Chapter 33: How Could He Be Betrayed?

Wade was standing with his hands crossed at the back of the monitor room, just beside the jail. He had silently watched the whole process and lowered his head to ask the guard beside him. "Could you hear what they just said?"

The guard shook his head. "Their voices were too low."

Wade then left the monitor room and said to his men, "Monitor Emerald Wilson 24 hours a day."


Away from Sterling's mansion, Emerald unconsciously walked to the center of the city. She only saw lots of people and the heavy traffic.

She knew that there were people following her. She walked slowly to a fancy restaurant and went to a shopping mall to buy lots of clothes, including men's underwear and jackets.

Finally, she went to a hotel. She called the Phoenix at ten o'clock that night. A pilot she knew well picked up the phone, and she cried after a few sentences.

"Did Zach come back?" She asked.

"No…" The soldier also cried, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine." She was sobbing, "Is Bruce there?"

Bruce Green was surprised to answer the phone, "Em, are you okay?"

"Sweety..." She cried out loud, "I miss you."

Bruce paused and said, "I miss you, too."

She wiped her tears, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. I'm just too happy."

"What makes you so happy?"

"Nothing. The only thing you need to know is that there's no one that could separate us anymore."

"..Hmm. I'll wait for you."

Emerald cheered up, talked about life when they were with each other, and told Bruce about the underwear she bought for him. They talked for half an hour before she hung up the phone.

Then she lay in bed.

She hadn't slept well for the past 24 hours and felt exhausted when she touched the soft bed.

She buried herself in the pillow but couldn't fall asleep.

She couldn't stop thinking about Patrick Lewis's face.

Bruce, who was sophisticated enough, must have noticed that she was being weird. Finally, she said she wouldn't "leave" him again, which meant that she had gotten out of the control of Patrick Lewis, and something had happened to him.

If Bruce didn't get what she meant, there was nothing more she could do now.

This was the only way she could think of, but she didn't know whether it would work.

Patrick Lewis. She murmured the name. Was there anyone crazier than him?

She had pretended to fight with him in jail this morning, only to find a way to save him without other people noticing.

But she didn't want to do it for free, and she wanted freedom. She knew that he would keep his promise no matter what.

But that man smiled at her when she offered him a choice, even when he was a prisoner without any authority.

"No." His face lit up, and there was even a smile in his eyes, "you don't have freedom." She covered her head with a blanket and sighed when she thought about it.

It would be a good bargain if he treated the freedom of a humble person like her for his life. She thought he would absolutely say yes.

But to her surprise, he had said no. She had embarrassed herself for him and still suppressed her anger and tried her best to tell his men about his news.

Having done what she wanted, Emerald didn't think about Patrick anymore in the following days but spied on Zach's whereabouts from the mayor's house.

However, it seemed that Zach had disappeared in such a vast universe. There was no trace at all until three days later when Wade invited Emerald again to his office.

Different from the last meeting, he looked melancholic this time. Then, seeing Emerald, he smiled gently, "I asked you here to meet a person."

Emerald turned a little nervous as she heard a low voice from behind. "Emerald."

She paused for a second and then turned around, squeezing out a smile. ".... Bruce."

If there were a detector in her heart, her unstable emotion would be discovered under her seeming calm expression.

Why did Bruce show up in the mayor's house?

Was he a double spy?

After recollecting she hadn't said anything about a conspiracy, she was less anxious.

Bruce was, as usual, kind and naïve, but his eyes showed how tired he was. He went to hug her into his arms and sighed. His sigh was moving. Even Wade, seeing them hugged, appeared gentle.

Emerald stared at him, "Why are you here?"

Bruce looked serious. "There is something wrong with the ship."

They sat down. Bruce briefly told her the story, and Wade supplemented. Emerald was shocked about what she heard.

As the henchman of Captain Harrison, it was said that Bruce found him abnormal recently. He always used the confidential channel to communicate with an unknown person. By accident, he heard that Harrison was contacting the mercenaries in outer space about rescuing Patrick, who was imprisoned in Hope Planet.

As a mercenary loyal to human beings and the Federation, Bruce found himself in a dilemma. After some painful thoughts, he made a hard decision.... whistleblowing to the mayor. But when he planned to arrest Harrison on the Phoenix in the name of military drills, the information was leaked. Together with several henchmen, Harrison rebelled, and space leaped to escape from the Phoenix with the Cheetah. Before leaving, he left a letter to the Federation, stating. "You deserve what you have done to me. Harrison is now with Patrick Lewis."

"So now..." Emerald looked at the uneasy Bruce, "What should we do if the information of Patrick Lewis being captured is leaked?"

Wade turned serious. "Even if I offend all the mercenaries in the universe, I will make him stand the open trial."

All three were silent.

Emerald was sure that Wade was a righteous man. He had all the good qualities of a human. However, this thought made her slightly uneasy.

She didn't know how much truth was in Bruce's words. Now that Harrison was loyal to Patrick, he should be on the same team as Patrick. How could he be betrayed?"


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