*Audra's point of view – Past*


*** A few months later ***

The trial was fast approaching and so was the beginning of our school year together. We really hoped and wished for all of this to be over before the school year started but, even with the trial approaching, Caesar was still out there.

No, they haven't been able to catch him yet. He was sighted 3 or 4 times and they almost catch him on one of them, but nothing. The only good thing about him running away is that it made the police surer he was guilty. Our lawyer said it helped, in case our testimonies and the few proofs they found weren't enough.

But we couldn't lie to ourselves… Knowing that he was still out there made us all uneasy and we hoped every day, and every time the phone rang, that someone would give us the good news.


Most of the Summer passed… And still nothing.