way of what Alice was going to do because he knew Alice was looking to monitor the state of the house.

Alice walked leisurely but her gaze quickly swept over everything she saw.

'Everything looks normal and nothing suspicious. I feel no awkwardness or threat in this house. Then, why does Arnold feel like he has a different aura?' Alice thought to herself.

Alice kept walking until she arrived at the kitchen of the house. There was Mona, who was preparing food.

As she was making small talk with Mona, Alice's eyes fell on the bowl of soup whose sweet aroma wafted through her nose. Even when she saw the chicken soup on the kitchen table, it was as if her saliva was about to fall.

"Miss Mona, what kind of soup is this? It smells so fresh," Alice asked curiously, "May I have a little taste?" she continued asking permission to taste.

"Ah, of course, Miss Alice! Go ahead if you want to taste the soup!" Mona responded to Alice's request happily, "Auntie, please get a bowl for Miss Alice!" she continued ordering the maid there to serve Alice.

"Sorry to trouble you. I'm curious about the soup. The aroma is so enticing. I can't even control my shameless attitude!" Alice hesitated but she couldn't contain her urge either.

"No problem, Miss. I did just try the mushroom soup recipe I got from the internet. I'm not even sure if this dish deserves to be served up there or not," Mona answered honestly.

In Alice's eyes right now, Mona looked like an ordinary young woman who was good at cooking. From the way she cut, stirred, and cooked food in front of Alice, Alice smiled in amazement.

'This girl looks like a spoiled woman from a rich family at the beginning of the meeting, but who would have thought, I saw her cooking skillfully with my own eyes. Ok, eighty points for you, Mona!' thought Alice praising Mona's cooking skills.

Especially when Alice tasted the food Mona had brought for her. And sure enough, Mona's cooking deserves a thumbs up!

"Your cooking is very delicious. Just bring it to the front for everyone to eat. I'm sure our family will love it!" said Alice directly to Mona which made Mona smile shyly and happily.

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Alice. I'll keep trying to make lots of delicious dishes in the future!" replied Mona, looking down slightly embarrassed at Alice.

"Yes, may God bless this good relationship. I can't say much about your matchmaking, because only you and Troy will decide. Good luck, Miss Mona! I'm going back inside!" said Alice encouraging Mona.

Alice does not take sides or seem to reject Mona even though Mona looks very eager to be close to her. But, that's Alice. She didn't want to look careless even though the person in front of her was a good person.

Especially for now. The moment when the introduction of the Garendra family and the Sanjaya family began to get serious. No matter how great Alice is, other people only know, she is only the eldest daughter-in-law of the Garendra family who only supports Troy's decision as his sister-in-law.

Alice returned to her seat and smiled at everyone. And then Alice brought her face close to Sean's ear.

"I didn't find anything suspicious in the kitchen and its surroundings. Everything looks normal," Alice said in Sean's ear.

Sean raised an eyebrow as he watched his wife's smile continue to expand.

"I was suspicious even after you said there was nothing suspicious but you came back with a smile from earlier. What happened inside? Has something you wanted to know been satisfied until you are full?" asked Sean, sounding mocking.

"What do you mean?" asked Alice who now turned to raise an eyebrow in confusion at Sean's question.

"I mean this," Sean replied softly as he gently wiped the corner of Alice's lips which had a little oil stain on them, "Is your stomach feeling better after eating? Why don't you just ask me if you're hungry? Why do you have to be here, honey?" Sean said with a mocking smile.

Alice turned around with her face flushed with embarrassment as she pinched Sean's thighs until Sean screamed spontaneously.

"Hey, Bro! Can't you just keep your harmony at home? Please see where we are right now!" Troy interrupted his brother and sister-in-law's joke.

"Are you jealous, Troy? Don't worry, soon you will also be showing your affection with your wife!" said the Mommy defending her eldest son and daughter-in-law.

"Mommy's right! I think Troy will be even more ridiculous when he has a wife!" continued Mr. Bambang not wanting to lose, "Especially when your wife keeps you full of her cooking, maybe Shine will take your place because you don't want to leave your house, hahaha!" continued Mr. Bambang laughing happily.

"Why are Mommy and Daddy turning their back on me? They should be the ones cornered!" Troy groaned at feeling unfairly treated while pointing at Alice and Sean who kept smiling happily mocking him.