About Taster -2

After the voting results came out, Gery crossed paths with Soo Jun. Soo Jun, who seemed busy fixing his tie, and Gery, whose hands were already being held by the police. Soo Jun glanced coldly for a moment, then he walked away. There was no greeting as usual, no pleading as usual. The two of them were like two complete strangers, who seemed as if they had never met before.

            It never occurred to the two of them that this day would ever happen, that their family relationship would be completely shattered from the point where it might not even be able to be whole again. Especially Soo Jun, the disappointment in his cousin seems to have destroyed a little compassion in his heart.

            They both got into the car but in different circumstances. Soo Jun got into his luxury black sedan, while Gery got into the police car. With a few cameras flashes continue to target both of them.