Chapter 28: You Are Crazy, My Lord

She crouched slowly, and she began to laugh quietly until her tears started shedding.

After some time, the cold voice over her head resounded, "So, you break down?"

She reached out her hands to wipe away the tears as she looked up to the tall man. Because of the sunlight behind him, she couldn't clearly see his face. But that didn't matter anymore.

"Thank you, Lord." Her voice was calm," Although I hated you before, and until yesterday, all I wanted was to escape from here. I don't want to admit it, but you have helped me a lot. I cannot repay you. Sorry, I am unworthy of your effort."

Kenzo simply replied with an "em."

She continued. "My name is Emerald Wilson, I am from Earth. I am just an ordinary college student. I don't know why I am here, on a strange planet. My Lord, if you find the Earth someday, please tell me. Perhaps there is no me at that time, but my Phoenix comrade will set a memorial tablet for me. Please tell me. Tell me the Earth truly exists.

She stood up, her face flushed, but her voice was calm, "My Lord, please kill me now. I don't want to....die that dreadfully."

Kenzo was silent for a second, and then he grabbed a gun from the table and aimed at her forehead.

"Shut up." He said without any pity for her, as his patience was exhausted.

"Bang!" A slight sound was heard. Emerald felt a sharp pain in her forehead and fell into deep darkness.



There came a low, calm voice.


Leap had just been a simple verb in Emerald's perception before. After joining the army, she knew that this word also meant something she had never experienced before hyperspace leaping.

She opened her eyes, seeing a white mist and a brown cabin roof of the cabin behind it.

She hadn't died. She was lying in a freezer on a Cheetah surrounded by light - they are hyperspace leaping.

She felt colder after she woke up, so she held herself tightly. Then she saw a tall man walking to the freezer.

It was Harvey McAdams.

"Miss Wilson." He looked down at her.

The freezer is slowing down the hatching speed of the larvae."

"Where...are we going?" Her teeth trembled violently.

She was nervous. She had thought she was dead, but when she woke up again, she thought maybe she was going back to the Earth.

But Kenzo hadn't killed her. He had used a tranquilizer gun.

Harvey glanced at the cockpit, then looked at her, looking even angrier.

"I wish I could shoot you in the head."

He didn't answer the question. This was the first time that Emerald saw him want to kill someone.

She kept silent for a second, asking, "Is the Lord going to save me?" There must be a price to be paid; otherwise, Harvey wouldn't want to kill her. His loyalty to Kenzo was the most important thing to him.

Harvey didn't answer. She heard Kenzo's low voice. "They have come to pick you up, Harvey."

Emerald was shocked. Was Kenzo controlling the plane and turning it into jumping mode? Could Kenzo, a government official, drive a Cheetah? Could he even manage complex operations like space leaping?

Harvey immediately said, "My Lord, let me take her there!"

Seeing him so excited, Emerald was confused about where they were taking her. But Kenzo didn't answer him, which meant he refused his suggestion. After a minute, Harvey left with a hostile face.

Emerald heard some noises, and the gate of the cabin opened. She heard some people come in and greet Kenzo, then they left, and the gate closed again. The Cheetah was suddenly silent.

His footsteps were the only sounds in the room. He walked towards her step by step.

When Kenzo came to her, he lifted the door of the freezer and then lifted her up by her waist.

Emerald was confused because this Kenzo she had never seen before.

He was wearing a silver-grey space suit and a helmet. The heavy and stiff spacesuit looked straight and neat. He still looked handsome and calm behind that mask.

Emerald was freezing, and her face was pale blue. Ice crystals formed in her hair, and her hands and feet were numb. She almost fell into his warm arms unconsciously. Then she suddenly stopped after moving a little.

She had larvae inside her body.

Her body was moved, and his strong hands held her by her thighs and lifted her up. She could vaguely see him smile behind the mask.

"My lord...." She murmured. Was he really going to save her? How could he do it?

"You have said it before," he sat in the pilot's seat with her in his arms, "death is not scary because we don't know where we will go after we die."

Emerald was stunned.

She suddenly had a strong sense of foreboding. She had seen how crazy and reckless he could be. Then she had a crazy idea, that he was not going to save her but die with her.

She felt warmer now, but she still quivered when she realized that the larvae were going to wake up any minute.

Kenzo took off his helmet and half of his suit, then he took off her uniform and held one of her slender arms in his hand.

"This is anti-radiation medicine." He said lightly and injected them both with a tube of medicine. "which the larvae can't take in."

Before she realized it, Kenzo was already controlling the plane with one hand.

"Leap." He said.

A glare suddenly appeared. Emerald pressed herself against Kenzo's thigh to sit up, and she was surprised to see that the Cheetah was flying in sea mode of silver light. The space transfer was finished in a second.

Emerald immediately felt sick and dizzy. "It is the nebula three hundred light-years from Galaxy Eternity, which is severely polluted by nuclear radiation." Kenzo said calmly, "It all depends on luck who will die first, you or the larvae."

Emerald gave a few coughs and looked up to see a vast expanse of whiteness, which was like fog, outside the Cheetah. But she could see some light balls among the shadows.

The nebula that was most severely polluted by nuclear radiation? Emerald slowly looked up at him, "You are crazy, my Lord."

Kenzo sounded indifferent. "I have said it before, I like the feeling of near death." He showed contempt for the danger in front of him, "I've gone to the radiation area a dozen times. If there is someone who's going to die, that is you."

Emerald was shocked. Why would an official with high status in the alliance go to the radiation area a dozen times? And how did he survive?