
{Future time in the warp}

deep in the warp were the realm of chaos were 4 great chaos gods make there Domain one of them is the youngest of the other chaos gods for

she/he/it is vary young in in terms of chaos deities it was birth through the pain,agony an excess of an arrogant and young alien race known as Eldar and when she/he/it was born fucked up devoured the other elder gods however one got away from she/he/it minions denying the young chaos God it's due.

However the newest member of the chaos pantheon was dubbed the name by the screams of agonizing elder that birthed it and that name was Slaanesh the Prince of excess, the dark prince, she who thirst and many other unknown titles.

Within Slaanesh realm is several circles for any who wishes to enter the princes realm Hass to go through such as circles of Avidity, gluttony, carnality, Paramountcy, Vainglory and finally the circle of Indolency.

These Circles make up Slaanesh Domain in the smack middle of it is it's Palace where Slaanesh indulges in the greatest and most wicked of desires that would make mortal mind shatter with both delight and painful agony.

Slaanesh entertains it's wicked desires and indulgence with a certain Eldar goddess strung up with the finest leather rope with black thorns design to bring the maximum of pain from it victims and said ropes are attached to a rack filled with spikes dripping of blood and fluids from past victims.

Isha endures all forms of hell as she is tortures in all kinds mental and physical that would naturally break anyone but despite it all this Eldar goddess has incredible will power And doing her best to send her tears onto her children the elder but the demons of Slaanesh destroys those tears the moment they leave her eyes bring her to more despair for them to enjoy.

(Slaanesh) oh Isha you look so lovely when you suffer so dearly it makes me so wet and Hard to see full of wounds and at the very edges of despair as you suffer on that rack.

The chaos God said to her as Slaanesh looks all over her and please with all the work she/he/it have done to the Eldar goddess.

(Isha) please!!!! Spare the eldar! Please you can torture me all you want but please spare them.

Isha begging for the eldar to be spared of the dark fate but all that she hears is the laughter of a thirsty god.

(Slaanesh) spared them?? I will devoured them!!!! I'll make shriek in terror and in despair until nothing is left but shells of the former selves.

Isha began to cry even harder hearing the cruel words of her peoples destroyer and devour slowly losing all hope.

(Isha) daughter I hope you are safe.

She says with the silent of whispers in the hopes that her daughter is safe for she is the only one that has not been caught by she who theorists.

Seen the major suffering of the other goddess before Slaanesh begins to become more aroused as more witness and Harden becoming more active in between the legs of the chaos god of excess looking at the eldar goddess thinking of all the depraved acts Slaanesh could inflict upon her body.

Isha seen her torturer becoming more aroused than usual became more paler cause it's no stretch of an imagination of what this twisted God has in store for this goddess all she can do is shut her eyes in fear and despair.

Before the situation can spiral into more depravity a humongous flash of light appeared with inside the palace of pleasure the light was so intense it blinded all within the palace whether it be gods or lesser demons.

As the light began to die down in its place stood a massive figure which the only description would fit this individual would be beautiful as everyone is as if looking at a star for the first time and marveling at its beauty in raw form.

Behind this figure stands many creatures never before seen creatures some look like the fusion of snake dragons and Lions and the other two figures look like a knights in shiny armor and another one a demon like figure tall and menacing and when you look at them carefully you can see lights growing in their chest like how a dragon chest would glow is indication it's about to spew fire.

Slaanesh is marveling at the figure before she/he/it the Prince of excess has never discovered A creature or life form that can ever rival its own beauty and otherworldly charms however such an individual a god as far as she/he/it could tell is very powerful.

Looking at this individual Slaanesh began to experience feelings it never experienced before envy,hate,excitement and longing.

Slaanesh feeling these emotions was both confused and entertained by it that way before had any Lifeform not even the blood God made Slaanesh feel this way and that is saying something for Slaanesh is like a creepy stalker towards the blood god always stealing his chain axe and using it for behind door purposes.

Isha for reaction was an expected one similar to her daughter up on scene and began crying tears of gold in the light he gives off with his mere presence alone creates an aura comfort and safety as if she's looking at the sun again after so many years in the dark feeling well and up inside her that she thought she lost as she was on this rock this feeling known as hope.


{Point of you change cosmic God}

Cosmic God arrived in Slaanesh Domain and took a quick glance around his general location it does not take him long to spot the young chaos God and the eldar goddess on a rack of torture from a quick glance one does not have to guess what has happened to this Eldar goddess is clearly torture and abuse of all forms from the wicked mind of the young chaos God.

double check behind him he can still see his large army is still with him in the door not too far behind so now he has an exit strategy but just to make sure sending a psychic threat to the door to make sure it does not leave them here in this time and age.

However the cosmic god noticed that Slaanesh has begun moving towards him in a very seductive manner as he can even barely feel the seductive charm magic and aura coming from the chaos god thankfully by embracing his spheres of influence was able to power him up enough to resist the charms Slaanesh.

It doesn't take long for Slaanesh to reach him in arms length and began to seductively stroke his arms the sole reason why he has not attacked at the Abomination because he did not feel no ill intent towards the young God leading him to believe that Slaanesh is confident enough in she/he/it charm to bewitch him which would fit the chaos god of excess to a T after all way fight when you could turn into your enemy into an ally.

It's fits Slaanesh strategies perfectly after all it has not come across any creature that could resist its charms other than its fellow Chaos gods until now which gives him the element of surprise.

As the cosmic God is thinking all of this Slaanesh continues to inspect his body it's very pleased of what she/he/it Seen as one would be seen a A beautiful work of art and thinking of all the twisted perverted things the prince of excess could do to this God.

However Inner thoughts of Slaanesh it was interrupted with his beautiful voice even Slaanesh would dare say it's more beautiful than she/he/it Voice when charming others even though the dark prince cannot feel no charm magic behind his words it just goes to show his natural voice lures you in naturally without the aid of magical charms.

(cosmic God) I Cast Fist!!!!! Bitch!!!!!!

(Slaanesh) what??

Before Slaanesh could voice more confusion she/he/it stomach was hit with tremendous cosmic force as the dark prince looks down briefly seen a power gauntlet shrouded in rainbow lightning and given off tremendous power and for a brief moment Slaanesh I knew it was fucked and not in a pleasant sense.

In the next moment the dark prince was shot up through the air impacting the ceiling of the palace shear force behind it forcing Slaanesh to go clear through the dark materials used to make the palace he keeps going more higher and higher breaking every bit of foundation in the roofing until Slaanesh reaches the skies and keeps ascending farther and farther in to the sky.

Back in the Palace every demon stop breathing stopped,thinking and stopped fucking and saw the dark prince get shot up through the roof like a fucking rocket if this was a cartoon episode you'll be like team rocket blasting off again.

However a cosmic God responsible for said rocket {Slaanesh} shot up-into the sky not standing idle giving orders to he's ethereal's tomorrow and begin battle and combat killing any demon they come across normally but when a demon dies the energy goes back to the patron to be reborn again however the ethereal's have the unique ability to absorb essence of whatever they killed so when a cosmic God servant killed a demon in this battle they died for real and their essence was used as fuel for the ethereal that killed it.

All of Slaanesh demons began to slowly get out of their shock and seen their being invaded and began to retaliate however before they do a great number of the lesser demons within the palace met gruesome ends at the fangs of the dust lines and swords of the knights and the fire and brutality of the gargoyles.

As the inner palace defenses began to crumble under the cosmic god armies weight The god of cosmic light himself began moving towards the eldar goddess upon reaching her he sees her condition beyond the word of abuse or torture truly Slaanesh has had its way with the Goddess however it looks like he interrupted the young chaos god before it could do more harm.

Using his silver sword he cuts the black leather thorn ropes connecting isha to the rack and catching her as she falls making sure she is comfortable in his arms not to create any more discomfort that she may feel.

(cosmic God) don't you worry we're getting you out of here you'll be back together in no time.

He says to give her reassurance that he means her no harm.

(Isha) wa.... way help me?

Says in a broken voice as she was clearly the torture has broken through many of her barriers physical and mental making her beyond exhausted almost to the point of barely able to form words.

(cosmic god) more will be explained once we leave I cannot say much here too many eyes and ears are looking at this place now we must leave before more arrive.

The cosmic God says to the goddess as he can feel the gaze of the other chaos gods focusing their attention on the Palace now with his arrival after all he did not conceal it and give enough tremendous power enough to make a lesser chaos god shoot through the air will grab anyone's attention.

Not wanting to waste any time he rushes towards the door that he arrived in and began giving orders to his ethereal's to begin performing recall spells towards the door which is a spell he gave his army to record certifications they can mark with their warp signatures and that the objectives has been achieved and retreat is in order.

As he began getting closer to the door The cosmic god begins to hear cracking in reality as a large portal opens up and began pouring lesions upon legions of demons of plague,disease, pestilence,bile of pus four is it clear sign the demons of Nurgle are here and Behind them is Nurgle himself hear the claim prize that he's been eyeing on for countless Millenia the goddess isha.

For the cosmic God knows from the Warhammer lore is that Nurgle has been eyeing the goddess for a long time for her ability to cure any disease will make her a prime candidate to test said diseases so it's no illusion what the plague God wants with the goddess as a test subject for his love/diseases/plagues.

However he seen his prize in the hands of another one he does not recognize and that's saying something as someone who claims to be the oldest of the chaos gods however that does not matter to the plague God.

Using his warp divine powers Nurgle unleash a title wave of plagues and diseases onto both the demons of the palace and lord of cosmic lights army.

The most potent deadly diseases known to the galaxy at this current time Has been unleashed the demons of Slaanesh and began to rot them away not even leaving bones behind devastating they already battered small army of pleasure and when said wave of diseases and plagues reached the Lord of cosmic light he simply raised his sword with silver flame and erected a barrier blocking and purging the wave of decay disease from touching him and his army giving the single most greatest insult he could give to the Lord plagues he did more than cure them he eradicated them for every plague touching the barrier it was destroyed and erased from existence.

The god of plagues became enraged by deny his love and disease is the greatest insult he could ever be faced with increasing the power of the wave of diseases forcing the cosmic God to put more powered to his defense for the other chaos God Slaanesh was not that truly powerful and if he had to gauge Nurgles Power level it will be closer to the higher tier gods while Slaanesh was a middle low tier god.

While himself was a middle high tier god armed with potent and deadly weapons that could harm gods but not strong enough to kill them.

As a cosmic god army began to retreat through the door for the ethereal's did not want to leave their Lord behind but he gave his orders and they have no choice but to obey as thousands of a ethereal's began to retreat to the door.

(Nurgle) it is useless young God a youngster like you does not deserve keeping the prize which you hold give her to me and I promise not to bless you with my plagues.

Nurgle spoken his Lich like voice given it a very menacing sound as if death itself is speaking.

(cosmic god) not a chance in hell you fat piece of shit Old man.

Cosmic god mocked him in the most disrespectful voice he could muster under the strain of the assault and put salt to injury he tossed isha through the door and through the door to the timeline which he comes from which god of plagues does not know this for he shall believe she is somewhere else within this current timeline not believing or thinking they are from a different time.

(Nurgle) no!!!! She is mine!!!!

Nurgle enraged through be denied his prize and test subject sending all his anger and frustration onto the cosmic god that caused it unleash an even greater plagues and diseases and rot onto the barrier of silver light protecting the cosmic god from the wrath of Nurgle.

(cosmic god) dammit old man!!! you just had to put more power to your assault if you keep this up you might pull a hip.

Cosmic God continues to taunt the Lord of plagues enraging him even more to put more powered to assault and the powers easily noticed as a cosmic god gets down on one knee while trying to keep the shield up showing how powerful the lord of plagues is and to think that in the future the emperor of man's able to take on all four of these assholes while sitting on his throne given a clear image and how powerful the future beings of this galaxy will be.

However the cosmic God saving grace is the sound of a falling star but not just any star it is the young chaos God Slaanesh finally falling back down to the surface of the palace as the force and gravity of the fall is so immense it instantly shatters the remainder of the palace putting both the cosmic God and the Lord of plagues of balance to where the plague God had to stop his assault while the Lord of cosmic light was able to get a breather from the assault and the God of excess fell smack in the middle of those two and as the dust settles before the two deities is a very broken and injured chaos god with a huge fist print on she/he/it's stomach.

Taking this momentary distraction the Lord of cosmic light begins to make a break for it towards the door he's obviously overstayed his welcome and he does not wish to be caught by the four powers.

Making it to the door sending a tremendous amount of psychic energy commanding the door to take him back to his time and within a big flash of light the Lord of cosmic light vanishes along with the door and as he left all he could hear is the raging of dissatisfied gods.


{Authors note: hey everyone I hope you like this chapter and I'm sorry I could not get it to you sooner I've been very ill as of late making it hard to write chapters for you all to enjoy I'm getting a lot better now but still I need some time to recuperate whatever hit me hit me good but I'm not out of the fight and I thank you all for your support and kind words of getting better and to answer some of your questions about the system the main character in the story uses some say is a glitch others say it doesn't make sense what you're you are all right and that is the point of the system it mold itself and models itself towards its user as the name implies it is a warped system meaning.

it will warp to the desires and imagination of its user like for example if the user said system needs an advisor then the system model itself to the point where it's like an advisor to him other than having Limited knowledge of the Warhammer 40 K universe the warp system helps the main character in many different fields such as for one example the spheres of influence it gives him advice and which road to take in order to maximize his efforts later in future chapters the system will get an update hopefully they make it more have more sense if that makes sense to all of you so thank you all for your support keep sending me your power stone support this book and keep giving me your comments and reviews and make them honest this helps me as much as it helps you thank you all and I hope you enjoy the next chapter}