Take in stock

Many days have passed since The marriage of the cosmic Lord of light and the new star queen Lileath As they both get to know each other more on a personal level and once that is done cosmic Lord of light begin taking stock of all of the reserve resources he has available.

Starting in the weapons armory checking out all the Weapons and armor and trinkets he's created throughout his life you're in the sea of souls first starting with the weapons all of them being grade -A as for the armor their grade-A through grade-B counting them all brought the weapons and armor to a total of 3 billion each making a total of 6 billion and for the trinkets such as rings bracelets and necklaces all grade-C and the numbers of those trinkets coming up to 4 billion giving a whopping total of items in the Armory a Total of 10 billion items.

After finishing writing down the items in the Armory and moves on to his army to see his current numbers of forces.

With his army assembled he begins to count each one and much time later after he finish counting he begins writing down his Legion's numbers.

He has a total of 106 legions and in each legion is 10,000 troops which he will have more legions in the future but for now the current numbers are good he just has to spend some time making more but he can do that at any time but for now after cataloging his soldiers and legions he begins making his way around his realm of a silver city because he never knows how big the place was yeah he made it but he never got around to see everything around him.

After spending much time looking searching and writing down different things about his realm do you come to the conclusion his realm in size it's a least 80 Mars size planets making his realm extremely big and every inch of it covered in silver like metal that forms his cities and even watch when a new pieces merged with his realm and City spires automatically build on the new pieces.

It was fascinating to watch the process of it all but the cosmic God cannot stay and watch it forever.

Having everything done on the checklist the cosmic god begun making his way to his crafting chambers were the he crafts and create all forms of trinkets and items.

Sitting down at his desk and reaches into his inventory and pulls out a horn of Slaanesh he got from the system reward.

Began to look at the piece with entry as it radiates chaotic energy not enough to be a problem but just enough to get a man curious.

He begins thinking of different things to make with this piece he thought long and hard of what he can create with it.

An idea struck him and he grabs his forging Hammer and takes the horn to his forge and begun forging away upon the item and within a span of five years The cosmic god emerges from his forge and in his hands is a small jewel the size of a softball glistening with power cause if you look into the orb you can see raw chaotic power with inside it however you also glimpse of silver light in it as well flickering once in a while taming the chaotic energy and in that instance becomes more chaotic and the process repeats.

The cosmic God looks at his newest creation with much Pride for in his hands is the raw form of chaos energy in a small orb with a bit of his own Energy in side it.

it wasn't easy stabilizing the energy inside it took much trial and error but all of it was worth it but it also shows the energy the chaos gods have is very very wild and difficult to control.

However if you can control it you can do so many things with it after all every deity has different energy towards them and behaves differently compare to each other and what he did was take the energy of Slaanesh and a bit of his own energy and mixed it creating the orb with his hands.

(Cosmic god) now what am I gonna do with you Little gem stone.

The cosmic God says as he looks at his newest creation and after much thinking decided is that to put it in his inventory for now he may have a use for his new item later which is now naming the world orb.

Putting the world orb in the inventory begins making way towards his library The hopes of finding ways to use his new item and to research newer magics and spend time with his wife which She is spending a lot of time in the library reading so many books which he enjoy spending any form of time with her either reading books and dinner or any other fun activities he's just thankful not to be alone in his pearly White Castle.


{Authors note: sorry for the wait on this chapter I had to do stuff for my mother on Mother's Day and help out in her garden it's the least I can do for the things she has done for me so I apologize for the late chapter and hope you like it review it send power stones if you like it and hope you all have a good Mother's Day.