Of course, everyone paid attention to them. Arnold was no exception, who harbored envy in his heart.

'Sean is lucky to have a wife like you, Rose. Reminds me of my late wife who was also a mobster, but she still doesn't lose her smile and affection for me. Seeing you guys like this reminds me of the past,' Arnold thought sadly.

The atmosphere at the dining table that sounded cheerful was suddenly quiet when Mona came over with the soup that Alice had tasted before. Followed by several waiters who brought other complementary dishes.

"Well, Mona has arrived. Let's eat this delicious dish! Please, taste it. Hope you all enjoy Mona's homemade cooking!" said Arnold happily showing off his daughter's skillful cooking.

In a happy and familiar mood, everyone ate the food provided and continued to praise Mona. Alice and Sean's parents are no exception, who continue to praise Mona's cooking.

The only ones who were silent were Sean and Troy. No wonder Sean looks calm because that's the way he is. But Troy? Troy was just silent while watching the happy expressions emitted by his parents. Until dinner was over, Troy just kept quiet.

They all moved to another room. A room where they can chat casually. There, then Troy looks ready to open his voice.

"Mr. Arnold. Sorry if I'm presumptuous to talk to you. I don't know how to talk to the person who might become my in-laws in the future," everyone gasped at what just Troy said.

Troy sat sternly facing Arnold which he rarely showed. The temper as a cheerful and humorous man that has stuck to Troy's image, disappears when Troy shows that he is a firm and wise man.

Sean and Alice smiled at Troy's current attitude.

"Honestly, I don't have any feelings for Mona yet. Sorry that my words are too rude to say, but here I am. I don't want to deceive myself,"

"But, rather than my feelings, I saw my parents' happiness when I saw Mona and I know that my mommy and daddy have liked Mona since our previous meeting. And whatever it is, for me who is already at an age that doesn't deserve to play around again, their happiness that's all that matters right now!"

Troy had just stopped talking and when he was about to continue his speech again, the mommy hugged Troy who was right next to her while crying tears of joy.

Mr. Bambang also patted the shoulder of his youngest son, smiling proudly.

"I accept this matchmaking, Mr. Arnold. I accept Mona as my future wife!" Troy said firmly, continuing his speech.

Arnold smiled happily at Troy's assertiveness in admitting everything.

"I'm amazed by your honesty, son. You don't cover your feelings that you haven't accepted my daughter as a special woman in your heart. I also admit a love can't be forced, moreover you've never met or spent time together as an approach. I understand that."

"But, besides your honesty, I appreciate your dedication to your parents, because this kind of attitude is very difficult to find in today's modern era,"

"When many young entrepreneurs like you reject matchmaking and choose to live freely in their heyday, you instead choose to be matched by your parents. I am amazed and certainly proud if one day, my daughter will be your future wife!"

"Troy Garendra, I accept an arranged marriage on behalf of my daughter with you! Hopefully, this family relationship will continue to a better level!"

When Arnold Sanjaya had agreed to accept Troy's arranged marriage with his daughter, Mr. Bambang immediately approached and embraced his prospective besan.

"Your daughter is so polite and kind, sir. I must be happy to have a daughter-in-law like Mona!" said Mrs. Andini happily after shaking hands with Arnold.

At that happy moment, Mona had just arrived with a sweet snack that she had just made. Mona doesn't know what has happened to her yet.

Mona just put the tray containing the sweet snacks on the table, Mrs. Andini immediately hugged Mona happily.

"Congratulations, Mona. You are our future daughter-in-law. Welcome to the Garendra family," said Mrs. Andini happily.

Mona's face, which had been shy all this time, is now even redder when she finds out that Troy has accepted an arranged marriage with her.

Everyone smiled happily, including Alice and Sean who were also happy with Troy's decision without coercion.

The atmosphere becomes calmer and more relaxed. They all sat back down feeling different from before. The conversation felt more intimate between the two families.

Alice who for some reason couldn't control her excessive appetite that night kept glancing at the sweet snacks that looked tantalizing in her eyes. Alice didn't even hesitate to ask Mona.

"Mona? Ah, I mean Miss Mona," Alice stopped her sentence confused about what to call Mona.

"Just call me by my name. I don't feel comfortable when my sister-in-law calls me Miss. Just call me Mona, it's better and more comfortable to hear," said Mona with a friendly smile.

"Okay, I won't hesitate!" Alice agreed, "Mona, may I know, what kind of food is on the table? I'm curious," Alice continued to ask shamelessly.

While Sean shook his head while patting his forehead when he saw Alice's different behavior tonight.

"Honey, you've eaten too much tonight. Your stomach will hurt if you eat that food again!" whispered Sean in Alice's ear.

"I'm still hungry, Sean. For some reason, I can't hold back my appetite when I see the many delicious foods presented to me. And that cake, that cake is so pretty. I can't wait to taste it!" replied Alice who was also whispering.

Seeing the silly couple's behavior, everyone laughed.

"Take it if you want, Alice. Eat it before the cake melts!" Mona said inviting Alice to taste it.

"This is a chocolate pie that I added durian fruit to when cooking the sauce. Try it, you'll love it!" Mona explained to Alice then got up to let everyone have a taste.

Without hesitating, Alice started to bite the pie and chew it. Not to mention the pie was swallowed, Alice felt her stomach strange and seemed to be churning.

Alice immediately pushed the chocolate pie away and gave it to Sean.

"Excuse me, can you show me where the toilet is, Mona?" Alice asked with her mouth still trying to keep the pie from swallowing.

"There, let me show you!" said Mona who immediately stood up to help Alice who looked strange.

"Leave me alone. I'll help her!" Sean immediately answered swiftly and followed Alice who had run to the toilet after Mona pointed it out.

Everyone was worried about Alice's condition who didn't look well.

"Troy, what's with Alice? You're closer to her than I am!" asked Mrs. Andini who asked Troy.

"Why are you asking me, Mom? Ask her husband what he did to Alice to make Alice look so sick!" Troy answered half nagging.

While in the toilet, Sean kept rubbing Alice's back over and over as Alice kept throwing up all the food she had eaten earlier.

"Alice, what happened to you? How did it get like this? Is the food poisonous?" Sean kept asking out of panic.

"I don't know, my stomach hurts so bad and I keep wanting to throw up. But I don't think it's because the food is poisonous. If the food was poisonous, everyone would have vomited like me, hoeek!" said Alice breathlessly and spit out her food again.

"I told you earlier, we should just go home and wait for Samuel at home! Why don't you listen to me at all? You're sick, honey!" Sean continued to nag Alice who seemed to be getting weaker.

Alice didn't answer Sean's tirade this time. Her body felt weak after repeatedly removing the contents of her stomach.

Alice leaned weakly against Sean's chest and seemed to be catching her breath.

"Sean, take me home-" Alice's words were not finished because Alice immediately fainted in Sean's arms.

"Alice! Wake up, honey!" Sean called while shaking Alice's body slowly and repeatedly patting Alice's cheek.

Sean panicked and frustrated with Alice's unconscious state like this. Sean immediately reached into his cell phone in his pocket and called Samuel.

"Are you home already? This is a precarious situation! Alice fainted after repeated vomiting! I'm going home right now!" said Sean panicked and immediately hung up the call when Samuel had not answered anything.

Sean carried Alice's bridge-style body and came out of the toilet.

Without greeting everyone there, Sean headed straight to the main door of Arnold's house and got out of there to his car.

Everyone also panicked and worried when they saw Sean holding Alice who looked weak and closed her eyes.

Troy caught up first because he outruns everyone.

"Bro, what happened to Alice?!" Troy asked frantically.

"I don't know either. Alice fainted after throwing up her food earlier. I'll take Alice home to Samuel's check. You bring Mommy and Daddy in another car. Say sorry to the Sanjaya family, I'm leaving, Troy!" said Sean hastily as he put Alice's body slowly and fastened the seat belt on his wife.