Chapter 11: Have You Learned It All?

She threw the bottle away as if it was stinging her. Hunter's eyes were closed from the hard hit. Maybe he is dead?....

Sorry... she heard a voice crying inside her mind. He had always been nice to her, but she had no other alternative left. She touched his chest to see whether he was still breathing, but she was too nervous to register what was happening fully.

She tried to get a grip on herself and pulled Hunter off the seat, laying him down on the ground. She sat back on the pilot seat and looked at the radar panel, which showed the road to the destination as clear. She transferred the plane into automatic navigation mode.

She finally felt a sense of relief and leaned back in her chair.

Finally, she finally was getting out. Only half an hour until she would arrive on another planet.

Taking out the things she had prepared from her pocket... a new ID, a credit card, a key to the hotel room, and the license for landing. Everything she needed and had secretly requested from Wade Sterling.

If only she could land, she could start a new life with her newfound freedom. She could start searching for the Earth after some time, and even if she couldn't find it, she would never be controlled by others or be poor again.

Due to the enormity of space, Emerald couldn't feel how fast the plane was flying. Although she knew that the plane was at sub-light speed, she looked at the spectacular scenery of space and the darkness outside the window.

Her destination, the Freedom Planet, was slowly becoming visible with its blue sea and the white atmospheric layer...

Suddenly, she felt her neck being seized tightly from behind with such force that she couldn't fight back.

Hunter wasn't dead.... he had woken up and now was taking over.

At first, she felt somewhat relieved to know that she hadn't killed him, but that sense of relief was quickly replaced by fear of what he would do next.

"Let me go..." Her hands were desperately waving to attack the man behind her, but there was no way she could fight Hunter. Instead, he slammed her heavily to the ground on one side of the plane, making her feel a sharp pain in her waist.

Blood covering his face, Hunter slapped somewhere on the control screen. A loud sound could be heard. He rested himself and turned back to look at her, wiping the blood on his face. "You've really beaten me up!"

Emerald threw the fuel bottle that had been on the ground beside her at him again without saying a word, but he was prepared this time and grasped the bottle, pushing her down!

She rammed against the devices in the middle of the engine room as something slit through her spacesuit and cut her shoulder. With half of her shoulder out and all her items falling to the floor, she leaned against the engine room in humiliation and misery.

Hunter walked to her, lifted her mask, and helped her take off her spacesuit. She tried to struggle free without success, making her feel even more humiliated.

After taking out the first aid kit, he first wrapped his head up and then made her wound stop bleeding.

After he was finished, he sat down in front of her with his gun pointing at her.

"Don't you need to pilot the plane?" She breathes heavily. She had only gotten a few minor wounds, whereas he was more severely injured.

Hunter was a little dizzy and gasped as he said. "I turned on the safety mode."

"What safety mode?"

"Fortunately, I haven't taught you about this yet!" He snarled. "Like a bullet in the gun, a plane without a certificate for flying has a safety mode. Once it is turned on, the plane will fly back to its predetermined location."

She felt hopeless as she heard "predetermined location"....

No matter how much she begged, threatened, or enticed him on the way back, Hunter would not change his mind and kept pointing his gun at her. Forty minutes later, the fighter slowly landed on the garden in Kenzo's mention.

Hunter immediately stood up and walked out of the engine room, looking out of the window.

Emerald leaned blankly against the wall and looked at Kenzo, who had gone for so many days, through the window. He was standing in front of the plane with his hands clasped behind his back as he raised his handsome face to stare at her.

He was carrying a suit jacket over his arm. His tight and neat hair gave him a majestic and solemn look. Then, after a short gaze, he threw his coat to McAdams and marched to the gate of the engine room.

Emerald has never been so scared since she had arrived on this planet. The bad weather outside or the messy engine room was not as dark as his face.

He quickly walked into the room and smiled at the sight of Emerald.

His smile seemed warm and amiable, making Emerald feel even more scared.

He skillfully closed the gate of the room and locked it before he walked over to Emerald and glanced at her belongings on the ground. He then directly bypassed her and sat down in the pilot seat.

"Have you learned it all?" He asked in a low voice with a smile.

Her heart tightened as she answered as calmly as possible. "Only the basic operations."

He nodded. "Then come here and fly the plane."

She could figure out what he was trying to do. It is known that Kenzo Lane hates betrayal the most, and since she had saved Wade Sterling without his permission and tried to run away with the plane she had given her, she wouldn't have been surprised if he had shot her straight in her death.

But why was he asking her to fly the plane?

She stood up slowly and asked carefully. "Where to?"

Casually, without a trace of anger, he answered. "Just fly into space to have a look."

With that raffish smile on his face, he looked even more handsome. She walks to the pilot seat calmly with confusion inside.

Without standing up and staring ahead, she continued with a low voice and without a smile. "If you can fly the plane well, I will not punish you."

Emerald was shocked and couldn't believe that he was so tolerant and that she was so lucky. Her knuckles turned white, and her hands were covered in sweat.

Nodding hastily, she stood in front of the control panel and said. "Thank you, my lord."