*Audra's point of view – Past*

After the crazy past few months, it seemed too normal to start high school again.

Most days I didn't really felt like a high schooler and neither did Chris. Our experiences from the past and from the last couple of months had marked us. And I could promise you, that if you saw our behaviours or saw us talk, you wouldn't say we were only 16 & 17.

My mum didn't help this feeling, as she had been treating me like an adult for years, but I'm not complaining as I don't really mind it.

The only problem was that I felt really de-attached from High School and from the "high-school-mentality" of the people there. Everything felt too childish; the gossip, the hierarchies, the cynicism...

Well, all of that will start back again in a couple of days, as we start 11th grade. And as we walked through the stores in the mall to buy the last few things we would need, we silently went over our plan.