Home sweet home

As I bend the energies of the warp into my hands molding weaving it and with a simple cast of my imagination of power creating long tall walls of stone around my home realm tall building and gates small houses even a huge ass palace as well as other small facilities within my new Silver city for each section of city has an extra wall taller than the last at smack centers is my palace The tallest structure within my home realm inside of my power needing everything I could possibly need storage room art studio my personal quarters A section where I put my forge where I can forge all my necessary things living quarters for anyone who lives here other than myself at some point as well as a library,enchantment tables, combat rooms and the final touch my throne room with the lord throne obviously and lava spewing from the back of the throne all the way down the hall were said lava eventually reaches my forge.

Looking at all I've accomplished through all my customization I'm proud of the huge silver city looking dope as hell I can proudly say I'm the best customizer ever and no one can say otherwise.

[Well done host you are finished creating your home realm but I have to say do you have enough silver?]

(Warp god) no but a man can never have enough silver after all silver is my favorite color and metal I don't know why I just have a very very keen attachment to it.

[Acknowledge host what will you do now?]

(Warp god) i'm gonna try out my forge I'm gonna see what I can make from it.

Taken no time at all the warp god made his way down to his forge.

(Warp god) all right let's start building shit I got a bunch of warp energy A hammer and a forge so let's try to do in southern classic a sword.

Gathering that had the amount of warp energy and gathering all the knowledge at his disposal and how sword should be start the hammer away within his warp forge and he hammers and hammers and hammers again on the warp energy as it slowly takes shape and form as he abuse his knowledge with every stroke of the hammer and no time at all a sword is forged for its pure black with a single gem in the center of the blade with a beautiful hilt.

(Warp god) not bad not bad I could probably do better though.

with those kind of words he continues to hammer away at his forge creating from sword to daggers and armor to chain mail simple things to get a handle on how to use his forge.

After all the unknown and long amount of time the entire ford's room is full of armors Chainmaile daggers and swords of all types and sizes and in the center of the room is the warp God still hammering right away at his forge creating yet another dagger then after that another sword just continuously and making more and more complex works many failures many successes.

(Warp god) ha Hah Hah Man I'm feeling tired hey system how long I've been doing this for.

[300 years host you truly lost track of time and you made so many unnecessary things]

(Warp god) you will never understand I always wanted the Forge stuff when I was still human when I was still alive but never got around to it never had the skills and the knowledge for it I guess I just lost track of time doing something I finally was able to do.

[So you're saying you gave into your passion]

(Warp god) yes I guess I did I was never had a passion for most things like this one than I am now when I was just building so many Items is this a and effect from one of my spheres my passion.

[Yes it is it is not uncommon for warp deities such as yourself do given to one of your spheres after all the name implies spheres of influence meaning that they influence your way of thinking in action but you do still have free will just like any warp deity]

(Warp god) good now at least it's not something to awful and now I can understand why the gods of chaos were so obsessed with what they had they just gave into the spheres and never thought about it but I guess that's also what makes up part of their personalities as well.

[Very accurate host your sphere of influence is the source of your power your identity your personality and yet it is not what affects your free will do you understand what I'm telling you?]

(Warp god) yeah I think I understand although brings me to another question system can I acquire new spheres.

[Yes you're able to acquire new spheres if you're able]

(Warp god) how can I do that.

[A few ways one of them is through the power of faith where are you going to have a large portion of mortals worshiped you for example if you were say bring them healthy and fresh crops to their fields and they praised you as a deity of fertility then with enough time and energy from the face would eventually give birth to the sphere of fertility another example if you were to bring great death and had them worship you as a god of death eventually that Faith will give birth to the sphere of death because I always remember this host mortals with their faith can influence the warp as well as their emotions thoughts but Faith is the strongest of the two and Faith Gives the strongest emotional and thoughtful responses and faith is the energy produced within the souls of the mortals]

[The other option is by Killing and devouring other gods and gaining one of their spheres at random The stronger the God the greater the chance to acquire their spheres because when you kill a god you're not just killing it you're killing its identity it's very being of existence and absorbing it into your own being of existence]

(Warp god) that's interesting something to keep in mind in the future.

[Indeed host]

(Warp god) well the only thing else I can think of to do right now is start building up my pantheon I guess can start making Demons last time I remember for my character sheet it should be my lowest skill.

[Indeed host that is correct]

(warp god) well let's see what my imagination can cook up and see what type of demons I can make although system does it have a tutorial how to do it.

[Yes host I do give you a quick rundown on how to do it but doing it is entirely different thing than watching it]

(Warp god) no I'm aware I just wanted to see if you have one so I can watch it or learn from it so I know where that to start.

[Very well host I'll give you the tutorial]

(Warp god) all right I hope it doesn't get too boring but listening to you talk I don't want to feel like I'm back in school listening to my old math teacher.