God ranking

{Hey everyone author here today is not gonna be a chapter but you talk about about a few things that some of you may be confused with what they sow begin a brief explaining of the ranking of gods basically the power ranking system they'll be easy for everyone to understand}

{God ranking from weakest to strongest}

[Low -tier

Low -mid -tier

Low-High -tier

Mid -low -tier

Mid -tier









{that is the ranking system for God like deities in my story}

{ for anyone who don't know this Slaanesh is both genders male and female that is way I have it as she/he/it because that's exactly what Slaanesh is A creature of every form of gender imaginable and for that reason it's able to swing both ways so if anyone else confused by my classification of she/he/it just give me your questions if you're still confused}

{And I will make an effort to improve in spot misspellings the best I can I'm still a new writer to all this in trying to deliver good stories so I thank you for your comments and your reviews}

{I give out special thanks to one of my readers no_Hope thank you for your comments and reviews and I expect to keep seeing you reading my books if they're entertaining enough that is I think you all for your support in this novel and hope that you continue to give me your support now I gotta get back to writing my next chapter}