While Arnold was still lost in his thoughts, Mona came closer and interrupted his father's thoughts.

"Dad, what are you thinking right now? Why are you so serious that you don't answer my calls?" Mona asked while putting down a cup of coffee for her daddy who was relaxing and enjoying the cold night breeze.

"What else am I dreaming about right now? Of course because tomorrow my daughter will be officially engaged to another man. How can I not be moved?" Arnold answered with a question as well.

"And I don't think that's all. You look a mess right now. What are you thinking right now? Confessor, I will figure it out myself?" Mona scolds her daddy who is not being honest with her.

"What do you think? Don't think too much, Mona. Your face will be tense and not shine on your engagement tomorrow!" Arnold tutored his daughter while picking up the coffee cup on the table and then taking a sip.

"You are thinking about the revenge of the Brawijaya family because I will be engaged to the Garendra family. And if it wasn't for me, then you wouldn't be swayed by the decisions you have to make. You have to choose my happiness or the revenge that threatens your own life. I was right, weren't I?" Mona spoke her mind.

"You're really smart, honey. Just like your mommy who always tells me what's right and wrong," Arnold answered with teary eyes.

"Honey, I need your advice, what should I do now? I have two debts of gratitude that I must repay. And unfortunately, that debt of gratitude must involve your future family," Arnold said quietly and annoyed. And it was only this time that he felt that what Damian had said to him was true.

"My father is a wise man. I'm sure you'll do what you think is the best decision. Follow your heart and ask God for the best. Then only the tone of good things will happen to all of us."

"But we also know, that revenge will not make the soul comfortable, Dad. But, it's all up to you. I hope whatever you choose is the best. I'm ready to accept the consequences of the decisions you make," Mona said firmly in calmness and a smile that continued to expand for her daddy.

How can Arnold make such a rash decision when his daughter's smile and happiness are at stake?

"Okay, Mona. I'll answer it tomorrow. On your engagement day, dear. Now go to sleep. Tomorrow is a special day for you," said Arnold with a smile.

Mona obeyed her father's orders and walked to her room. While Arnold watched Mona back away from his sight.

'I will make the right decision, Mona. For you and our future!' Arnold thought confidently.


Ritz Garendra Hotel looks solid. Not only because of the arrival of the guests and coming from wealthy businessmen, but also from the artists who were sheltered by Troy during his time at Wings Entertainment until he switched to Garendra Corporation.

Understandably, today's star is not an ordinary person. The engaged is the CEO of Garendra Corporation with the only daughter of the Sanjaya family who is famous for being successful from abroad.

So, not only the guests who were seen crowding the hotel area but also the many security officers on guard, which no one knew that all the officers on guard were mafia, who were members of Death Rose and a combination of Thunder's men and also a small part of Black Dragons.

"Is everything in place?" asked Alice as the leader of today's security operations.

"All ready, Boss!" the same answers kept on sounding giving reports on the situation at the point they were at.

"I don't know what happened. But, somehow we seem to be doing something pointless. I don't feel any threat from Arnold, Sean," Alice said to Sean who was beside her now.

"Even if there's no threat, there's nothing wrong with being vigilant and alert," Sean responded.

"You are right. Let's stay alert because we won't know what will happen all day long!" Alice spoke to Sean again as she watched the guests turn their gazes at Troy and the others up ahead.

The ring exchange event as a sign that the relationship has been made official is underway. Everyone's frenzy and euphoria didn't catch Alice and the other mobsters off guard.

As event after event progressed, no one lost focus on everyone who passed near them.

"Rose, my men reported nothing suspicious here. And to be honest I don't feel any threat or any strange gestures either!" Thunder called out to Alice through another communication device that was placed near their ears.

"Soon, Thunder. We will continue to monitor the situation until tonight's event is over. Because we never know what will happen. The calmer things are, the more suspicious it becomes," Alice said firmly.

When Alice was talking to Thunder through her communication device, Sean gasped and immediately touched his wife's body as if warning someone was coming toward them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Sean. Shall we not shake hands and make peace? Mona and Troy are officially engaged and we have officially formed a family bond. Shouldn't we all be getting closer?" Arnold spoke casually but to Sean and Alice, Arnold's every sentence was just small talk.

"If it's just a handshake, I don't mind, Mr. Arnold. After all, it was my brother who made the engagement with your daughter. I don't think our relationship should be close either, sir. Troy is Troy, and I am me. We are different and I think you already know the difference very well!" Sean answered Arnold's long words with long, scathing sentences.

Arnold only showed a smile even though Sean reversed his friendly greeting with a scathing remark.

"I know, rejecting someone's opinion of others is not an easy thing. Especially in your view of me. From the beginning of our meeting, I have felt an unpleasant look from you, and I'm sure, I accept that view because I made you suspicious of buying dead assets Brawijaya,"

"And if that's what makes our relationship can't be well established as a newly married family, then I'm ready to let go of the matter!" said Arnold which immediately made Alice and Sean raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"What do you mean? What will be released?" Sean purposely asked to clarify.

"I will cancel the purchase of Brawijaya Group assets. And also hand over my company to Troy and Mona for them to continue after they are officially married later. I want to rest and enjoy my quiet life like Mr. Bambang who enjoys old age with his children and grandchildren, hahaha! " replied Arnold casually and laughed. As if there is no burden when saying such an important thing.

"Because I don't understand your casual speech even though the discussion just now was so serious, then I'll ask why you want to do it all,"

"Ah, and yes! Even if you don't buy Brawijaya Group assets, I still won't change my view of you. For some reason, I can't completely dispel my suspicions about you. I don't know what the reason is whatever you do will still feel weird in my eyes," Sean said, getting louder and sharper.

"It's your right to think I'm weird and I can't change anyone's view of me, especially a Sean like you. I did all this for my daughter. And for deeper reasons, I chose not to tell you," Arnold responded.

"It is common knowledge about the dispute between the Garendra family and the Brawijaya family. If I were to buy these assets that would make your family uncomfortable, why would I do all of that? Surely my daughter will not feel at ease in your midst,"

"There is only one point. I want Mona's happiness and her peace. There is nothing I want more than that because Mona is the only most valuable treasure I have,"

Arnold finished saying what he wanted to tell Sean. He smiled at Sean and Alice before walking away leaving them still bewildered.

"What does he want? Why did his thoughts change right on the day of his daughter's engagement?" Alice asked while still watching Arnold leave in front of her.

"I don't know, Alice. But it seems that Arnold does speak sincerely when talking about his daughter. I can even see his teary eyes tearing up," Sean answered with the same look as Alice.

"Whatever he's going to do we still have to watch him and be alert. We don't know what kind of trouble Arnold is hiding behind his calmness," Alice turned to look at Sean who nodded in agreement with his wife's words.


'We are still at the Ritz Garendra Hotel, the venue for the engagement ceremony between the CEO of Garendra Corporations, Troy Garendra, and Mona Sanjaya, the only daughter of Arnold Sanjaya, a successful businessman from Canada who has recently dominated the country's stock exchange!" said the reporter who was seen doing a live broadcast. in the hotel hall, where Troy and Mona had their engagement ceremony.