Chapter 10: You’re Crazy

Emerald smiled. She had been surprised when she had touched the plane for the first time and yet had felt so familiar to her. Touching the cold metal parts with her hands, she felt like touching the heart and soul imprisoned inside. Once she started flying the plane, she felt safe and secure, overfilled with joy.

It was strange. Although she had been a targeted student for national defense, she had never received any practical training but rather just textbook learning like most universities. So, where did this familiarity come from? Was she naturally gifted?

She only slept a few hours per night these days because she wanted to use this opportunity to change her fate in her favor. However, she didn't tell Hunter anything about her plans.

Holding a fine holographic remote-controlled toy toward Hunter, she said. "Mr. Lake, this is for your son."

Hunter was surprised to receive such exquisite gifts and refused Emerald's offering at first, but Emerald pressed it into his hand and said it was a token of appreciation for teaching her. Finally, Hunter accepted it, visibly delighted.

"Hunter, can we fly outside the atmosphere?" Emerald asked and looked wistfully at him. "Looking at the star from outer space must be incredible!"

"I'm afraid not because this plane hasn't been granted its flight license yet."

"Just for a while." Emerald implored.

"All right." Hunter reluctantly agreed, "I will put the badge on so nobody will notice."

Emerald smiled. "You are so kind! I'm so lucky to have met you!"

Hunter laughed while Emerald, who was sitting next to him, slowly put her head down as her fingers clutched in her pocket.

According to McAdams, Kenzo had been away on a business trip for the last 20 days and was to come back tomorrow. Emerald was supposed to stay in the mansion to welcome her lord, even though he may be too busy to meet her.

The black Cheetah fighter is floating silently in space, decorated with diamond-like stars.

Emerald, wearing a gray space suit and an oxygen mask, was pushing the steering lever in the pilot chair. Hunter was in the co-pilot chair, nodding as he said. "Okay, Emerald, we're a little far away from the atmospheric layer. It's time to go back. Do you still remember the process?"

Emerald nodded. "Yes, Hunter, did your wife like the coupon from the restaurant?"

"Yeah, she liked it a lot!" He responded happily. "I haven't taken her to such a fancy restaurant these years," my wife said..."

Hunter's words pass through her mask like a light buzz. Emerald smiles back at him, but she hears other voices in her mind. "I only have one use for women."

"This is the present from the lord, an airplane."

"After the lord comes back, he's going to talk to you about a deal."

"Emerald, the lord gave President Henry, who sells weapons, a girl just like you last month. Fifteen days later, the girl's dead body was taken out. It's said that the girl's organs were made into specimens, and President Henry was very satisfied with the girl Kenzo had picked for him, and now he keeps asking for more... Take care, Emerald."

Emerald's mind was spinning...

If Wade Sterling was telling the truth and Kenzo would give her to President Henry, then why did he give her a plane?

She had been shocked when she first saw the fighter plane, and she even had dared to dream that this plane meant that she could fulfill her dream, which was too good to be true.

Emerald knew that she wasn't the prettiest girl. She had no power or background. So why would Kenzo Lane give her a fighter plane that was the price of a hundred pretty girls for nothing else but helping her to achieve her dream?

He has said himself that he never was kind.

Could it be some kinky taste of rich people? The taste of that scary President Henry? Was this why Kenzo wanted to turn her into a girl who could fly an airplane?

The simple thought of it made her heart tingle.

She stopped thinking and looked at Hunter, who kept talking. The coupon was from Wade Sterling, and she had gotten what she wanted, no matter what Wade would think.

She suddenly raised her hand, pushed the lever, and lifted the control panel to change the mode into manual. The plane suddenly shifted into sub-light speed and blasted like a cannon shot from the atmospheric layer of Hope City into space.

Hunter grasped her shoulder out of shock, "Emerald, what are you doing! You can fly to another planet like this!"

Emerald pushed his head aside and controlled the plane carefully, rushing to the blue planet on top of the galaxy like a boat riding the wind and through the waves in the dark night.

"Hunter, leave me alone! It's not your business! I'll let you go when I arrive at my destination, and Kenzo will not blame you!" She shouted loudly, "Please, Hunter, please let me go! It'll only take half an hour to land on another planet!"

However, Hunter, who had always been kind and gentle, shook his head and said. "You're crazy! You must be crazy trying to betray the lord!"

He suddenly stood up and took out his gun from the waist. "Stand up! Leave the seat, or I'll shoot you immediately!"

"No, You won't!" She said, determined while grinding her teeth.

"Yes, I will." He opened the thumb safety. "This is a grenade and can blow up your head into a million pieces with just one shot. Miss Wilson, stop this madness right now. The lord will not blame me if I kill you for your betrayal. But if I help you run away, my whole family will die!"

Emerald put her hands on her head as she slowly stood up.

Hunter hurriedly sat down on the pilot seat, put his gun back to his waist, and adjusted the plane's direction when he saw that the plane would crash into the debris belt.

This is the opportunity Emerald had been waiting for!

She quietly pulled out the fuel bottle she had hidden under the seat and threw it at the back of Hunter's head...

He groaned as he toppled down on the seat, blood running down his head.