Making a change

[Host do you require help in creating your demons]

(Warp god) no I have a big idea what I want but I have a question can I change the name like do they have to be demons as far as I know only the gods of chaos only their Creations was ever considered a demon.

[Indeed host you can with neverborn you will create what name would you like the call them]

(Warp god) How about instead of demons we can call them ethereals.

[Acknowledged change the name name change complete now they'll be called ethereal]

(Warp god) all right let's try creating a lesser tier ethereal.

Molding and twisting warp energy into his hands as he tries his best to mold a ethereal from pure energy While in between it with two of his spheres to see what he will get as he does his best to have a clear mental image while crafting it.

Several hours pass and he still molding the small bowl of energy a sweat slowly comes down from his brow has he put much effort and mental fortitude to craft this one Creature.

(Warp god) I think I got it now let's see if I have the magic touch Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah Hah.

With those the word spoken he releases his grip on the mold in a large bowl of light appears in blocks all sight as It slowly dies down what stands before him it's a 5 foot tall beast the with a lions mane and a body of a scaly dragon as well with a tail of a serpent but that's not with the strange part of it is if you look closer to its body it's as if stars come alive on it it's skin bright as starlight in the main flows like a colorful fire and it's eyes shine like stars.

A screen pops up in front of the warp god.

[Ping... you have creating your first ethereal it is a low tier ethereal equivalent to a low tier demon function beast Calvary.....advantage brute strength warp fire fast reflexes... name:dust lion]

[Description: dust lion first ethereal to be created this powerful beast was made for the sole purpose to Guard and going to war its main function in wartime is a beast Calvary serving as a type of shock troopers pounces on the enemy lines from the flank or in the front as well as the beasts features are made from different creatures with a main and face of a line with a body of a scaly dragon in the tail of a deadly serpent for this beast is no easy pray for any other neverborn even more dangerous in packs]

(Warp god) ha Hah Hah Hah Hah soon I'll have my own army of pet cats walking around with dangerous scales and snake tales.

[Well done host you succeeded I honestly thought you were going to fail for such a low ethereal Croatian skill]

(Warp god) oh shut up you I can make some pretty cool shit if I put my mind to it but speaking of skills do I have any they leveled up.

[Yes you have to ethereal creation and forge skill that leveled up forging skill leveled up by seven giving you forging skill level 15 and ethereal creation skill that was level 2 has gone up to level 8]

(Warp god) wow how did ethereal creation get up so quickly I just made one.

[That's because the complexity of the creature that you spawned made it level up faster]

(Warp god) cool so I'll guess I'll make a tons of these guys to level it up faster.

thus began the long millennia of creating low tier ethereal's of dust lions and when all was said and done his entire room was filled with these low tier creatures making them perfect guards all around his silver city in Palace and still have enough for his armies.

(Warp god) ha holy shit I took a fucking long time but now I have my army of super cats what's my level in ethereal creation now.

[Ethereal creation level 87]

[Host can now create greater ethereal's now without much difficulty]

wiping his sweat from his brow after a millennial long hard work the end goal of this warp God he is in sight for he had to grind his skill up to be able to make greater ethereal's.

This time wielding much much more energy from himself and from the warp compressing all of it into his hands he did last time but this one with a tad bit more difficulty but still manageable and began to chant as he molds it.

(Warp god) there is no greater ambition than to set your eyes upon the stars Who does not feel the passion and wonder in their hearts not spark when they set their eyes on the stars what ancient mysteries they have seen from races come and gone and what ancient celestial energies that they will the most sorcerers can only dream of what form more fitting than the stars themselves they gave worlds life as i Drown these new creations in starlight as I give them the spark of life they rise so others may fall and fall so others may rise and they shall have the heart of galaxies and the eyes of neutron stars rise and give eternal service to me first of the greater rise my celestial's!!!!!!!

And with those final words huge bowl of energy explodes within the room but a controlled one nothing is damaged nothings out of order just a very scene of stars and galaxies dying rapidly and being born again as they gift form and shape.

When all of it dies down what stands before him is a celestial clad in midnight energies and purple color her very skin starlight and cosmic giving this graders celestial out of this World parents she has no true face don't think you can make out of it is her nose and mouth as her eyes shine bright like a diamond stars in our hands hold mighty staff black in color and jagged and at the top sits a black hole swerving around collapsing every form again and again her clothing black metallic and they shined like jewels and in the center of her chest where her breasts are located just slightly below her chest a black hole sucks in all light.

the celestial cosmic looks up at her creator they just stand there and each other up and down she walks over and small steps and takes a knee.

(greater celestial sorcerer) my God of cosmic light I give you my word in service in return for life that has been given life shall return I make this pledge an oath to serve you until the very galaxies themselves die and begin again in your name!!!!

Looking at his creation pleased with her oath of devotion but for some strange reason he's starting to feel like some skeleton overload somewhere in another universe.

Put the thought to the back of his mind he looks at his creation want more and please tell she looks giving her a very cosmic theme which she probably is going to do with every other of his creations something creative something unique.

(Warp god) I am pleased with your active devotion and oath rise greater ethereal your name shall be midnight light.

(Midnight light sorceress) I accept my name now my maker by creator and god what shall be my first active service.

(Warp god) your first act is to brunch your horizons study magic manipulation of the warp within the sea of souls you will invent new spells lead my sorcerers and sorceress you are my right hand anything involving magic and the warp there's a library already prepared with some knowledge I've gleaned go there learn what you can and return to me for what you have learned impress me enough first born and you will without a doubt climb high in the latter of this pantheon.

(Midnight light sorceress) it shall be done my God I shall begin studying that once and return to you to show you my worth but the light is not wasted all hail the cosmic supreme god.

with that the greatest celestial leaves her Master And walk towards the library for the spheres she was given by her creator passion and knowledge by the sphere she carries within her as a greater celestial.

Her out of the room the warp God addresses his system.

(Warp god) System comparing my ethereal sorceress to demons of the work we have on file from my memories of my past life how does she stack up against.

[By the power rating from her body our power could be equal or greater than both a keeper of secrets and a Lord of change greater demons]

(Warp god) wow that's pretty good for a first triad a greater ethereal at least she came out well she looks good with her cosmic theme allowed to make more different types of greater and lesser materials for different combat roles and rules when they're not in combat.

[Indeed host you have quite the long journey ahead however I must wish to inform you you have gained a title]

(Warp god) yeah what's that?

[Displaying title... God of cosmic light leader of the cosmic pantheon within the sea of souls]

[Bonus any sentient creature You create recognizes you as their Lord and deity]

[Secret mission accomplished create a greater demon and give he or she a name for names have power]

[Reward: cosmic power fist: like a space marine power face this one's far greater enhance with so much power you can deliver even lethal blows to follow God's if not careful: attack power 250]

(Warp god) call shit so I do get missions with the system how comes it was never addressed to me.

[This system is still experimental for now the missions will not be given to you for they are hidden if you somehow completely hidden mission it will give you immense rewards but you will not know what these rewards are you just gotta hope whatever you do may or may not complete one]

(Warp god) well that sucks well I'll least got something out of it.

Summoning the power fist and equipment into his hand the new named cosmic god of the warp swing around a few times watching older cosmic energy swerving around the power fist giving her quite a cool look.

(cosmic god) this is awesome I just hope I can get more cool shit but for now I have to focus on my realm a bit more and then I can start roaming around the Sea of souls and see what's all out there which there's nothing I've never gotten a good look at myself.

[Postwishes to see a 3-D model of yourself]

(cosmic god) yes!!

An image of the new named cosmic God shows himself weaving forearms two on each side his lower arms in the same cosmic theme that is greater ethereal was with four eyes on his head slim legs with claw like toes and a small yet muscular tail and his two extra upper arms in Palms if he focus enough spins energy around and make it look like he wields the galaxy given him a very cosmic and divine look about himself.

(Cosmic god) well I'm only getting cooler and cooler now I gotta figure out what my next step is going to be I'll just have to put more thought into my next moves in the future but for now let's just enjoy life while I can I wonder any other gods are born in this era before the war of Heaven starts or whenever it will start which brings up another question should I just straight up murdered the hyperactive Toad people like who's gonna miss a bunch of frogs and lizards what does that for another day for now let's start making more cereals and fill up my city.