Volume 2 Daughter of War and Son of Hope

Asumi puts her hand on Jin's forehead and starts to heal her little by little, the pain and burning is disappearing, as her vagina and asshole are closing, the bite marks that Jin had all over her body also disappear, leaving her as good as new.

After doing so, Asumi eliminates all the semen scattered all over her body.

The door of the room opens, Jin's mother has woken up.

Asumi after this decides to disappear so that he doesn't see her.

Jin's mother was completely disheveled and with a lost face since she had just woken up, the only thing she was wearing was a panties that Treus bought her

Jin gets up again and sits on the floor confused, she didn't know what had happened, because Asumi erased that memory from her mind.

Jin's mother looks at the mirror on the wall

I guess Treus came again to make love to me and wanted to see you naked again, exclaimed Jin's mother while she was fixing her hair.

Jin gets angry when she hears that answer and gets up, she was about to grab her map until her mother interrupts her.

You are not going to leave with those toy swords, are you," exclaimed the woman coldly?

And what else do you want me to use to defend myself? Because of you we don't have money, it's barely enough to eat, I mean barely enough for you to eat, because I have to eat your damn leftovers, exclaimed Jin shouting at her angrily.

Her mother grabs a knife and stabs Jin in the stomach.

Don't you dare to contradict me, I told you to go out and look for your own food, if you are hungry it's because you are weak and you don't honor your lineage, exclaimed the woman taking the knife from Jin's stomach.

The knife was forged by the God Hanserfer at Treus' request, it was made to hurt without killing Jin, its blade was bright blue, its handle was white with lightning drawings, symbolizing that Treus sent him to create it.

Jin put her hand on the wound while she was healing little by little thanks to being a semi Goddess, her healing was quite slow, she still had a lot to improve, she grabbed the table with her right hand while with her left hand she covered her wound.

Jin was already used to her mother's mistreatment, so it was normal that no tears came out of her eyes and she didn't have any reaction.

Take a bath, get dressed and take your things, I will give you some real swords, exclaimed the woman looking at Jin with a cold stare.

Jin walks as he can but stops when he reaches the stairs and turns to look at his mother.

I never knew your name, father never said it and neither did Treus, who are you, exclaimed Jin looking at her confused.

Your father is a fucking asshole and Treus because he doesn't feel like naming his toy, and you think you are in a position to want to know my name? You never wanted to listen to the creation story again, so you have no right to claim anything from me, exclaimed the woman turning around to pick up the chairs that were scattered on the floor.

Jin was about to say something to her but she kept quiet and just climbed up the ladder.

The ladder was made of wood of a rather dubious quality, they were quite poor, Hjalmar was the only one who helped them since the woman did not care about Jin as she considered her very weak.

Jin finished climbing and proceeded to walk to his room.