"Why ask again? Never mind, Bro! Although I'm still not sure about my feelings, I know if I make my parents happy by marrying Mona, my life will be fine. I will also tell Mona that my feelings for her are still normal,' Troy answered confidently.

"To be honest, I envy you, Bro! You gave up Garendra Corporation's responsibilities to me and prefer a more relaxed government business. And now, your life is getting happier with your wife and children. I want that too someday,"

"Office matters are giving me a headache, I don't want to keep adding to the questions that Mommy and Daddy always ask. And after I granted their request by getting married, then everything was over. I can work in peace, and our parents don't keep chasing me anymore, "

Troy finished with the full answer Sean wanted to hear.

"But, little Uncle. Would you be happy if you lived your life as if it were forced? If it was me, I wouldn't want to. I will marry the woman I love," Shine asked and then expressed his opinion.

"Shine, you think I want to be like this, huh? What I get now is the result of the behavior of your two dads, son! They became my reference for not wanting to fall in love and drown with feelings for women!" Troy replied grumpily. Then his facial expression turned a little gloomy, "we know the love life of your two parents is so sad," he continued sadly.


A dinner napkin was thrown in Troy's face that came from his brother.

"Whose life and love are you calling sad, huh? Brother Arsen and I? You are reckless!" Sean protested his brother's words.

"Of course you guys! Do I have a brother besides you two, huh? About Brother Arsen, I won't say it because we both know. But you, you become a crazy man when your heart is broken. I don't want to be like you fall in love!" Troy grumbled as he wiped his mouth with the napkin that Sean had thrown.

"You idiot! You're wrong to think falling in love makes you miserable. You look at Shine, she's proof of the love of Bro Arsen and Sis Iris. Our Shine grew up to be a smart and strong child-like his parents. And I, look. I'm very happy now, aren't I? Even my child will grow again," Sean explained mockingly.

"Yes yes yes, I already knew that you would flaunt your happiness on me! Come on, let's stop this talk about love. Love doesn't make us rich and full, does it? I'm late, I'm leaving, Bro!" Troy replied lazily and left to go to work, "Shine, do you want to go with me or your daddy?" he continued asking Shine.

"I'm with Uncle! Daddy doesn't look ready," Shine answered and got up too, "I'm leaving, Dad!" Shine said goodbye after kissing Sean's cheek.

"Be careful, son! Have a nice day!" Sean answered his son as he watched Troy walk away.

'You just don't understand and feel what falling in love is, Troy. You're too rash to quickly agree to your engagement to a woman you don't love. But, no one knows when love will come. Wish you all the best!' Sean thought wishing the best for his brother.


"So you finally set up Mona with that guy? And because your decision to make your daughter happy made you change our plans?" Damian asked from the other end of the ongoing call.

"I hope you can understand, Mister Damian. I'm just a father who wants my daughter's happiness. I just want to make my daughter's life as happy as Sarah wanted before she died. I hope you can understand, sir. Mona is also your niece," Arnold half pleaded.

"But, I promise not to tell them your plans or whereabouts. I will disappear and stay away from all of you so that the Garendra family doesn't suspect me too much of being closely related to the mafia," Arnold continued to persuade Damian.

"So, does Arnold give up? How are you going to repay the debt you owed me in the past, hmm? And what about the fate of your niece in my hands? Should I just get rid of this woman? Or am I empowered to be a tool of my revenge on them?" Damian asked with his little laugh that sounded horrible.

"Wait, Mister Damian! You can't do that to Helena! Please don't do anything at this time. I'll meet you at your place after Mona's engagement. I beg you to understand, Mister Damian!" Arnold again pleaded in panic.

"Alright, let's see what kind of offer you want to make to me later. I hope what you will say later is a good thing that will not disappoint!" Damian replied in a mocking tone then immediately hung up their phone.

"Boss, the operation is complete and a success!" a large man with a face full of slashes delivered a message to Damian who had his back to him.

"Very nice! Give the medical team that handled the surgery a big gift. Make sure their deaths don't hurt because they've worked hard today for me!" Damian replied as he ordered his men to clean up the people concerned.

"Okay, Boss!" Damian's men replied curtly and quickly left.

"Everything went as I expected. The idiot Arnold must have given up on the excuse of his daughter's happiness. But, I also have a more reliable means of revenge than that stupid man, hahaha!" Damian muttered to himself then laughed horribly.


A tense atmosphere occurred in a private clinic owned by a plastic surgeon in a slightly remote area on the outskirts of the city around Italy.

Along the white floor drenched in the blood of several people lying woefully, Damian walked into one of the rooms where a woman lay unconscious, with her entire head wrapped in bandages. And only leaving the eyes and nostrils so that they can see and breathe.

"Take that woman to our place!" Damian said to his men to take the woman who looked like a mummy with them.

"Black Dragon, wait for my vengeance for your deeds. Just as you killed my children, until the Eagle Murphy disappeared from America, I will kill you from the roots until there is nothing left. And my first destination is Rose! So get ready, hahaha!" Damian muttered about the grudge he was harboring while laughing which sounded scary.

The death of Alfred, William, Jesslyn, and hundreds of his men, made Damian hold a grudge. In addition, when he began to form a mafia alliance to attack the Black Dragon group on a large scale years ago and lost, Damian's grudge grew and took root.

Either way, Damian had vowed to kill all the members of the Black Dragon and become the ruler of the Americas, just like he had always dreamed of. The Eagle has ambitions to replace the Dragon who has been the eternal ruler there long ago. Is it possible that this shift of power could occur?

Meanwhile, at the same time in a different place, the two children who continued to disagree were making Alice laugh out loud with their disagreements.

"Aren't you lying to me, Mom? When you have my sister, won't you ignore me?" Sunny asked looking gloomy when Alice told Sunny that he was going to have a sister soon.

"Why would I lie to you, honey? You and this little sister are the most precious treasures I have. There will be no struggle for affection between you two. You, Shine, and your little sister are the children I love. And now, there's also the sweet Qiara. This house will be bustling with your ravings," Alice answered softly.

While Qiara looks silent in confusion about her aunt Alice's conversation with Sunny.

"Auntie, I don't understand what you are talking about. What are you talking about?" asked the confused little Qiara.

Sunny looks snorted, looking away from Qiara. While Alice smiled at the behavior of these two children.

"Sunny, look at Qiara's innocent face. Qiara gets cuter when she's flustered like this, doesn't she?" Alice teased the indifferent Sunny.

"I don't want to see it, Mom. And again, you promised me you wouldn't share your love after my sister was born. But look now. With the mere presence of that crybaby, you've already distracted yourself from me. You lie! I don't want to be friends with you, Mom!" Sunny said sulking and it looked even cuter in Alice's eyes.

"Then what should I do with her when she asks me? Should I shut up and continue talking to you while Qiara is waiting for an answer? Is that polite, honey?" Alice asked softly, smiling at Sunny.

Sunny who was listening began to bow down, she confirmed her mother's words. And when she lifted her head again, Sunny hugged Alice and spoke in a languid tone.

"Sorry, Mom. I am wrong. Somehow I still can't accept her presence near us. And again, you also said that I would have a sister. I'm afraid you don't love me anymore, Mom," Sunny said quietly.

Alice smiled and understood the anxiety of a child who was afraid of being neglected by the sharing of his parents' love.