Alice set up Sunny beside Qiara who had been silent for a while.

"You are smart and sweet children. I believe and know that you are brothers who will love this baby very well," Alice said as she pulled Qiara and Sunny's hands to her stomach which was still flat.

"No one will be neglected. No one will lack love from me. I love you with the same amount of affection. I would be sad if you thought there would be a difference in the level of affection when your sister was born. No, it won't be like that, huh?" Alice continued speaking softly reassuring Sunny and at the same time telling Qiara that her aunt would bring a little sister for them.

"You have a baby in your tummy, Auntie? Really? What does she look like? Why isn't she talking to us? And is she pretty like me, Aunt?" The innocent Qiara kept asking the little questions that gave Sunny a headache.

"Hey, little girl. The baby is still very small. Just wait until she is born she will cry in your face every day! After all, why does my sister have to look like you? She is my sister, she will be like me!" Sunny scolded Qiara and made the debate continue and made Alice smile even more.

At the same time, the door was heard knocking irregularly, until Alice allowed the people outside to enter, then a handsome man seemed to be in a hurry to see Alice.

"Boss, are you okay? Which part hurts, Boss! I'll kill the person who caused you this pain!" Mark walked in and immediately attacked Alice with lots of questions.

While Ben who was behind him looked calmer after previously being briefed by Sean about Alice's current condition.

"Uncle Ben! Uncle Mark!" Sunny called who immediately ran into Ben. Even though Mark was ready to stretch out his arms while kneeling to receive Sunny's embrace.

Everyone laughed at Mark's ridiculous behavior.

"Uncle Mark, who do you want to kill, huh? Are you sure and dare to kill my big boss?" Sunny asked, pointing to his daddy who was crossing his arms and leaning against the door smiling.

Mark was silent trying to digest the situation.

Sean walked in and leaned closer to Ben. He asked Sunny to move to him.

"Qiara, come with me. We will play downstairs," Sean said softly to Qiara who immediately obeyed Sean.

"Honey, I'm downstairs. If you need anything, just call, okay?" Sean said as he turned to Alice before exiting the room. They left Alice with two of her men who had just arrived.

Ben came closer and now he was standing parallel to Mark next to Alice's bed.

"Actually what happened to you, Boss? Why are you getting sick like this?" Mark, who still didn't understand and asked again.

"Boss is pregnant, you stupid! Why don't you understand when Little Boss gives you a hint? You suck!" Ben nagged Mark.

"Boss? Isn't Ben making me look stupid? Are you pregnant?" Mark asked again.

"You've been an idiot, Mark. That's because you used to make fun of Rick in the past, and until now his stupidity sticks with you! But never mind, don't fight anymore," Alice joined in intimidating the helpless Mark.

"Yes, I'm pregnant and that was only discovered after Samuel checked me last night. I haven't told my other siblings yet. Only a few members know apart from the Garendra family,"

"Now tell me how things are there? Is everything all right? And my Dad? What did he do after I left?" Alice began to interrogate her men.

"Things are fine there, Boss. All the recruits to Death Rose are working well together. And regarding Boss Jack, as you said. Boss Jack is constantly busy listing the troops of weapons that we will send. And when work is done, Boss Jack is just sitting alone in Boss Lion's backyard," Ben reported what had happened at their headquarters.

"As expected, Daddy must be like that," Alice chuckled remembering what her daddy must have done.

"But Boss, on the way here. We got reports that Eagle Murphy's leader has left Asia. Thank goodness he didn't approach this country!" Mark spoke after reporting another serious situation.

Alice raised an eyebrow and asked, "He's gone?" Alice asked, clenching her fists.

"What's the matter, Boss? You look upset," Ben asked.

"I thought the leader of Eagle Murphy had something to do with the tense situation around us these past few days. But, I didn't think that before the light was seen, he had already left here," said Alice annoyed.

"But even though he has nothing to do with strange things here. There is still someone else I suspect. And I called you here to guard this family because the person I suspect is getting closer to the Garendra family," said Alice.

"What do you mean, Boss?" Mark asked again.

"What I suspect is the future besan of the Garendra family, namely Arnold Sanjaya. Troy will be engaged to his only daughter shortly. You'll find out soon enough!" Alice explained briefly and concisely.


Troy has already made up his mind to accept the matchmaking. And Alice has also proposed an engagement. So be Mrs. Andini who is eager to prepare for a historic day in her family.

Understandably, this is the first time the Garendra family will hold a big event about the unification of two families.

As we know, Arsen and Sean married without the blessing of their parents and did not go through a formal procession such as engagement and so on. In the end, the marriage of her two sons just happened to the woman of their unusual choice.

And this time, Troy made their wish come true. Marrying ordinary women from the same background as them. Yes, businessmen. Of course, they will not miss it normally.

Especially after Alice suggested diverting her mind and just focusing on Troy's engagement, Mrs. Andini got even more excited.

And this afternoon, Mrs. Andini called her future daughter-in-law to come to her house. This is the second time Mona has visited the Garendra family's house.

Mona, who is good at cooking, must have been busy in the kitchen preparing delicious food for her future in-laws.

In between cooking activities, Mona and Mrs. Andini chat about Alice.

"Auntie, how is Alice doing? I don't feel good and feel guilty, because Alice is like that after eating my homemade food," said Mona looking gloomy.

"Don't feel guilty like that, Mona. Alice is fine. After all, her body has been limp these past few days because Alice was-" Mrs. Andini's words stopped immediately when she remembered that she almost leaked Alice's warning.

"What is she doing, Auntie? What happened to Alice? Surely it's not something normal after remembering that Bro Sean was panicking like that?" Mona asked again.

"Sean is like that. His wife was everything to him, overpowering his love for himself. Alice is a special woman who is different from other women," answered Mrs. Andini, praising Alice so highly in front of Mona.

And when Mrs. Andini realized that she shouldn't praise Alice so highly, her face immediately felt guilty, and smiled shyly at Mona.

"Of course, I meant not to distinguish you from Alice, Mona. You guys have different strengths and uniqueness, of course, I will be very grateful to have a daughter-in-law like you and Alice," Mrs. Andini said softly while encouraging Mona.

"It's okay, Auntie. I know and can feel that Alice is a great woman. And naturally, Bro Sean seems to love her so much," replied Mona with a smile.

'And beat Helena's position in the Garendra family. I could feel and see Alice's kindness. But, I still don't know how Alice defeated Helena and made Helena's life so miserable,' Mona continued to say in her heart.


One week after the tumult of Alice's pregnancy, Troy and Mona's engagement has been set.

The weekend is a busy day for the Sanjaya and Garendra families because the engagement ceremony will be held on a large scale at the Garendra family hotel, to be precise at the Ritz Garendra Hotel.

While Sean's parents seemed to be busy with the engagement, Alice, who was in good condition, was busy coordinating her members to keep watch. Assisted by members of Thunder who accompanied the family from the beginning.

And left Arnold who still has feelings of guilt for Jaya Brawijaya because it seems he can't grant his brother's request.

Arnold believes that if he helps Brawijaya Group get back up again, then only problems will happen to the Garendra family and for sure, his daughter will also be affected.

Instead of thinking about his debt to Jaya, Arnold was more worried about the actions of Damian, the brother-in-law whose temperament was so unpredictable.

It was clear that Arnold who was only a businessman couldn't see deeper into what Damian was like. In his eyes, Damian was just a brother-in-law who had helped him take care of his ailing wife back then, when their finances were crippled and bankrupt.

And now Arnold is more able to compare Jaya who can't do anything in detention there with Damian who incidentally is an unforgiving mafia. Arnold was more worried about how Damian would repay him.