About Taste -1

"Nana..." Karin said again, when she saw the tears falling right on Nana's table. She gripped Nana's hand tightly, to strengthen her best friend. Looks like she was wrong, discussing Soo Jun will only make Nana suffer. "I'm sorry, yes. I will not talk about Soo Jun again, I swear!" she said then.

On the other hand, Gery seemed to hit the steering wheel many times. Still vividly remembering the conversation she had with Wujin before she drove her car madly.

"This is your doing, isn't it, Wujin. It's your doing, right? You conspired with my uncle, filming the disgusting scene between Soo Jun, and Nana!" snapped Gery, after the meeting was over he immediately looked for Wujin. He was sure that it was the monster girl who had done this. because there wasn't a single being in this world who wanted to destroy Nana more than Wujin.