Volume 2 Daughter of War and Son of Hope

It didn't take him long to arrive, only a few seconds, since the second floor was a simple small hallway, in front of it in a few meters was his room which was the only room.

Jin enters his room, there was no door because his mother broke it to watch her, Jin enters, his room was also small, there was only his untidy bed and some tables to put his things, in the wall there was only one window with a view to the river.

Jin walks to the table that was next to his bed, on the table was a suit that he had made for the situation, a silver armor of not very good quality that only protected his chest, arms and knees, as they were only silver pieces of cloth, his clothes were a gray shirt a little torn, a brown vest a little short, some long black pants, some brown boots also, a green cloak that included a hood, the cape was long enough to cover all his chest and arms in case he needs to hide in the forest, the fabric of the cape was of a better fabric than the rest of the suit, he grabs a belt made of metal which included a waist pouch where he would keep the rest of his things and finally the 2 sheaths where Jin would keep his swords, they were not of the best quality but at least they were useful to keep his weapons.

Jin walks down the stairs with all her things in her hands, after going down her mother observes her.

It seems that you are ready, well I will give you your swords, exclaimed the woman grabbing a grimoire.

What is that, Jin asked confused, she had never seen that book before.

The woman put it on the table and opened it.

This is the grimoire of your father Hjalmar, he gives it to the humans who are his children in the central city after choosing them, here you can learn all kinds of power, create new ones and perfect them, but of course that is impossible because everything that is here was written by a God and no human could do something like that, you could do it if you behave like a good daughter for your mother, exclaimed the woman in a manipulative tone.

Jin is annoyed but she doesn't say anything, she just waits to see what her mother does.

She started to say and recite a page of the grimoire, Jin did not understand what she was saying, the words and phrases were completely unknown to her.

At that moment, some swords appeared, they were very sharp, they looked like ordinary swords, but they emanated a great power and thirst for blood, Jin was surprised.

These swords are a gift from me, with them you will bring destruction to all the Kingdom of Britannia and you will become a good daughter for me, use these swords and destroy all the Kingdom, kill everyone who crosses you and bring me the holy sword that I want so much, exclaimed the woman giving the swords to Jin.