Chapter 25: Whose Woman Are You?

What was he doing? She always took his frivolous behaviors as jokes. Why did he suddenly seem to lose control? She hastily winked at him, but he pretended that he didn't see her wink and walked faster.

Emerald was misjudging Zach. He walked to them not out of jealousy but worry.

He was worried because someone said when the men saw Emerald dance with the "darkest" man of the whole city. "Wasn't Emerald born in Wales District? The military police have done many bad things in that district. Is she going to do something stupid? Fighting him is like throwing eggs at a rock!"

They found it weird when they saw Emerald dance closely with Kenzo. It was unusual for Emerald, who had always kept her distance with men, to ask a man for a dance.

Besides, her voice was so weird when she left that she sounded like another person.

Zach was her best friend on the team, so he couldn't just watch this anymore. The look she gave him just now was like saying goodbye to him, and he couldn't bear this anymore.

"Good evening, Director Lane!" Zach stood by their side and broke their intimate pose with his hearty voice, "I'm captain Zach Williams. I have heard so much about you."

Kenzo let go of Emerald and smiled drily, "Nice to meet you."

Emerald felt scared when she saw the cold eyes above his smile, but Zach was looking at her. "Em, they want you to come over to ask you some questions."

"Hmm, I'll come later. You can go first." Emerald smiled at him. Zach wouldn't listen to her but smiled at Kenzo and grabbed Emerald's arm. "Hurry, they are waiting for you!"

She didn't think too much and thought he would let her go since their relationship was private.

"You're not allowed to go," Kenzo whispered.

Emerald felt the whole world was suddenly wrapped in silence. She saw Zach raising his eyebrows while Kenzo seemed calm.

She had already caught everyone's attention by asking Kenzo for a dance. It was okay for the Security Director to dance with the female officer who has made contributions, but it was weird that he said "not allowed," especially when Zach was present.


There was no way Zach could relate the violent Security Director with the innocent and kind Emerald. Instead, he thought that maybe Kenzo had discovered that Emerald wanted to hurt him and, therefore, wouldn't allow her to go.

Holding Emerald's hand, Zach looked at Kenzo without fear and said in a skittish tone and a smile on his face. "Director, please don't joke with us. We're going now."

Emerald immediately pulled herself clear of Zach and shouted at him in a low voice. "No, you go first."

"Just come with me!" Zach refused to give up, shouting back at her and trying to drag her out on his shoulder out of desperation.

Looking at the scene unfolding in the middle of the dancefloor, everyone had stopped dancing to watch the spectacle in surprise.

Zach was stopped by two military police who blocked his way with a faint smile on their face. Seeing this, other soldiers came running to surround the two military police.

Tension started to mount in the air. The guests were confused about the confrontation between the army and the military police.

"What…" Zach turned around and looked at Kenzo on his high horse, "It's none of their business if I take my woman with me."

Now that all the soldiers were surrounding them, Emerald couldn't shout to Zach anymore.

Wade Sterling came rushing to the scene towards Kenzo, asking in a low voice. "What's going on, Director Lane?"

Kenzo just waved his hands to him dismissively and looked at Zach with a faint smile on his face, "Your woman?"

Emerald punched Zach so hard in the neck that he let go of Emerald. Emerald slid down from his shoulder and shouted to him. "Shut up!" Then she looked at Kenzo with respect," Director, we're just making jokes. Maybe the joke crosses the line a little bit, but we're just colleagues. We've always been loyal to you. I'm really sorry if we have offended you."

She had made herself clear with her ambiguous words.

The first officer had also arrived. He had always been friendly and warm, but his color changed for this scene. Stroking his mustache, he slowly asked. "What happened, Zach?" Then he glances at the military police. "Since when does the military police mind the business of the air force?"

His words increased the tension in the air. The eyes of the soldiers behind him were burning with anger, while the military police looked more hostile.

"The recognition is starting soon," Wade said in a commanding kind of way. "Go back to your seats now." Since Wade tried mediating the dispute himself, people listened to him out of respect, and the crowd started to disperse.

But not everyone listened to Wade. "Come here." Emerald heard Kenzo's low voice. He stared directly at Emerald as if no one else existed.

"Don't." The soldiers all stood in her way like angry lions.

Emerald smiled wryly inside. She looked around and saw hundreds of eyes all focused on her.

Every man was handsome looking, and every woman looked pretty in her exquisite makeup and the chandelier light, blurring her eyes. She focused on the smile on Kenzo's face, which was as vivid as a statue, and walked step by step toward him like she was floating on water and could fall if she lost focus for only a second.

Finally, she was in front of Kenzo.

"Whose woman are you?" Kenzo's voice sounded like he was from a galaxy far away, even though he was right in front of her. He spoke slowly and lightly, but his words felt unbearably heavy on her.

Emerald looked up and saw his dark eyes.

"Let them know." He widened his smile in an unbridled way.

Everyone was staring at them in anticipation. Then, it sounded like Zach was swearing, and all the soldiers were taken aback by surprise.

Emerald steps up, and before she could do anything, Kenzo held her tightly by her waist and pressed her closely against his warm chest, then pressed his cold lips on hers and pushed his tongue into her mouth.

She vaguely heard the inhaling sound coming from the crowd.

Well, who could have thought that the new female air force officer was in a relationship with the Security Director? And how could Emerald have anticipated that Kenzo would tell everyone that she belonged to him?