Chapter 29: Kill Me

This was the most difficult ten minutes in the past twenty-three years of her life.

In the turbulence of the nebula, the Cheetah was trembling like a colander. She felt sicker and sicker, then the feeling exhausted her.

But it was not over. The muscles in her body seemed to be crushed by a roller. She felt pain and as if her muscles were becoming putrid and were disappearing one by one.

She raised her head in fear and found Kenzo's face transformed and scary. The tan, handsome face was pale blue now. His eyes sunk into the socket with the skin so dark that he seemed to be dying. It had only been one minute, but he looked seriously ill, and his face was colorless, his forehead sweating.

Obviously, she looked as scary as he did.

He was staring at her so deeply that he seemed to go to a party with her rather than going to die.

The two struggled as time passed by. Emerald felt light-headed. She had to use her last strength to grab Kenzo's arm so that she didn't fall on the floor. Kenzo also had gotten worse, even though he was in a better condition than her. When the plane made a sudden bump, he had to hold the control panel so as not to fall down.

Both were reaching their limits, with only six minutes passing by.

However, when Emerald was going to reach the limits of her resistibility and her will, she suddenly felt extreme pain in the muscles where she had lost senses just now.

"Ah!" Emerald burst into screams after holding on for so long. The pain! It was too much! It felt as if someone was tearing her muscles apart.

Larvae! It was the larvae! They woke up from sleep in the low temperature and were struggling to survive.

Emerald couldn't even explain that kind of pain. She felt some little things creeping inside her body. Every move they made was like they were tearing her apart and made her so painful that she was writhing in his arms.

"Kill me! Kill me!" She grabbed Kenzo's collar, sweating all over, "Please kill me!"

"Shut up!" His cold voice was resounding in her mind, "Hold on!"

But Emerald had already lost him. She felt that the sharp pain was also coming from her head. Her eyes became foggy with tears, and the veins started to stand out on her forehead. She grabbed Kenzo's waist ferociously and opened her mouth to bite on his strong chest.

But Kenzo pinched her chin vigorously and forced her to look at him. He tightened his arms to push her closer as if he was trying to insert her into his body.

Watching his face from so close, she suddenly felt weirdly peaceful.

Her body was still extremely painful and trembling, but the determination on his face had suddenly woken her up like a bolt of lightning.

The indifference and arrogance that she was familiar with and the cruelness and wildness that she was afraid of had all disappeared. The Kenzo in front of her now was a languish but persevering man with an uneven face.

His eyes were so dark and deep that it seemed they could contain the whole universe. His arms were holding her tightly, wrapping her body up in his warm chest.

At this moment, she heard his silent announcement that they were not gonna die.

As long as he was here, even destiny would yield to them.

"Kenzo…" She heard her own voice calling out his name, and she saw her black fingers with no redness slowly touching his cold face.

In this instant, she had forgotten about death and ignored the feelings of her body. In this nebula with nuclear radiation, which was as bumpy as a swirl, what she saw was only the resolute look on this man's face. It seemed that nothing in the world could make him afraid.

This was the real Kenzo Lane. This Kenzo had the power to calm people down without saying a word. "You look like a ghost." He said gently as he stared at her.

Emerald opened her mouth to say something, but she found that she had no strength at all. She just looked at him and suddenly felt the urge to laugh.

And Kenzo silently looked at her slowly budding, silly smile.

Then he suddenly lowered his head and softly pressed his cold lips on hers.


She asked him quietly.

He could have any woman he wanted. So why did he save her again and again?

Why her?

Kenzo seemed to see the confusion in her eyes. There was suddenly a faint smile in his dark eyes, which had ignored the ill condition surrounding them.

He didn't answer her and started to bite her forcibly on her lips as if he wanted to swallow her entirely. At the same time, he struck the control panel with one fist.

Emerald then saw a patch of white light. Has it already been ten minutes? She sighed in relief and went black, falling into his arms.


Emerald woke up again and felt that she had died again. The tearing pain in her muscles had disappeared, but the sick and dizzy feeling remained. Looking up, she saw the stars in the deep, quiescent space, as if she was in a sea of fireflies. She heard a low voice.

"Come here. "

She turned around and saw Kenzo in the prominent seat. She didn't know how long she had slept, and her memories were vague.

The only thing that was registered in her mind was Kenzo's intrepid face. He had turned back to the Security Director, who was indifferent about everything and hard to see through.

The only thing that could show that they had experienced death together was his pale but dark face.

She forced herself to get up and walk to him. He threw a square, dark-gray, humming alloy box to her. "It absorbs the radiation." was all he said.

She lifted the humming machine and slid it against her body again and again.

After a long time, she finally felt that the sickness was lessened, and her face was less dark in her reflection on the metal box.