Without a long wait, Sean immediately hit the gas and the car drove like a madman, leaving their guards behind.

The distance that should have taken Sean two hours was cut short by only taking forty-five minutes.

Sean who arrived in front of his mansion was immediately greeted by Thunder and Samuel who had also just arrived there.

They deftly brought Alice to her room and Samuel was seen immediately checking Alice's condition with his stethoscope.

"What happened to Boss Rose earlier? Why is Boss Rose so weak like this?" asked Samuel as he prepared the IV kit for Alice.

"I'm not sure, but for the past few days Alice has been complaining of headaches when she wakes up in the morning and her appetite has decreased. And just now, at dinner. Alice ate so much food that she felt nauseous and threw up all the food she ate!" Sean explained in detail what Alice was going through.

Samuel stopped his movement and turned to Sean for a moment and it made Sean even more worried when Samuel looked at him like that.

"Why did you even stop and turn to look at me? Hurry up, help Alice now!" Sean protested Samuel's silent attitude while widening his eyes.

"Boss Rose may be pregnant," Samuel replied in an even tone.

Not only Sean, Thunder who was also there also widened his eyes after Samuel said that one shocking sentence.

"This is no time for jokes, Sam! Rose's condition is really weak right now!" Thunder warned Samuel not to make serious jokes like this.

"Did you and Mr. Sean think I was making a joke, Boss? How can I carelessly talk about Boss Rose's current health? I'm not ready to die yet," replied Samuel who was still trying to calm down.

"So, Alice is pregnant? Are you sure, Sam?" asked the excited Sean.

"I'm not entirely sure, sir. Let's wait for Boss Rose's blood test results first. Only then will we know what has happened to Boss Rose's body these past few days!" Samuel again explained.

"How long is that, Sam?" asked Thunder.

"It won't be too long when the medical equipment I brought from Boss Lion's laboratory is installed perfectly. And now, my other comrades are still installing the equipment at this time," Samuel replied again.

"But you don't have to worry too much now. I've checked Boss Rose's condition and there's nothing suspicious. Let Boss Rose rest now. I will take this blood sample to where Boss Lion's medical equipment is installed!" continued Samuel before leaving Sean and Thunder.

"I'm coming, Sam. I will also help there!" Thunder also followed Samuel away.

Silence fell in Sean and Alice's room.

Sean took Alice's hand gently and brought her a loving kiss.

Sean's eyes filled with tears when he saw Alice's weak body and possibly pregnant with their child at this time.

Sean's hand reached out to touch Alice's still flat stomach and brought his face close to it. Although he doesn't know what Alice's blood test results are at this time, for some reason Sean is sure that Alice is indeed carrying their baby.

"Lord, if at this time in Alice's womb there is the baby of our love, keep our child and Alice healthy. Thank you for allowing me to be a father again. I will take care of Alice and the child in her womb. I will not repeat it when I lose an important moment when my woman is pregnant with my child. I promise, God!" whispered Sean over Alice's flat stomach.

Alice seemed to start reacting by moving her hand over her still aching stomach. But instead, her hand touched Sean's face which was still there.

Alice opened her eyes and smiled crookedly at Sean.

"What are you doing in my stomach? I can faintly hear you muttering there. Did the worms in my stomach say something?" asked Alice who was trying to joke with her voice still weak.

"Samuel looks like he's back, doesn't he? And I'm in the room now. You must have been scared when I wasn't awake. I'm sorry, Sean. I'm not going to do this again," Alice said again after fully realizing that the IV line was connected to her hand.

"Alice, I love you so much. Thank you for allowing me to be the happiest man in the world when I'm by your side," instead of responding to Alice's words, Sean uttered a sweet sentence full of love that made Alice confused.

"Hey, why suddenly say the word love like this? I'm so touched. If when I'm sick like this I keep being flooded with love, I'm willing to be sick and stay here," said Alice weakly with a smile.

"When did I ever forget to say a word of love to you, huh? Don't say it like that. Be healthy, Alice. I'm so sad to see you sick and lying weak like this," said Sean gently and patiently.

"Seeing you sad also makes me sick. But I don't know why my body has been so weak these past few days. And it's even worse like what happened before," Alice immediately replied to Sean's words as she raised her hand and lightly massaged her forehead.

"Alice, don't you feel anything strange in your body other than you just have a headache and nausea?" Sean started asking about Alice's feelings for her own body.

"What do you mean? I don't understand what you mean, Sean," Alice asked confusedly, "Is there something wrong that Samuel noticed while examining my body earlier?" she continued asking.

"No. Samuel didn't say anything weird about your health, honey. It's just that we'll have to wait a little while for the results of your blood test to find out what's happened to your frail body these past few days," Sean explained.

"Oh, alright!" Alice answered shortly after understanding.

"Go back to sleep. I'll have the maid cook some nutritious porridge for you to make your stomach feel better. You threw out a lot of food earlier. And it must be sick, right?" Sean spoke again softly.

"Hmm, yes. It hurts and my head feels like it's going to burst. I'll sleep again, but keep me company. I always want to be near you, when in fact I'm embarrassed to always stick to you," Alice said shame.

Sean smiled happily while kissing Alice's forehead affectionately.

"If you hug someone else's husband or another man, you should be ashamed. I'm your husband and only yours. I can even stay with you all day and forget everything to sleep next to you," Sean replied.

"Yeah. I believe you can do anything. Come and lie down with me!" Alice laughed as she stretched out her hands calling for Sean to lie down next to her.

Alice nuzzled her head against Sean's chest and found a comfortable position. She poured her fatigue and pain into the body of the man who loved her with all his soul.

Both of them heard a knock on the door. A second later Shine's voice called out.

"Mom, Dad. May I come in?" asked Shine.

"Come in, son. The door is unlocked!" Sean answered as he sat back down because he would be embarrassed if Shine saw them like before.

Shine went inside and immediately approached the mommy.

"Mom, I heard that you were sick. What happened to you, Mom?" Shine asked while holding his mother's hand.

"I'm fine, Shine. I'm just too tired and need some rest," Alice replied with a smile.

Sean approached Shine and put his arm around him.

"Since Uncle Lion has been sick, Mommy hasn't gotten enough rest. Plus, Mommy's group is there. And only now does her body react when she's tired," said Sean.

"Mommy's better not to do anything else from now on. I'm afraid to see Mommy this weak," Shine advised the mommy anxiously.

"All right, son! I'll rest until my body is fully healed. I'll be at home all day and keep you company," Alice replied taking Shine's advice.

"Hmm, Dad, Mom. I want to ask you one thing about what Sunny said about Qiara," Shine asked seriously.

"About Qiara's father who died?" Sean asked back and Shine nodded in approval.

"As for that, it's true. Qiara's father just died a few hours after leaving Qiara here. And the cause of his death is still under our investigation. Right now, we are being targeted by the enemy, Shine. Always be careful and don't let your guard down despite your guard tight wherever you are!" Sean replied while reminding Shine to be more careful with his surroundings.

"It turns out to be a complicated situation, doesn't it?" Shine muttered under her breath, "Okay, Mom, Dad. I'll take care of Sunny and Qiara a little bit more!" Shine continued.

"Smart kid! I'm grateful to have smart kids like you two!" said Alice happily, "Then where is Sunny? Is he asleep?" Alice continued asking.

"Hmm, yes. Sunny and Qiara just fell asleep after arguing. Sunny doesn't look like he wants to lose even though he lost playing snakes and ladders with Qiara. If you saw them earlier, you would laugh out loud!" Shine tells the funny story of his younger siblings to his parents.