"Ah, you're right, honey! Why would I even bother with a matter you're not at all worried about? Shouldn't I have started organizing Troy and Mona's engagement, shouldn't I? Ah, I can't wait for that day to come!" Mrs. Andini continued to chatter with joy.

Alice and Shine continued to listen to the chatter of Mrs. Andini who seemed not to have felt any anxiety before.

Alice had managed to calm her mother-in-law so as not to get too involved with the problems they were currently facing.

Back to the living room…

"Troy, Daddy. I hope you'll understand after what I've told you. Don't tell anyone but our family about Alice's pregnancy. The slightest bit of this happy news is known to the outside, and things are going to get a lot more complicated for us. And I might be very overwhelmed when bad things happen," Sean said while reminding me.

"Don't worry, Bro. I understand what I have to do. After all, it's not a good thing if Alice's pregnancy is exposed. Imagine how much media will report later. You are a former successful businessman and now a respected member of the state council. Covering the news about you is a field of money for media crews!" Troy made up his mind.

"I'm not too worried about it but the impact the news will have, especially with the unexpected terror of Alice's enemy. I wasn't prepared to imagine something bad happening to her!" Sean replied tensely.

"May I ask a question, Sean?" asked Mr. Bambang to his eldest son.

"Just tell me, Dad. I'll answer it," Sean answered immediately.

"No one can find out about Alice's pregnancy other than our family. Are Sanjaya's family outsiders? Didn't we just have a family relationship with Mr. Arnold and Mona?" the daddy asked seriously.

'But Arnold is indeed the person we're suspecting right now, Dad. However, I can't explain it to the both of you until Alice and I find out who Arnold is,' Sean thought to himself.

"I hope you can understand, Dad. For now, just we know about this happy news. Daddy and Troy can share everything when things are more favorable. Not that I'm overly suspicious of Mr. Arnold, because I'm disagreeing with the council that discusses the dead assets of Brawijaya,"

"But, at least I just wanted to keep watch for the safety of all of us. I hope you can understand what I mean, Dad!" Sean continued to speak firmly, even to his parents.

Hearing Sean's firm words made Mr. Bambang's heart a little sad. But Mr. Bambang knows everything Sean and Alice do is the best for their family.

Mrs. Andini came out of Alice's room with a happy face. They don't know what Alice said to her mother-in-law, which surprised Sean, Troy, and even Mr. Bambang.

"Is your conversation over? I was thinking about happy things after I talked to Alice!" said Mrs. Andini to her husband and two sons.

"What did Alice tell you to look so happy about, Mom?" Troy asked confused.

"Alice told me not to think about things that make us sad and anxious. Alice's pregnancy is a very happy one for our family. But sadly only we can find out,"

"But Alice is such a good daughter-in-law. She distracts me by reminding me to plan Troy and Mona's engagement day. And this makes me happy!" said the mother very happily.

"Did Alice say it was okay, Mom?" Troy asked.

"Of course! I couldn't have dared to be this excited without Alice's suggestion. Especially with the current situation!" the mother immediately answered sure.

Sean put his arm around Troy's shoulders and bent Troy's head in his armpit.

"Don't pretend to be surprised. Just tell me that you want to get married too quickly!" Sean scoffed at his confused little brother.

'Although I also don't know what Alice meant by giving Mommy such an idea,' continued Sean also confused and mumbled to himself.


"Alice, what did you say to Mommy? Why would you propose Mona and Troy's engagement at a time like this?" Sean asked in surprise as he came upon Alice in their room.

"Sooner or later their engagement will take place, won't it? So why not now?" Alice replied casually. Until it made Sean excited with his wife's expression as if nothing complicated had happened.

Sean kissed Alice's knuckle which was still attached to the IV line.

"And I know, behind Troy's proposed engagement, there's something else you're up to. I was right, wasn't I?" Sean asked.

"Not a big plan. I want to take the first step and not just sit around waiting for an attack. If our enemy isn't clear at all, why don't we just lure them out?" Alice answered confidently.

"By Troy's engagement? What does that mean?" Sean asked again.

"Once hit, two flies die! That's what I'll do, Sean. On one side we don't know who killed Kendrick yet. And on the other hand, we suspect Arnold. I want to see Arnold's next move after his daughter's engagement happens," Alice continued her thoughts.

"But isn't it dangerous at all, Alice? At that time there will be a lot of people coming. We won't be able to keep an eye on each one of the guests!" Sean gave his opinion.

"Maybe not for now, but if I summon half the Black Dragons here, isn't that enough? Didn't you see that many Lion members yesterday? That's still one group, there are still four more groups that haven't been gathered. And if I order half of them to come here, that's probably more than enough," Alice expressed her opinion.

"My wife is great. I agree with your plan! Let's make the first move. But once you're feeling better. And I'll also make sure you don't put yourself and our child in danger!" Sean reminded firmly.

"Okay, honey! I won't take any careless steps that could harm myself and our child. I promise!" Alice answered with a smile.


A new day has dawned by bringing a new story to the Garendra family.

Sean came down to the dining room. There were already seen Shine, Sunny, and Qiara, as well as Troy who was seen taking care of a teenager and two small children in front of him.

"Troy, where are Mommy and Daddy? Why don't they come down and have breakfast together?" asked Sean in surprise.

"Thanks to my dear sister-in-law's suggestion, Mommy and Daddy are getting even more excited about getting everything ready for the engagement party," Troy replied a little sluggishly.

Sunny got up from his chair and immediately bumped into his daddy's body.

"Dad, where's Mommy? Why don't you come down and eat? And did grandma and grandpa come last night? Why didn't you tell me they were coming?" the smart Sunny began to investigate.

"I will answer your questions one by one. But first, sit quietly in your chair, good boy!" replied the father softly with a smile.

"Morning, Shine!" Sean greeted Shine while rubbing Shine's hair, and immediately got a smile from his son in return.

"Good morning too, sweet Qiara? Did you sleep well, honey?" this time Sean greeted Qiara and also stroked the ends of Qiara's hair.

"Good morning, Uncle Sean. I slept very well. Then where is Aunt Alice? I wanted to tell Aunt Alice about my dream last night!" said the little Qiara innocently.

"Hey, little girl. I was the first to ask my dad. Why are you even following along?" Sunny interrupted Qiara's conversation with Sean.

Qiara looked confused by Sunny's words which used a foreign language that Qiara didn't understand at all.

While Sean, Troy, and also Shine, laughed excitedly at the behavior of the two boys. Especially for Sunny who always protested what Qiara did in front of him.

"Your son is good at confusing people!" Troy chirps while laughing.

"Sunny, use language that Qiara can understand. But, not forswear words like that. Speak nicely, dear," Sean said firmly but with a soft tone and command to Sunny.

Sunny looked down feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Sunny apologized. And when Sean complimented him on admitting his mistakes, Sunny smiled again.

"Sunny, Qiara, Mommy is not feeling well and is currently resting in her room. For the time being, Mommy will eat in the room because her body is still weak," Sean explained to the two small children.

Without answering, Sunny and Qiara immediately ran toward the room where Alice was resting.

Troy and Shine chuckled as Sean turned to face them both after watching the two little boys climb the stairs.

The atmosphere at the dining table was calm again. Sean was seen turning to Troy who was focusing on the tablet in front of him.

"Troy, are you ready for an engagement with Mona? It's still not too late if you want to change your mind!" Sean asked seriously which made Troy raise an eyebrow and turn to Sean.

"Why ask again? Never mind, Bro! Although I'm still not sure about my feelings, I know if I make my parents happy by marrying Mona, my life will be fine. I will also tell Mona that my feelings for her are still normal,' Troy answered confidently.