As I started to wake up I noticed a familiar and comforting, yet somehow distant, scent surrounding me. I wasn't fully awake yet, so it all felt a bit like a dream.

I could feel someone hugging me from behind, with one arm around my waist, and I... I was grabbing that hand in mine.

Still in a haze, my mind went to Robb, as he was the only man I've woken up to like this in the last few years.

But Robb left yesterday...

He left me.

I inhaled deeply, pulling out of the slumber with the realization.

That scent, it wasn't Robb's either.

My eyes started to open slightly, bothered by the light coming from the window right in front of me and my sight was initially blurry. I still wasn't fully used to waking up in this house, but I was beginning to realize that this wasn't my room at all.